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Future wife?! What is he thinking?

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    Just the fact that after 3 months he hasn't trusted me with his phone number really speaks volumes. I'm tired of not feeling important or wanted and making all the efforts. I'm going to seriously consider ending things with him as i do not think he wants me, despite what he has said. I've been played ike a fiddle in 80% of my relationships, and instead of feeling intense joy, i feel dread and gloom. Im not sure how to approach him about this because I have wanted to end this before but he dosen't want to, or i come back. Its hard making the right decision, but i'm going to take some time and see what i come up with.


      In the span of a day you went from "omg he wants to marry me?" to "I'm going to seriously consider ending things"



        This is probably the 4th or 5th time I have said such. I have been thinking about things since he told me he loved me about a month and a half ago. I have told him I have doubts and worries many many times. I really do care about him and everything but every time I mention maybe just being friends and only friends he doesn't like that idea at all. Like I've been saying its hard to write all of this out using the right words.


          Originally posted by JC2122 View Post
          This is probably the 4th or 5th time I have said such. I have been thinking about things since he told me he loved me about a month and a half ago. I have told him I have doubts and worries many many times. I really do care about him and everything but every time I mention maybe just being friends and only friends he doesn't like that idea at all. Like I've been saying its hard to write all of this out using the right words.
          Well I hate to break it to him but a relationship involves two people and generally when one ends - at least one party isn't happy about it. Caring about someone and being in love with someone are two vastly different things. At this point, you have received all sorts of red flags and should you choose to end it, then he will just have to deal with that. His happiness or what he wants isn't your responsibility if you decide you are done with the relationship. He's a grown man and he will survive.
          To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

          ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


            he for some reason has been extremely distant the past 2 days and I told him that maybe you guys are right, referring to the forum comments. His exact reply was" Well its hard to talk when I'm working dear. But if that's how you feel" He irritates me so much sometimes. Its like why can't you do more for me. I just want to ask him that. I probably won't hear from him for another day or two and by then I hope to have come to a decision.


              It sucks he said that "I thought you wanted to marry me" because that isn't clear at all because he could be implying he thinks you're a tad clingy (which I doubt you are btw!). If he had said well maybe I want to marry... and hinted at anything to do with a special girl or even outright said you then it would be different, but his previous messages seemed a bit short, maybe he was irritated that you care what other people think enough to ask about age? That's usually what my SO goes quite about. And so he might just be testing the waters to see how serious you are about him if hes worried you care what people think? Again that's just what my SO is like


                Originally posted by JC2122 View Post
                he for some reason has been extremely distant the past 2 days and I told him that maybe you guys are right, referring to the forum comments. His exact reply was" Well its hard to talk when I'm working dear. But if that's how you feel" He irritates me so much sometimes. Its like why can't you do more for me. I just want to ask him that. I probably won't hear from him for another day or two and by then I hope to have come to a decision.
                I don't care how much someone works. When I had two jobs and was working 60+ hours a week and he has his own business where he can easily put in 14-16 hour days....we still made time every day. If someone wants to make time, they will....whether you are CD or LD. Honestly, it sounds like he leads you on just enough to keep you hanging. IMHO, I would end it, block him from contacting you and spend time on yourself. Charles J Orlando is a great resource on relationships. You can find him on facebook or his website is - I think you could find some good advice on there.
                To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                  Originally posted by R&R View Post
                  Honestly, it sounds like he leads you on just enough to keep you hanging.
                  What I've been saying since she first started posting on this site.


                    So tell me what this means:

                    He has sent maybe 20 messages in the past 2 days and the majority of which he has sent in the past hour this is how the conversation has gone.

