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Cuddling and Sleeping

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    It really depends. Sometimes we cuddle but sometimes we don't. It just depends on what our bodies think is comfortable for the night.


      I think the movies condition people to think that lovers should sleep all night long in each other's arms. My SO and I have been fortunate enough to spend plenty of nights together and we usually rest for a while with her in my arms but end up getting into our normal sleeping positions eventually. That doesn't feel unromantic to me. It's perfect to just wake up occasionally during the night and see her there and then cuddle again in the morning when we wake.


        Me and my boyfriend are both bed hogs and blanket hogs XD we move around alot but it always usually ends up in a spooning position with his arm draped over me. i always tend to take that arm and hug it closer to me in my sleep so i know its right there behind me. im not sure how he likes it but it sure helps me sleep better. I'm that type of person that likes to have someone close by in bed with me....could be childhood trauma from not leaving my moms bed til I was like 11 or so, but go figure lol I definitely love to cuddle when I'm sleeping.


          Originally posted by stacyrose View Post
          Me and my boyfriend are both bed hogs and blanket hogs XD we move around alot
          You have summed up both my and my bf's sleeping habits right there. Almost every night is a blanket fight. For a while before we went LD, I actually would keep two blankets on my bed so we wouldn't steal from each other.

          If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


            Originally posted by squiddie View Post
            You have summed up both my and my bf's sleeping habits right there. Almost every night is a blanket fight. For a while before we went LD, I actually would keep two blankets on my bed so we wouldn't steal from each other.
            Lol, that reminds me of my bf and me. The first few nights he slept in bed with me we always had bed fights, though not really fights he'd usually just let me have the blanket and then he got all cold, coz we always lie in a cuddle position and of course I woke up at night then coz I felt how cold his arm got, so I pulled the blanket over him again. But then I gave him his own blanket and things were fine:P He's just such a gentleman <3 I still feel sorry that he had to freeze sometimes..
            "If it takes...forever....I will wait for you...For a thousand summers...I will wait for you...'Till you're back back beside me...'till i'm holding you...'till I hear you sigh, here in my arms..."


              We're usually both snugglers, except if it's too hot and sticky, then we'll just hold hands.
              We don't just settle into one position and manage to stay that way, there's a bit of progression. We have cuddle posisitons that 99% of the time don't result in sleep but help us relax enough to doze off, and once we're close we roll into a new position. We even have names for the better ones so we don't have to describe what we want because we're lame. If one of us disturbs during the night we tend to find the other and snuggle back in to sleep - even if that means waking the other to get them to lift their head, or move an arm or something.

              We both twitch in our sleep, there have been headbuts and a minor black eye here or there, and sometimes we'll be holding hands too tightly and the next day my hands ache terribly, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I like the sense of security I get from him being right there.

              I really hate my "spare arm" though. You know the one - the arm that's in the way when snuggling in bed. The one that's always getting squished between bodies or crushed under one's own ribs. Gah! I wish I could disconnect my spare arm and hang it on the wall at night....
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                Nope, Joe isn't a snuggler. He needs his space when he goes to sleep. He's just not used to sharing a bed with someone else (actually, neither am I, lol), so I have no doubt that we'll get to a point where we can fall asleep while cuddling together.


                  My boyfriend is the same way. We'll start out snuggling, but unless he zonks out pretty quickly, he shifts positions a lot and we end up on separate sides of the bed. I'm also a stomach sleeper, so I'm not very comfortable with his arm around me or snuggling into his chest. Just that he's next to me is enough, and he usually cuddles with me in the mornings when he starts to wake up.

                  If we take short naps in the afternoon, those are the only times he'll ever fall asleep and hold me the whole time. So I love napping with him.
                  "All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need."


                    We're definate snugglers and the most comfortable, warm and safe place i've ever found is when he's cuddled up close behind me and i'm completely wrapped up in him. Saying that though, i'm a complete figgit, fortunatly he seems to be more than happy to have his limbs dragged around until i've got his arms and legs in all the right places for a nice comfy snuggle, then as soon as i'm about to fall asleep I revert straight back to my usual, on my stomach star fish, pose. I'm just lucky that he's relaxed about being shoved about by me through the night, although we have only spent about 7 weeks in the same bed over the last year or so, who knows if his patience would last in the long term.


                      It takes some getting used to, my boyfriend at first would try to fall asleep with his arm around me and he would always tell me that he just felt trapped and that he couldn't do it. Over a few months of us falling asleep together, he actually started to get used to it and actually liked to do it. I think that it might be difficult to get that comfort when we're in ldr's because it's hard to get used to sleeping with someone. I couldn't tell you if he's gone back to being uncomfortable with sleeping like that over the past 4 months that he's been abroad, but I can tell you that at the beginning of our relationship he wasn't much different from you.



                        Me and Luke love snuggling/cuddling whenever we're watching movies or just sitting together.
                        We'll often spoon and cuddle together when we sleep, but with separate blankets. He and I both found out the hard way that in my sleep, I tend to hog alllll the blankets and leave him in the cold. I actually didn't believe him when he told me I did this, but when we woke up the next morning after he gave us separate blankets, his was still on him and mine was on the floor XD


                          I like to have a cuddle before i go to sleep but when im actually sleeping i tend to stick to my side of the bed, although i do like to fall asleep with my leg or bum touching him so i know hes there, i cant sleep cuddling him for two he kicks out so much heat i feel like im melting lol and two we both sleep in different positions that just dont mix wen cuddling but defo a cuddle before we sleep then again wen we wake....

                          so i would say you're in the majority


                            Neither one of us are serious cuddlers, but he usually manages to do it after we're sleeping. We fall asleep on our own sides, but end up together, weird huh?
                            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                              We love to cuddle...and usually I lay with my back to him and his arms around me as we drift off...but usually after awhile...we drift to our own sides of the bed....sigh...just want to be in his presence..
                              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

