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Cuddling and Sleeping

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    Cuddling and Sleeping

    So I'm guessing I'm probably in the minority, but when I'm sleeping, I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm finicky, but I just need to get like, that perfect comfortable to get to sleep. I roll from one side to the other a few times typically before I actually fall asleep.

    So as far as falling asleep while cuddling, we tried, but I just wasn't able to get used to it, so we have our separate sides of the bed when we sleep. I feel really bad that I'm not able to, and I wish I could, because I'm sure she would appreciate it, and I sure wouldn't mind it either.

    But anyways, to the point! My question is, for those of you who've spent the night with your SO, is he a snuggler as you fall asleep type of guy, or more like myself? Or maybe even some of the ladies have my curse? I'd like to know if I'm in the minority or majority! Though I'm guessing minority, QQ lol. >.>

    we both like to snuggle before we sleep yeah but we usually end up not doing so while we are asleep because we both tend to move around alot when we sleep, if i wake up and im not snuggling with her i'll purposely put a leg or arm on her so im touching her at least


      depends really...we both enjoy cuddling when going to sleep, but sometimes we just need sleeping on our own sides of the bed...but usually i go to sleep before he does so he just gives me his arm to cuddle so he can do stuff on his laptop, and then he will snuggle up to me later on


        It depends how hot I am. If I'm too hot, I just cant do it. It's uncomfortable. I'll go to Finland again in October and I guess it'll be freezing there which means in her place the heating will be on really hot.. and it'll probably be too hot for me to do that. I went there at the start of August, and though it was really hot (+30 degrees or something) we could sleep with the window open so it wasnt too hot.

        So yeah, just depends

        I would prefer to sleep cuddling though. She always pushes me against the wall while we're sleeping, and I'll wake up right against the wall with her pinning me there (with her bum) most of the time

        Mmm, I miss sleeping with her.. (literally, sleeping )


          I'm definitely not a snuggle until we sleep person. I don't mind snuggling for a while right when we go to bed, and then when we wake up in the morning, but I can't sleep in his arms. It gets too hot and we're both people who need it to be cool in order to sleep. Also I twitch in my sleep, which could potentially lead to unpleasant occurrences.

          I think it's normal.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            Originally posted by sam View Post
            I would prefer to sleep cuddling though. She always pushes me against the wall while we're sleeping, and I'll wake up right against the wall with her pinning me there (with her bum) most of the time
            Teheh, oops. That's what you get for moving away from me so I have to follow :P Good thing the wall is always there to stop you from falling off the bed x)

            I looooooooveloveloveee falling asleep in his arms and staying there.. all night through but yeah, it does get too hot sometimes and we can't stay like that always have to cuddle for at least a little while before we fall asleep, it's a must :P ♥


              I'm not big on cuddling when sleeping. I tend to move around a lot. I do like touching toes though when I sleep, just to know they are there beside me.


                Me and Travis can fall asleep cuddling, usually his arm around me or my head on his chest, but it gets really hot so sometimes I move.


                  My bf and me usually fall asleep with me, my head on his chest or I hug him from the side or the other way round. We always fall asleep, cuddling We love it
                  "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                    I used to be like you and so is she where in our own beds we move around like crazy but when we share a bed we have no problem falling asleep in each othrs arms, she usually passes out first and then i'm like oh man i gotta move to be more comfortable and then within seconds i'm asleep too. I wake up in the exactly position we were in.
                    Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                    Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                    Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                    Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                    Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                      haha, that's a little cute. ^^ I'm horrible at getting comfortable at night and have to change positions so many times to get the one that might be just right. When I was visiting Alex we tried the first couple nights different cuddle places (my head against his chest, us facing each other, etc, etc) but when we woke we'd always have migrated to opposite sides of the bed. The last couple nights, however, he decided he liked holding me from behind when we slept and...that's extremely comfortable for both of us ^^; we like snuggling and cuddling (except I like it a little more than he) it just took us the better part of a week to figure out what position we like cuddling in when we fall asleep together. ^^
                      it's so nice, too, because his favorite thing to do right before we fall asleep is he'll kiss my shoulder. >w< sounds silly, but it makes me blush and makes me feel special.


                        Originally posted by folclor View Post
                        haha, that's a little cute. ^^ I'm horrible at getting comfortable at night and have to change positions so many times to get the one that might be just right. When I was visiting Alex we tried the first couple nights different cuddle places (my head against his chest, us facing each other, etc, etc) but when we woke we'd always have migrated to opposite sides of the bed. The last couple nights, however, he decided he liked holding me from behind when we slept and...that's extremely comfortable for both of us ^^; we like snuggling and cuddling (except I like it a little more than he) it just took us the better part of a week to figure out what position we like cuddling in when we fall asleep together. ^^
                        it's so nice, too, because his favorite thing to do right before we fall asleep is he'll kiss my shoulder. >w< sounds silly, but it makes me blush and makes me feel special.
                        Same with me and my bf except he kisses my forehead before we fall asleep
                        "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


                          I didn't know if I would be able to sleep with someone but when I was with my SO it was really easy. I don't know how he felt about it but being held by him and wrapping myself around him while I slept, I don't think I've ever slept so well in my life~
                          Met: 2.20.10
                          Started Dating: 4.22.10
                          Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
                          First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
                          Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
                          Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


                            My boyfriend's like you. In fact, he'll often end up shoved into the furthest corner. XD I'll often cuddle back up to him once he's asleep, and I can tell he likes that.

                            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                              Marc and I sleep in a completely tangled, cuddly mess! If one of us moves or wakes up, we just kind of snuggle back in's second nature, and we just.. fit.

