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Can you please help me to figure out my relationship, pleeeeeeaaasseee???

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    Can you please help me to figure out my relationship, pleeeeeeaaasseee???

    Hello everybody. I'm a first time poster (buuuut....have been a lurker for quite some time now )
    Was wondering if you guys can provide me advice to figure out my "relationship".

    (I apologise in advance for the grammar mistakes or incoherence. I'm still working on my English)

    Okay so, I met this guy online 5-6 months ago. I was never expecting to develop feelings for him. I was very hesitant about having feelings for him but he managed to make me fall for him (I say fall because I feel that I've fallen in love with him). He was constantly throwing hints that he wanted to get into a relationship when we didn't know that well, I think (or I like to think) that we both were blinded by love or feelings that it made us go fast on this whole thing. After 3.5 months of knowing eachother we decided to be exclusive. He said "now you're my girlfriend"- I was happy.

    Here is where my problem lies. He used to be so affectionate at first but then after getting in a relationship he stopped being affectionte, we used to talk daily, he used to talk to me when he was out partying with his friends or out doing whatever, now days he doesn't do that and we don't talk as much as we used to. We still talk but not daily.

    He stopped saying he missed me and that I meant something to him and that he wanted to be with me so bad... this is the main reason why our relationship has been unstable for the last 1.5 months. I always tell him how bad I wish he was affectionate like he used to be and he says that he's being affectionate and he gets upset and he looks hurt (he once cried while I was talking to him about this. He was drunk though). He says "how ridiculous is this, gf doesn't trust I like her". He says that he wants me to trust him (by the way, i have major trust issues). I've tried to break up with him but he doesn't seem to give up. I've brought up the affection subject for the past 1.5 months and even though he gets upset and says that he can't handle me "accusing" him of not being affectionate, he still seems to want me.

    At some point, I remember telling him I love you and he responded "don't love me, you haven't even met me yet". I don't think he takes our relationship seriously. Specially because of the fact that "we haven't even met yet". Sometimes I think that we're in two different pages, I feel that I am more connected to him emotionally and he seems to be more into the physical aspect (even though he once mentioned that he was emotionally attached to me but he doesn't show it anymore). I really love him but he doesn't feel the same way. He says that I'm very important to him and that I mean so much to him but... I don't know, I wish he felt the same as I do. i wish he loved me too.

    I'm so confused. Sometimes I want to give up cause I feel I am not smart or beautiful enough (I don't even think I'm pretty for christ sakes) for him and that he might be playing with my mind.

    Thanks for reading <333

    Your English is fine firstly, don't think you aren't smart or beautiful enough for him. Don't down play yourself, ok? It seems that you've broched the subject of affection quite a lot and he still hasn't done anything. I guess you might have to decide if you are willing to accept that or not. By the way I'm sorry but that comment of "you don't love me we haven't even met yet" was very harsh. I guess you could try being affectionate towards him more and see if he responds. Otherwise I think you'll have to decide if you're wanting to continue with things knowing he's going to be like this.
    Last edited by Redheart14; September 30, 2014, 06:16 PM.


      I find when I'm confused about something, I usually really know the answer but don't want to deal with the reality. The change in the relationship is hurting your self-esteem. If for no other reason, that should be enough for you to walk away. A relationship shouldn't make you feel bad about yourself. You have communicated to him how you feel and he's done nothing about it. You don't deserve that. You deserve to feel special, loved, important and valuable.
      To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

      ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


        Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my poast.

        Where do I even start? I'm feeling slightly emotional right now, specially now that you've mentioned that the quote "don't t love me, we haven't even met yet" sounds harsh for you too. I thought I was being irrational ... and I'm trying not to think that my biggest fear (he playing me) might come true.

        I didn't even realise how much I kept bringing the affection subject. The only thing he does when i say that he's not being affectionate is that he gets upset at me and that he asks me to trust him. He says that people change, that's life. In a relationship you will either grow up together with your partner or you will grow apart. Like taking two different paths. It hurted my feelings but I tried not to say anything because I didn't want to cry in front of him (okay, now I'm crying for real).

        I sent him a text after talking about the affection problem (we have talked about this for like... I don't know how many times). We were apparently in good terms. I sent him a lenghty text saying that he is my everything and that I miss him so much and I wish he was with me and that I don't want anyone who's not him. I sent this message on Sunday. We didn't talk on Monday cause I think he was busy, I saw him online on whatsapp but he didn't reply to my message.


          Thank you for the advice.
          Seriously, now I'm feeling very sad. I knew there was something wrong with him and the relationship. I've thought about walking away several times but sometimes he would say something and it makes me forget about the issues for a minute and have feelings for him.

          I always say to myself that is time to break up but he would text me asking me to call him and seeing his face makes me feel good but at the same time I feel disconnected Because I know he doesn't feel the same way about me.


            A relationship should enhance your life, not define your life. Relationships do have ups and downs. However, if it is making you more miserable than happy, it's time to let go. Every day wasted with someone that you aren't meant to be with is possibly one less day with the right person.
            To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

            ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


              Is just that... I love him. Even if he doesn't feel the same way as I feel about him, I love him. I know I sound stupid.

              What would we your opinion in regards of the reply that I gave to RedHeart14 post.

              I'll copy-paste it here cause I'd love to hear your opinion.

              Where do I even start? I'm feeling slightly emotional right now, specially now that you've mentioned that the quote "don't t love me, we haven't even met yet" sounds harsh for you too. I thought I was being irrational ... and I'm trying not to think that my biggest fear (he playing me) might come true.

              I didn't even realise how much I kept bringing the affection subject. The only thing he does when i say that he's not being affectionate is that he gets upset at me and that he asks me to trust him. He says that people change, that's life. In a relationship you will either grow up together with your partner or you will grow apart. Like taking two different paths. It hurted my feelings but I tried not to say anything because I didn't want to cry in front of him (okay, now I'm crying for real).

              I sent him a text after talking about the affection problem (we have talked about this for like... I don't know how many times). We were apparently in good terms. I sent him a lenghty text saying that he is my everything and that I miss him so much and I wish he was with me and that I don't want anyone who's not him. I sent this message on Sunday. We didn't talk on Monday cause I think he was busy, I saw him online on whatsapp but he didn't reply to my message.


                I would love if someone ..... .... I...

                help? please? I need advice that would either help me to figure out what to do or end my suffering.


                  I may be out of line here, but have you ever thought about that the fact that you have major trust isseues may make HIM not feel loved? He is obviously hurt by your inability to trust him. You also seem to think he should change his ways, but regard your own behaviour as your personality.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                    Well he said don't love me, you haven't even met me yet.

                    I didn't use to doubt about the feelings he says he has for me until now that we decided to be in a relationship.


                      Well, the more serious, the more scary it is, that is how it is for everybody.
                      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                        Should I just let go this whole issue and accept that he will get colder or distant because the more serious it gets, the scary it is? Should I accept that being distant is okay and I have to deal with it?


                          Originally posted by Isaa View Post
                          Should I just let go this whole issue and accept that he will get colder or distant because the more serious it gets, the scary it is? Should I accept that being distant is okay and I have to deal with it?
                          But you don't even know if that's the reason why he's acting this way. To me it sounds like he's pulling away because he doesn't want to get emotionally attached to someone he hasn't met. He even said it. Ask him if/when you guys can meet.


                            He wants me to fly to the UK for the Holidays and he offered to pay for the plane tickets. I told him that what he wanted to do is a big gesture and that I felt bad about him doing that but he says that he wants me to be there and that I don't need to feel bad about accepting him paying for the tickets.


                              Sounds like a chance for you to get together and talk

