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The end has come

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    Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
    I agree that maybe you shouldn't tell him what to do, and just suggest, but at the same time, he really shouldn't be getting mad at you for that. That's A LOT of money and his old room mate definitely needs to own up to that. Can't he take her to civil court? I'm sorry this happened though.
    That's the thing. He is REFUSING to let her take responsibility for it. Even though she wanted the cable, phone, and internet. He's stuck in a 1 year contract owing $176 a month for stuff he doesn't use. And apparently the company won't let him renegotiate the contract to just internet without paying 200 bucks.


      Originally posted by TwoThree View Post
      Ahava was just trying to be helpful, no need to take out your anger and frustration on her.
      I know she was and I appreciate it. I apologized for acting like an ass.


        Without knowing the whole story, I could not really begin to guess how to deal with that situation or even where to start. I understand your not wanting to go public about it all, if you want a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent to, please feel free to PM me. I am truly sorry for your pain.
        "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
        Benjamin Franklin


          Originally posted by LadyDean View Post
          I know she was and I appreciate it. I apologized for acting like an ass.
          I have no hard feelings
          I'm sorry for the situation.

          I would think that with an agreement like that if the person who signed the agreement moves it should be ended or transferred with her or something?
          (I may be wrong)

          But isn't the main thing trying to get you guys back together, if it's posible.
          I understand if you don't want to talk in public, but if you want to continue this, pm me


            There is no chance of us getting back together. None. He is determined we are through and the finger is being pointed at me. He refuses to discuss anything and all he says is he is sorry and he will always love me. That he's here as my friend. He doesn't want to tell me why. He doesn't want to tell me anything.


              We finally talked at work yesterday. Talked and not yelled. He explained his reasons. Too late. He waited until after the fight and after the breakup which now makes it harder to come back from. He says he told me during the fight. I don't recall. He does but thinks he used different words and not the ones he did when we were talking. He may have, bu typed them all in capslock so I only saw yelling. I don't know what's going to happen. He said he needs time to think. I suggested not contacting him until he was ready. He said no, he needed to talk to me. Maybe that's good. A good sign that he doesn't want me to give him space. Idk. I'm so scared and upset and hurt. I know he is too.


                Originally posted by LadyDean View Post
                We finally talked at work yesterday. Talked and not yelled. He explained his reasons. Too late. He waited until after the fight and after the breakup which now makes it harder to come back from. He says he told me during the fight. I don't recall. He does but thinks he used different words and not the ones he did when we were talking. He may have, bu typed them all in capslock so I only saw yelling. I don't know what's going to happen. He said he needs time to think. I suggested not contacting him until he was ready. He said no, he needed to talk to me. Maybe that's good. A good sign that he doesn't want me to give him space. Idk. I'm so scared and upset and hurt. I know he is too.
                Let the temps rest and remember what I talked to you about. I hope it works out for you. For now, go out and have a few girl drinks with your buds and let the tension go.
                "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                Benjamin Franklin


                  I'm sorry to hear this! Please take time to heal and do something nice for yourself
                  Our love story:
                  Attended the same high school 2004-2007
                  Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
                  Reconnected: August 2012
                  Began dating LD: November 2012
                  Engaged! March 2014
                  Closing the distance: December 2015


                    Thanks everyone for your kind words and advice. I sincerely appreciate every bit of it. We talked and he is going to call me probably tomorrow night or Sunday to officially end things. I asked him not to just break up with me at work on Skype. So he is calling. The last time I ever hear his voice is telling me goodbye. The worst part is I won't have anyone to turn to after. Don't want to bring my drama to any of my friends. So now I wait until that dreadful point where I get my heart re-shattered by him. No, by this whole thing.

