See my "Crap. Again?" Post below.
David and I will be officially together for 2 months next week. It's been great. Our first date was an overnight one and lasted 30 hours (yep, got that out of the way and WOW! lol) We've had a total of 5 "dates", only one was shorter than the first one, and this last one was a 4 day road trip to Niagara Falls! We've spent a lot of time in hotels, as we've only had one overnight at my place and one at his. Therein lies the problem. (We are 3.5 hours apart.)
I work odd days. Will have weekends off twice a month, and 2 weekdays those other 2 weeks. He works M-F, and has his son on Tuesday nights, and Friday through Sunday. Which in and of itself isn't the issue, as I met his son last visit and we got along well. It's his parents that are the biggest problem, making the distance thing worse.
I can't even go up there and spend my days off with him overnight, because his parents have been staying with him for 3 months since they sold their house because they haven't been able to find another. They have his room, and he sleeps on a twin size air mattress on the floor of his son's room. His house is smaller than mine, about 900 sq ft. Mine is almost 1200, for comparison, just to show you how cramped it is. And they have boxes stored in every possible inch of the place. So I can't even spend the night if I go up there and meet him after work for a few hours when I have the next day off. I tried it once, driving home at 9:30pm after spending almost 6 hours with him, and I was so tired that I had to pull over several times and it turned the 3.5 hour drive home into a 5.5 hour drive home. We've gotten a hotel once, but can't keep doing that as it's expensive and it already costs $40/50 in gas each trip.
With my schedule, it's impossible for him to come here, because he either works or has his son on my days off.
There's no end in sight for him to have his house back, because his mom can't seem to find any houses she likes, and the winter housing slump is about to hit. And he's too damn nice to tell them he can't stand having them there any more.
I'm really frustrated. Other than that, everything is going great! More stories to come!
Any words of wisdom?
David and I will be officially together for 2 months next week. It's been great. Our first date was an overnight one and lasted 30 hours (yep, got that out of the way and WOW! lol) We've had a total of 5 "dates", only one was shorter than the first one, and this last one was a 4 day road trip to Niagara Falls! We've spent a lot of time in hotels, as we've only had one overnight at my place and one at his. Therein lies the problem. (We are 3.5 hours apart.)
I work odd days. Will have weekends off twice a month, and 2 weekdays those other 2 weeks. He works M-F, and has his son on Tuesday nights, and Friday through Sunday. Which in and of itself isn't the issue, as I met his son last visit and we got along well. It's his parents that are the biggest problem, making the distance thing worse.
I can't even go up there and spend my days off with him overnight, because his parents have been staying with him for 3 months since they sold their house because they haven't been able to find another. They have his room, and he sleeps on a twin size air mattress on the floor of his son's room. His house is smaller than mine, about 900 sq ft. Mine is almost 1200, for comparison, just to show you how cramped it is. And they have boxes stored in every possible inch of the place. So I can't even spend the night if I go up there and meet him after work for a few hours when I have the next day off. I tried it once, driving home at 9:30pm after spending almost 6 hours with him, and I was so tired that I had to pull over several times and it turned the 3.5 hour drive home into a 5.5 hour drive home. We've gotten a hotel once, but can't keep doing that as it's expensive and it already costs $40/50 in gas each trip.
With my schedule, it's impossible for him to come here, because he either works or has his son on my days off.
There's no end in sight for him to have his house back, because his mom can't seem to find any houses she likes, and the winter housing slump is about to hit. And he's too damn nice to tell them he can't stand having them there any more.
I'm really frustrated. Other than that, everything is going great! More stories to come!
Any words of wisdom?