We've been waiting for him to come visit, our first time meeting in person for over a year now. It's been a long journey because when we first met he was working part time and barely getting any hours. Over the course of our relationship he managed to get a second part time job, which eventually turned into full time and save up enough money. For the past 6-7 weeks we've been waiting to get the list of available dates he can take off from his boss. But during this time things at my job were falling apart and it was taking a toll on my mental and physical health. I ended up quitting, and to my surprise managed to find a much better job within a weeks time. Now here we are, he finally has his list of dates but can only take off 5 days in the middle of December (weekdays, not even a weekend). I'll be at work, he will be stuck in a hotel room, and we will only get a few hours together in the evening. I had hopes of going to England 6 or so months after his visit, but now do to this new job, I won't have enough vacation time until around this time 2015. And I feel like our only options is to just call it quits. He may be able to handle going this long without being around each other, but I feel it's VITAL for me to be able to have that 'connection' that makes this a real relationship and not just something 'online'. I regret leaving my old job, if I would have stuck it out a little longer we wouldn't even have this problem