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thinking about starting again with ex after break up

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    thinking about starting again with ex after break up

    OK so we broke up about 8 months ago. The break up didnt end on bad terms, it was a compliation of her not bieng emotionally stable for a relationship. Since then we are still friends and talk occasionally

    The problem is she was my first girlfriend. I still think about her everyday. And how great it was that to have someone who loves you so much. I have thought about asking her of she wants to try again but i really dont known if its a good idea or not

    Any input would be greatly appreciated

    Unless she is emotionally more stable, then it is not going to be a good idea.

    TBH, I would say just move on, and meet some-one new. You can always remain friends with the Ex if you want to remain in contact with her


      I stayed in touch with my ex to some degree. However, after much deliberation, I removed him from any form of contact he might have with me. It was for the best. I'm not saying you should do the same; if you are both still in close contact, and she has managed to pull herself around, then why not give things a second chance? I believe in giving the benefit of the doubt to people, however. And this is the biggest point to consider. Can someone truly pull themselves together in a few months? I know, after a recently very emotional time, that it took me well over a year before I could say I was pulling myself together fully. It may not be such a good idea.

      On the other hand, I can also speak from experience that my current SO has pulled me up and his support through my emotional and depression-fueled times has been a godsend. I would not be in as good a frame of mind as I am right now were it not for him. And perhaps you could consider this when making your decision; maybe she NEEDS your love and support, but is afraid to ask for it. For you. Maybe she needs YOU to make that notion reality.

      Either way, good luck!


        Originally posted by p_b82 View Post
        Unless she is emotionally more stable, then it is not going to be a good idea.

        TBH, I would say just move on, and meet some-one new. You can always remain friends with the Ex if you want to remain in contact with her
        I agree with this. If you're saying she is emotionally unstable, would you really want to deal with that again? Yes in 8 months people can change a significant amount, but maybe you should continue to keep her as a friend. If you start dating again and realize she is still not emotionally stable, would it be worse ending it again? The first girlfriend/boyfriend is one that most people always remember, just like your "first" anything else. Since you two broke up only 8 months ago, you should try moving on first and finding someone new. Everything happens for a reason, if you two are meant to be together, you will be... but for now, try meeting new people maybe.

        Wish you the best with whatever you decide


          chances are if she didn't get any help to improve her situation it's probably not a good idea. people do change and if that's the case everyone deserves a second chance. you know how she is. is there improvement? if not then i wouldn't do it.