                    This is the first message I sent Tuesday morning
                    Me Its freezing baby! Colorado is not in my future.
                    So: Well alrighty then
                    Me: whats the matter?
                    So: Nothing why
                    Me: You seem different
                    So: I only said three words. How can I sound different
                    Me: Because usually you'd make some joke or something
                    So: not really
                    Me: well alright
                    I guess not the response I thought I'd get
                    SO: Asking questions you expect a certain response to is a bad idea
                    Me: I didn't ask a question. I made a statement I thought was cute. I thought you'd smile
                    So: You're killing me with the semantics
                    Me: I don't know what that means
                    So: Never mind . But i'll talk to you later
                    Me: alright have a good day

                    This Is from Today:

                    Me: Did I do something to upset you
                    So: whats up
                    Me: Just wanted to say hi
                    So: so whats up buttercup
                    Me: I miss you
                    So I'm right here
                    Me; Well hi
                    So: Hi
                    Me Hru
                    So: I'm good just working as usual
                    Me: mhmm
                    I love you
                    Having a discussion about you and us, I'm trying to defend my man
                    So: With who today?
                    and I love you too
                    Me The online community
                    So: What now
                    Me: they say you are a creep, that you don't care, that you don't have time for me. That your not interested, your a player etc...
                    So : Because they don't know me
                    Me: thats why I said I was defending you
                    So: Thanks babe
                    Me: I posted one of our conversations
                    So: Why
                    Me Why not
                    So: because you're the one who has issues with me talking to other people about what we talk about
                    Me: No I don't, talk to whoever about whatever i don't mind. but keep in mind these are total strangers
                    So Does that make a difference?
                    Me: yes because the people you may talk to I may meet one day and I want a fair chance not a pre conceived idea about who I am
                    So: hmm I dunno about that
                    Me: y not
                    So: It's just how things are
                    Me: Well like i said i want you to talk to others about our conversations
                    Well I hope you have a good day
                    Maybe they are right this is stupid
                    So:Well its hard to talk when I'm working dear. But if that's what you think
                    Me: Well it makes me feel so sad, It's been 2 days
                    I'm about ready to just be done. I can get this cold shoulder treatment elsewhere, I don't need it or want it from my boyfriend. I'm tired very tired
                    So: It hasn't been 2 days
                    Me: today and yesterday
                    So: I haven't given anyone the cold shoulder
                    Me; Yes you have me
                    So: how so
                    Me: You've been gone
                    So: I haven't been gone, Ive been working
                    Me: ok
                    And if you refer to me as anyone I will cry
                    So: I was just saying you and everyone else. I don't do that ever
                    Me: Ok
                    It sure does feel that way
                    So: Because I can't spend all day talking to you? Because I have alot of work
                    Me: Ok anytime will do
                    So: I spent alot of time I didn't have this morning talking to you
                    Me: we didn't talk this morning
                    So; Yes we did, but ok
                    Me: Its just a bummer
                    So: Then find a guy who doesn't have a job
                    Me: Wow
                    I don't think I deserved that, just for missing you
                    So: No, but you've been complaining all night wasting what time we do have that you don't get enough time
                    Me: I'm sorry, How was your day?
                    So: Not good
                    Me: Did something go wrong?
                    So: yes but thats life
                    Me: I'm sorry
                    Well I'm sure you are tired
                    So: Its been a stressful day
                    Me: What happened
                    So: I was helping my mom today. She was in the hospital this morning
                    Me oh no
                    is she alright?
                    So: Its just the usual stuff, shell be fine
                    Me: oh is it because of her lupus
                    So: yes, its been causing her to have lots of siezures
                    Me: thats terrible
                    So: well yea
                    Me: Well im sorry you are dealing with that
                    So: Ive been dealing with it my whole life
                    Me: Thats scary and kinda sad
                    So: a lot of both
                    me: Thats so sad
                    So: My mom was diagnosed 40 yrs ago, Its all i know
                    Me: Really she had lupus when you were born?
                    So: before that, I didn't want to do the math
                    Me: thats very sad
                    So: I know. But nobody like to math
                    Me: Not the math love. Ur funny
                    So: I am funny
                    Me: Well goodnight
                    So: night
                    And that was tonight's conversation.... What do you think? Give him a chance?


