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how did you confess to your SO

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    We met on tumblr and had been skyping CONSTANTLY about life and everything, we had been having a hard time with a lot, but also talked about silly crap.
    She had had a crush on me for way longer than she let on (I was told this later) but she thought I wasn't interested cause I had seen the end of a lot of failed relationships on her end (They didn't last very long lol) and I told her she gets too involved with people and to just not date for a while so she suppressed everything.
    We had agreed on EVERYTHING and I even said I'd date her if she was older, but later I realized that all the jokes about getting Friend-Married were actually me trying to hide my feelings from myself, and on November 6 2013, after having had a crazy week and realizing she helped me through all of it, I asked her out. Theoretically at first!

    I was like "What would you do if we were dating?" and she was like "I'd be pretty happy to be honest" and we did a bunch of that silly stuff and then I went "OK this'll work!" and asked her out, hehe.
    Met: Apr 2013
    Mutual interest: July 2013
    Relationship Began: November 6 2013
    First Visit (Her to Me): July 4 2014
    Second Visit (Me to Her): Jan/Feb 2015 Postponed due to sister having baby
    Second Visit! (Her to Me again): June 16 2015 - July 4 2015
    Engaged: June 29 2015 <3
    Third Visit: (Her to me, working on it) January 19 2016 - February 2 2016


      To be honest neither of us really confessed their feelings to each other. We got to know each other via instagram, started talking in kik and a few days after in whats app. The first few days we talked I stayed up until 6-7 Am (midnight his time) just to text with him. Since then we texted each and everyday and feelings for both of us grew stronger... at the beginning we just told each other that we enjoy talking to each other... someday it turned into that we liked each other and finally that we love each other. I can't exactly tell who said what first, I just think both of us knew pretty well what the other was feeling.

      What's funny about it is that I am texting about this in this exact moment with my SO because we are trying to decide which is the day when our relationship started because we never had a situation like "will you be my girlfriend?" we just saw each other as bf/gf over time. A few minutes ago I said to him "Well, we are talking since august, but of course it did take some time to realize that we want each other/love each other" and he just replied "well, that's true, it took us about 2 weeks or something "


        A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

        We were having a very lengthly talk about music together, after talking non-stop for about two weeks. This conversation lasted hours and we were sharing songs between each other. She then asked me about Mt. Eden and I told her I love those guys, to which she responded with "omg why are you so perfect??"
        Later that night I finally just dropped it and told her that I really, really like her and she said she likes me too. We're now two weeks away from meeting. <3
        Closed the distance: 14th January 2015


          He sent me a text telling me he had feelings for me. It was a very, very complicated situation an he expressed that. I said I felt the same but I couldn't ask him to do what would be required for us to be together. He said he wouldn't ask it of me either but be just had to let me know any way. We agreed to just see whàt happened. And never looked back.

          Met online: 1/30/11
          Met in person: 5/30/12
          Second visit: 9/12/12
          Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


            We met on an online streetfighter-style computer game (MMORPG) xD. He was a cocky player, so I hated his guts at first. And even more so when he was a sore loser lmao. Our story sounds kind of cliche, but his friend challenged him saying that he couldn't get with me (Mind you, he actually never told me about this bet until after a few months we were dating. He was embarrassed and scared that I would be very angry.) So they made a bet and he'd win if I fell for him/became his gf. He tried so hard to get with me, but I rejected him. At the time, I absolutely hated relationships that started online and never believed in them. Also, how dare this punk ask me to be his gf after being such a jerk in game LOL.
            Long story short, even though I kept rejecting him, he started to develop real feelings for me as we played together and talked to each other more and more. We were good friends for about four months and moved from talking in game to talking on MSN. That's were I basically started to fall for him too. It was a pretty emotional, confusing time for me, because I was strongly against online relationships lmao (and other things concerning other girls/guys, but I won't get into that). I couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to tell him that I was starting to fall for him. So on the midnight of April 8, 2012, I confessed. It wasn't easy though LOL- at first I confessed in a whole different language thinking that he wouldn't ever find out what it means. I said, "You're so stupid, don't you know that I love you?" However, I forgot about Google translate Thankfully, he was so happy and said that he loved me back. <3
            Last edited by TooFarAway; December 29, 2014, 10:53 PM.


              Wow. More stories this morning when I wake up. Really appreciate all the replies I get here. Reading all these stories really proves that love happens anytime anywhere. I guess confession is mostly about feeling, if you feel that the time is right. Pick up the courage and tell them and do the leap of faith!


                My SO and I were eating dinner at a restaurant, and it was only a few days before he had to go home to Germany. (he was studying in CA as an international student for one semester, so that's how I met him). We were enjoying each other's company when he suddenly got really nervous. He confessed that he was in love with me, and I confessed that I was also in love with him
                It's been almost 3 years since that night, and I still love him just the same <3


                  He and I were pen pals for two years, and we met up in person while I was in London with a friend of mine this past Septempber. One night, he and I were hanging out by ourselves since my friend wasn't feeling so hot. We went to a pub, and I suppose we ended up being a little less than sober. Not being interested in heading back to my hotel and disturbing my friend, he and I decided to hang out at his hostel for a little bit. While sitting outside on some steps, we ended up doing that thing where you like...gradually sit closer together until one person has their arm around the other. Then, we kissed. That's how we expressed we were interested in each other.
                  At the time, I thought "not again" since I had gotten out of an LDR only a few months prior (which also started out with at least one person being drunk). I certainly felt butterflies, though, and I was happy to have had the experience.
                  He and I both were like "we don't want to pursue long distance because of xyz", though we did confirm we were interested in each other. It wasn't until I was back in the US and, incidentally, hanging out with the friend I took to London that he was like "Fuck it. Let's do this."


                    I met my SO back in February this year through an online game loosely based on Dungeons & Dragons called Neverwinter Online. We hit it off decently, though lost touch for a few months as RL and other commitments got in the way. He got back in touch with me recently after a nasty bust up with my ex, and hearing some really depressing and sad news from another person; I was later told by a friend of his and mine that he was determined to be "the man your ex couldn't be, Holly," which made me smile in quiet hope. Despite initially warning him of all the hardships I was facing in an attempt to stop us from getting too close for fear of what might happen, we found ourselves being drawn inextricably towards each other. Eventually, his determination and unwavering attention and care won me round; we'd both long-sinced discovered our feelings for one another. Even though life has been rather unkind to me as of late, his hope and love keeps me going.

                    Thank you Kurdt. Thank you.


                      Me and him were friends before we dated. We had hung out and he had kissed me already so it was pretty easy to tell him. I'm shy though and couldn't tell him to his face so i texted him and he said "I know" .
                      either way it worked out and now we are married


                        After we met we were talking on the phone and I told him he would fall in love with me, and i always get what I want. He said he already was....

                        I love him. Forever. And every day after that.

