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Things we say out of fear, anger, pride or ignorance!

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    Things we say out of fear, anger, pride or ignorance!

    I remember telling him that "Love was dead to me", before we were serious, because I couldn't accept he might be genuine. It was quite awhile ago now but nevertheless wish I hadn't said it and I still cringe.

    Ever regretted something you said to your SO? Something that popped out before brain had engaged or at the height of fear, anger, pride or ignorance?

    I remember when we first began dating, he asked me if I "wanted a free ticket to Disney World" since he works there and I knew he wanted us to meet ASAP because of his last relationship. I turned it down using my mom as an excuse and every time he pressed it my excuses got worse, even when he offered me a job there. I regret doing that because now he believes I'm too scared to actually go through with meeting him and it hurts.


      i once said in anger i dont believe in the future and he interpreted it as i dont believe in a future with us and got so sad im really sorry


        Yes, I have said things in the heat of the moment. As soon as they slipped out of my mouth I wanted to slap myself. I always apologized after though.


          I as well said that love and men basically are dead to back when we started talkin, and he always said not every man is like that and after a while would even prove me wrong.
          I think that I also said once that I'm afraid that we'll never meet (it was at the time we started admittin our feeligns for each other).
          Other than that I cant remember anythin I regret. Of course sometimes you say things you might shouldnt but in the end it turns out like it was really needed to be said to solve things or somethin so yea.


            There was one time I admitted something to my SO about my past - a certain problem I had and that I was starting to struggle with again. Rather than give me any sort of compassionate response, he told me I needed to suck it up and just deal with it and be an adult. I got so angry that I told him I never wanted to talk about my problem or my past with him ever again. And while I have a ping of regret, I'm so prideful I know I'll never bring any of that up again.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              I've called him terrible names in the heat of the fight and I've said horrible things I regret


       first I was so negative about men....and I know that hurt him....but probably the most hurtful thing was...."just go is your free will be easier on you anyway"....but it led to a huge opening up on my part.....but I feel so stupid in saying it... The look in his eyes I will never forget.
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  I have said some mean things during the heat of the moment, but I always apologize right afterward and we move on from it.


                    I frequently say the first thing the pops into my head instead of thinking it thru.... He knows its just how I am, but I can always see the pain written across his face. I think I may be a bit lucky he has a bad short term memory problem and most things he forgets after a few hours. Still I know I say things and I just want to smack myself every single time.


                      having ADD that happens to me alot, thank god Denise understands that but still gets hurt or upset when i say things without thinking, made her cry twice and that broke my heart because i didnt mean to do that it just what i said something i shouldnt have without thinking , now when im upset i attempt to think before i say anything


                        I do that all the time, I just let things come out before thinking and I get misunderstood a lot because of that. I actually HAVE slapped myself sometimes (it helps people to forget me better cause it makes them laugh ).

                        Just today Andy texted me and said something which I took the wrong way (without really thinking it) and texted him back with a nasty comment. We haven't talked since and I feel terrible now after having time to think it through, I did leave him an offline message saying I'm sorry and blamed it all on my periods lol.

                        I hope he'll talk to me tomorrow.


                          When my boyfriend first went to china, he was in a bit of a rut. Everyone here at home thought it was the stupidest thing he had ever decided to do. At one point I got fed up with all his debbie downer emails about how things weren't going good, that he couldn't find a job, that Aaron had met all these people and that he didn't know anyone and blah blah blah. So instead of me being supportive like I should have been, I emailed him back stating that maybe this wasn't the best decision that he made and that maybe he should really rethink what he did and if it's really worth him being there. He then didn't email me back for a few days and finally I talked to him on Skype and he told me that he was sick of me not being supportive and that he thought me of all people would be the person who would tell him that everything would work out and not tell him that he had made a huge mistake.

                          I didn't realize how I worded the email that it came across as me being unsupportive and have to admit that looking back on it, I was being somewhat selfish because I thought that maybe if things weren't working out, that he'd come home, I had to rethink and apologize to him because I realize that it was either him going to China and working there teaching english or he was going to join the army, I'd much rather have him standing in front of 10 year old chinese kids than standing on the front lines.



                            I once told Obi "You're not my special person and you never will be". I lied.
                            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                              I told him I couldn't trust him (this is before were serious)
                              I trust him with my life...
                              This little girl's heart is California bound.