                      If he is dragging you along, he's not going to say as much. People work, sometimes they don't have time for the other but like I said before, just because a person has a busy schedule doesn't mean they can't have a conversation with substance. I understand defending his work schedule and a lot of members on this site have SOs who have hectic work schedules. They still either talk on the phone once in a while or have more in-depth conversations on a messenger application. I'm saying this as a person completely neutral to your relationship: it sounds like he is not invested in your relationship and says certain things to appease you or keep you thinking he does. He doesn't sound like a creep. He sounds like he doesn't care. If you tell him this though, he's going to argue against it because no person wants to hear that.

                      Why does a person who love you refuse to give you his phone number after three months of being in a relationship? Your significant other should treat you better than that.
                      When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far,
                      no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.


                        There will never be a way to know without a doubt if someone wants to be with you forever and won't do anything to hurt you. You just have to trust them. If he wants to marry you he will let you know in time. And as for the age difference, if it doesn't matter to you at all then don't mention it. There is a slight age difference between my SO and I but it is never even mentioned/thought about unless someone is asking our ages or something.
                        "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
                        This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

                        "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
                        Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


                          Honestly the more conversations i read between you two he sounds like someone who is resisting the urge to yell,"omg shut up!!!" The way you talk to him, the constant questions, and telling him ur discussing your relationship with strangers online, I would be soooooooo annoyed! And I totally get that from his texts. Three words in ur assuming something is wrong, then you start the following conversation asking if u upset him and then half way through that conversation you ask if he is OK? Do you hear yourself?
                          "You want for myself
                          You get me like no one else
                          I am beautiful with you

                          I am beautiful with you
                          Even in the darkest part of me
                          I am beautiful with you
                          Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
                          You're here with me
                          Just show me this and I'll believe
                          I am beautiful with you"



                            If he loved you like you wish he did, you'd know it. You wouldn't have to be reading so much into his every word. It would just show.

                            Met online: 1/30/11
                            Met in person: 5/30/12
                            Second visit: 9/12/12
                            Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                              The more I read these conversations, they more ridiculous they really seem to be. I'm going to have to second what Ruby said.
                              I'm only 23, and I would never put up with conversations like that. It very much reminds me of something I would have done when I was 15 and just starting out with dating.

                              In his defense, you're never going to get any sort of answer from him if you keep doing this. How can he possibly answer you when no answer seems good enough? Why would he want to give you an answer knowing that you're going to turn around and tell a bunch of strangers, who he believes have a negative view of him already, everything? There's nothing wrong with needing advice and sharing information in order to get it. There is something wrong with basically being like, "I copy/pasted some of our conversations to a group of strangers and now they think you're a creepy jerk." That's not really fair to him. That being said...

                              Ultimately, I don't think he's particularly into this relationship at all. I'm not sure what he's looking for, but I don't think he's being genuine with you. I think you can find someone better.
                              Before you find someone better, though, you need to do some soul-searching. I've been in a few absolutely terrible relationships, so I get how they can completely destroy you and make you insecure. I think that this relationship is bringing out the worst in you, making you act in a way that you wouldn't normally behave. It's making you come across as childish and clingy. It makes me wonder if you're actually 22 (or possibly a troll), which is a problem. Relationships shouldn't do that to people. He doesn't have what you're looking for. If he did, you wouldn't be making these posts.

                              You're saying you love him, you've mentioned marriage, and you've only been dating a very short while. Where's the fire? Slow down. Take a few steps back. Look at how insecure he's making you feel, and cut him loose. You need to learn to love yourself and reclaim the autonomy that you've lost. Relationships go a whole lot better when you can function independently, and you aren't so easily strung along by unfulfilled promises of security. Also, you'll feel better overall.

                              Neither of you deserve the stress that the relationship seems to be causing.


                                I don't really know whats the problem with this conversation actually, apart from it being really short/dry...

                                As the others are saying, you are overthinking it way too much. You were just fooling around!!

                                And marrying a woman is NOT ew!

                                Edit: After reading another conv between you guys, it does seem a bit sketchy. Also, don't post every chat you have with him, he might not be OK with that lol :P
                                Last edited by Ambert; December 18, 2014, 02:01 AM.

