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LDR Boyfriend showing less interest

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    LDR Boyfriend showing less interest

    Hi to all, I'm new to this forum and I joined because I'm having some problems with my LDR.
    Me and my boyfriend met through the internet because of friends in common, we used to talk and flirt and then he came over to my city to meet and we started dating. We have been dating for 5 months. 2 months after he came over I traveled to his city to visit him, everything went great and I was so sad to come back. In two weeks I'm visiting him again (I go because he works and I'm currently unemployed so it's easier for me to go there).
    The thing is I've recently noticed he is showing less and less interest. For instance we can go two or three days without talking. Sometimes we haven't talked in days and then I see he's online somewhere and it makes me feel sad that he has time for Twitter but not for me. Or sometimes I find out he goes out to parties but he never tells me stuff, like he never shares anything he does with me while I tell him basically everything I do. I dont want to control him I just want to know what goes on in his life!
    I've talked to him about this and he always says he's sorry, that he just forgets or he's busy, and that he will try not to do it. It frustrates me because I dont feel like I'm asking for too much, I just want communication and to feel like he loves me and is commited. He once told me that he feels like I'm exaggerating, I have anxiety issues and I'm very insecure so that may be true. I try distracting myself and not making a big deal out of it but I cant help to feel like he's losing interest. I feel like maybe the honeymoon phase is over for him but it hurts me because it's nor over for me.
    Another issue is that when we started dating we made plans for him to move to my city and maybe live together, and a few days ago I asked him if he still wants to move here and he said he wants to but is unsure cause he's kinda scared. That really hit me cause I always thought 'well we have problems but he's making efforts to move here soon' and now I feel like he's not making any effort at all in our relationship.
    I want to talk to him about this more thoroughly when we meet in two weeks, but I dont know what to say, I dont want to sound too crazy (cause I dont know if my anxiety/insecurity makes me feel like its a much bigger issue than it is), Im not asking for communication 24/7 all I want is to feel loved, but I have asked for this and he never does anything about it. I feel like crap for worrying so much about this but I feel like he definetly CAN make that effort but he just DOESNT' want to.
    Please help!
    (ps. sorry if my english is bad)

    I would say to just talk to him about it,ask him why he's so scared of moving there to be with you,maybe he's scared of the commitment,I know if my bf wasn't talking to me,I would defitly sit down and talk to him about it,and tell him how it makes you feel.


      Thanks for your reply, yeah I hope that talking face to face will solve this, hopefully he will understand that what he's doing is making me feel sad.


        Just be up front and talk to him. I hope it works out

