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SO Starts Graveyard Shift Tonight :/

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    I felt really depressed this morning because he didn't text me when he got home like he said he would, but he texted me when he woke up saying that he was sorry that he didn't text me. He fell asleep as soon as he got home like I thought. Lol this boy's sleeping habits are driving me crazy, but other than that I'm fine with dealing with this new change. It's going to be hard to get used to though haha


      Oh dear, that wasn't a great start was it lol!

      These silly boys, they don't realise just how much no contact worries us. I had the same thing yesterday, no contact from SO after he dropped a bombshell that he just found out his cousin has been found dead. He's had a few anxiety attacks recently and I was extremely worried about him. It ended up with me having a serious sense of humour bypass and some stern words were exchanged between us. All is good now tho....

      You need to tell him how important it is that he texts you to let you know he's alright. It only takes a second, there really is no excuse, he needs to try harder. At least he text you eventually and apologised tho.... ~sigh~


        Originally posted by Unicorn26 View Post
        Oh dear, that wasn't a great start was it lol!

        These silly boys, they don't realise just how much no contact worries us. I had the same thing yesterday, no contact from SO after he dropped a bombshell that he just found out his cousin has been found dead. He's had a few anxiety attacks recently and I was extremely worried about him. It ended up with me having a serious sense of humour bypass and some stern words were exchanged between us. All is good now tho....

        You need to tell him how important it is that he texts you to let you know he's alright. It only takes a second, there really is no excuse, he needs to try harder. At least he text you eventually and apologised tho.... ~sigh~
        My best friend literally just told me this exact same thing lol. I have told him before that texting/messaging me is important and yet he still ends up passed out in his bed and leaves me hanging. I'm really worried about his sleeping habits though. He once told me that even if he gets 15 hours of sleep he still feels tired. I told him he needs to get some help or see someone about this, and he told me that he has tried but nothing really helped. I don't really know what to do about this but at least I know that he's not doing this on purpose. I just feel bad that he's always so tired now.


          Originally posted by TheSteelAngel View Post
          My best friend literally just told me this exact same thing lol. I have told him before that texting/messaging me is important and yet he still ends up passed out in his bed and leaves me hanging. I'm really worried about his sleeping habits though. He once told me that even if he gets 15 hours of sleep he still feels tired. I told him he needs to get some help or see someone about this, and he told me that he has tried but nothing really helped. I don't really know what to do about this but at least I know that he's not doing this on purpose. I just feel bad that he's always so tired now.
          It's the stress. Mine is like that. He can sleep for almost a whole day, no problem. Nothing he can really do about it.


            Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
            It's the stress. Mine is like that. He can sleep for almost a whole day, no problem. Nothing he can really do about it.
            Ah I see. I thought that may be the case


              Mine is like that too. He's had sleep problems for a long time. Goes for days with no sleep, then sleeps all day and all night. Drives me insane.

              I just wanna pick him up, bring him over here and sort him out!!! Ha!


                Originally posted by TheSteelAngel View Post
                Ah I see. I thought that may be the case
                Yea, the line of work they do, it just drains them. While yours is out in the field, mine has to babysit the ones he brings in. It's ridiculous. Grown men acting like babies.


                  Originally posted by Unicorn26 View Post
                  Mine is like that too. He's had sleep problems for a long time. Goes for days with no sleep, then sleeps all day and all night. Drives me insane.

                  I just wanna pick him up, bring him over here and sort him out!!! Ha!
                  I'm always yelling at mine. But, when he's tired, he just goes to sleep. I don't think he realizes how much it messes up his sleep schedule and that's why he's even more tired. His body can't adjust. Ugh.


                    This sounds like my life! My boyfriend is a policeman too and im a teacher and has just started his shifts of 6pm- 3am so I know how you feel.

                    The way I see it, a text is better than no contact and although it's not ideal, it's the way it has to be. I know I may not get a reply straight away but I know he does as soon as he can. I also send him funny pictures throughout the day to make him smile when he does read it and show im thinking of him. I know how you feel and it's hard, but yes, keeping yourself busy is super important!! X


                      Speaking of this, I haven't talked to my SO in like 2 days because all he's been doing is sleeping when he gets home from work. Yay. No contact from him whatsoever. -_-


                        I swear boys don't realise our brains worry with no contact! X


                          Originally posted by Farawayhan View Post
                          This sounds like my life! My boyfriend is a policeman too and im a teacher and has just started his shifts of 6pm- 3am so I know how you feel.

                          The way I see it, a text is better than no contact and although it's not ideal, it's the way it has to be. I know I may not get a reply straight away but I know he does as soon as he can. I also send him funny pictures throughout the day to make him smile when he does read it and show im thinking of him. I know how you feel and it's hard, but yes, keeping yourself busy is super important!! X
                          Haha yay I'm not alone in this! The funny pictures sounds like a good idea. I should try it.


                            Originally posted by whatruckus View Post
                            Speaking of this, I haven't talked to my SO in like 2 days because all he's been doing is sleeping when he gets home from work. Yay. No contact from him whatsoever. -_-
                            Haha I am in the same boat here. I haven't heard from him at all today. I've asked him like 3 days in a row if he's going to be off on Sunday (cuz he usually is) and he hasn't answered me back on that. This boy I swear lol. All I wanna know is if he's off on Sunday or not. It's not too hard, but then again he has his own stuff to deal with too but he still makes me go crazy haha.


                              I swear we are dating the same person! The problem is, is that I assume the worst when I don't get a reply, I haven't spoken to him since 5.30pm and his phone is off. I know if I was him, I'd have sent a quick text saying 'phone gonna die, talk tomorrow ', but boys don't think like that I often ask my boy if he's free and he doesn't answer me, very frustrating but I know he doesn't always know for certain x


                                Originally posted by Farawayhan View Post
                                I swear we are dating the same person! The problem is, is that I assume the worst when I don't get a reply, I haven't spoken to him since 5.30pm and his phone is off. I know if I was him, I'd have sent a quick text saying 'phone gonna die, talk tomorrow ', but boys don't think like that I often ask my boy if he's free and he doesn't answer me, very frustrating but I know he doesn't always know for certain x
                                Omg yes! Our boys are definitely similar down to a T. We really are dating the same type of guy though, it's funny haha. The thing is my boyfriend never texts at work anymore due to the incident in NY were those cops got shot. That really freaked him out so he's just trying to be safe (for me. too cute :3), and now with his working nights now I figured out that I can only text him from 4 to 6:30 but it's usually just small talk. So now my only hope to talk with him is when he's off which seems to be on Sundays, but the doofus won't answer me back lol. So yeah it definitely is very frustrating indeed lol

