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How much do you tell?

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    We had agreed to share everything and we certainly do. Occasionally we share information that we probably shouldn't have mentioned as some bad feelings and long conversations arise from them. In the end we always work things out and get over it, so I guess it doesn't matter. I'm happy with how open we are.
    First contact: March, 2014
    Official LDR: June, 2014
    Married since: August, 2017
    “有一种幸福就是每天睁开眼睛,就知道你在。” -Xinxin


      When it happens she would tend to tell me, as it is 'funny' or interesting or nice for her to have that feeling of being appreciated - we all like the attention mostly.....

      I rarely do, as I rarely actually notice - I've been out clubbing in my younger days and not realised that the girl I was just dancing with and having fun, was actually trying to pick me up; I was just out with my sister and her mates strutting my stuff, and that was it lol.

      I would say we tell each other everything, but that has not been the case recently, so I will change that caveat to, we tell each other the important stuff mostly....


        I tell my SO everything and he always tells me everything, I am the sort of person who loves to tell stories about experiences I had, funny stuff, sad stuff etc, basically anything really that comes to mind at the time and I tend to ramble on alot as well. My SO tells stories sometimes, but mainly it is me who does all the time and I am the more talkactive one.

        We have always been comfortable and open with each other and I love that fact as I feel it is an important part of communication. Neither of us are jealous people anyway, we are both understanding and always trust each other whatever we have to tell one another, of course we are not keen hearing someone has flirted if or when it has ever happened but then we forget about it as it doesn't matter.

        The only time we don't tell things is if we forget because it wasn't a big deal or just because life makes us forget.

        Also another thing we do is wait until a better time to talk about things we need to discuss, as don't want to stress each other out talking about it too early, so usually we wait for appropriate time or nearer the event of whatever it is, which isn't keeping it a secret just being responsible and considerate of their feelings. Sometimes there are things about our pasts we don't want to talk about right away as it was something sad etc, but that is okay I am sure we will talk about it over time, there is a lifetime together, plenty of time never any rush.
        Last edited by vicks5721; January 22, 2015, 05:04 AM.


          Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
          Everything and then some, he is my soul mate, best friend and life partner. Wisdom teaches you it all comes out in the end.
          Like this a lot.

          Aye, I try to be as honest as possible with my SO, I wouldn't say I tell him EVERYTHING everything, but everything within reason. If that makes sense.


            Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
            Everything and then some, he is my soul mate, best friend and life partner. Wisdom teaches you it all comes out in the end.
            I like how you phrased that, my SO is my everything, my world, my best friend, my home and the love of my life, my soulmate.


              He is my unicorn, but he is hopeless discussing these things with.... I think he just compares every guy (or girl, if he thinks of that) with himself, which is he wanted to get layed in his youth and couldn't care less about love until I came along and did some magic vodoo stuff to him to open his heart. So unless I do vodoo, why would people fall for me? He doesn't really phantom that other guys may fall in love more easily and for other reasons than him. He is wonderful, but he is SOOOO innocent
              I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
              - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

              "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                I tell my SO everything and the other way around (at least as far as I know, but I don't have any reason to doubt that). I would tell him about the scenario OP described, I've told him about people hitting on me and he's told me about people hitting on him, we are both comfortable enough in our relationship that we can just appreciate each other (and sometimes feel for the person with no luck hitting on either of us ) and not regard other people as threats or "options". (Note that neither of us go out much at all so we don't really have many people hitting on us ever, since when we do go out we mainly go out together )
                We part only to meet again ~ J.Gay


                  Originally posted by Ahava View Post
                  I tell him most things if I remember. If I forget then it's not important.
                  I think if what happened to the OP had happened to me, I would tell him and we would laugh about it together.

                  This is my general rule too.


                    I was just asking bc LDRs are newer for me and I was curious as to how much you guys tell your SOs.

                    I told my SO about it last night and he teased me about it and we laughed. It's not like it was a big deal or an important moment that meant anything, it was just amusing. lol

                    Life is made up of so many nonsensical moments that we miss out on with each other and so I get the urge to share with him.


                      I tell him when things like that happen. He's like "You're beautiful! So, I'm not surprised." But, I know he is probably a bit jealous. I always reassure him that I chose him and I love him. I am not going anywhere.

                      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                        I try to tell my SO everything

                        The only exception is just when I'm upset...I have the bad habit of saying "everything's fine" when my feelings are hurt.


                          I tell my SO everything noteworthy. If something mattered to me in some way, and just because I thought it was peculiar or interesting, I'll tell him - I like feeling involved in his life and I like involving him in mine, so interesting tidbits, big or small, are worth bringing up to me.

                          He did get a bit insecure once when I told him about someone crushing on me, but I'd rather discuss the matter and reassure him than have him spin those feelings around and around all alone. I know all too well how anxieties can build up when they go unchecked, so I'd rather say a bit too much and prompt him to bring those feelings up!

                          It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                          A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                          The hands of the many must join as one
                          And together we'll cross the river

