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A better place where we can stay.

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    A better place where we can stay.

    its been more than a week since my boyfriend went back to his home, Germany. But while he was waiting for his plane, i was on the phone with him and listening to his future plans. I know its hard for him to leave cause i can hear the sadness on his voice. And there he told me about looking for a better place where we can live together.
    I am from a Philippines, he is from Germany. Actually, just hearing him say about living together in one place makes me feel very special cause i did not expect those are already playing on his mind. He didn't mentioned anything about his other plans except from the fact that he will come back after 5 months. And now as days past of texting and calling, there's always a time when we have to ask each other of " why are you there, not here?", "i miss you wish you are here", "i wanna have breakfast with you", things like those. i know it's normal cause we are obviously in a long distance relationship, but every time i have to say good night to him and good morning to me, we always comes to a point of wishing we are staying together. He lives in a cold and wet place, i lived in a very hot country. He always say that it's gonna hard for me to live in his country, First because i easily get cold. We normally have 25-29 degree, and he often tell me they have 0 to negative degrees. hahahahaa. how can i survived there.Second is which is for supposed to be the first, the language. German is very obvious a very complicated one. I have to learn their language before so i can even visit. Now the funny thing is i cant even pronounced the word -ich properly. hahahaha. He has to say it a hundred times before i try it myself and still he is laughing at me. hahahhaha. It's one of the basic and how can i survived then. I need a job also when i need to stay there. Searched for what job can fit me if ever i moved there, ofcourse one of the requirement is to be german speaker. there are work for english but atleast you have to be familiar with german language. And now the only solution is to maybe find a place where we can live together. And now he is asking me if i have an idea. i keep on saying, his country is okay for me. he doesn't have to do the adjustment since his life is there, his work is there, since it's me who is also looking for a better work outside

    Now i just want to here some advice from you guys, since both of us are really have no idea about it.

    I wouldnt worry too much about the cold. Yes it gets cold in winter but the houses here are very well isolated (I only learned to appreciate this until I moved to London for a while), and its not that cold for long each year.
    Also about the language: I noticed you mention the word "Ich" as one of the basics thats hard for you. yes its "only" a basic word but it also contains the "ch" sound that is really hard for foreigners. My boyfriend speaks a closely related language and can say many german words basically accent free but he cant say "Ich" right even tho I correct him for months now.

    I dont't doubt german is hard to learn for foreigners, I know it is, but it just struck me that you mentioned that particular word. I know many foreigners that speak german fluently but can't say the "ch" sound right even after years of living here.
    just something to consider

    Have you ever been to germany? no matter what you two come to think off, you should visit a place before you plan to move ther permanently.

    I am afraid I don't have any other ideas other than for one of you to move... can he move to your country?
    Last edited by ronjaandbirk; February 2, 2015, 11:19 PM.


      When it comes to these matters, you should really take it slower and educate yourself before considering these things that seriously. I recommend a visit first to see how you like it. Germany is a pretty diverse place with different kinds of habitats, so there might very well be an area that fits you. The temperatures will take time getting used to, for sure, but the South of Germany can be pretty warm in Summer. It's also not hard to take trips to countries with warmer temperatures for vacation. However, you pretty much need German to navigate daily life here, and you will feel very excluded without unfortunately, so the language is definitely a concern.

      The most important part to consider is getting a visa in Germany. The EU can be pretty strict, so you need to carefully look into your options. What kind of education do you have or are you getting? Will you get a degree that you can use in Germany? There are visas for people who have gotten a job in Germany, jobseeking visas, student visas, and also visas for married couples. You need to look into all of those options once you are sure that you definitely want to make the move. I think Germany is a fantastic country and my SO is happy to move here soon, but it was a decision we made after three visits and long and hard consideration of our options. No matter how much you love each other, reality has its own rules and complications, and you two will have to deal with them!

      I would say take your time, let your relationship develop, and plan a visit to Germany, preferably a longer one, to see the country. Then, if you can truly see yourself being happy in Germany, with or without your SO, and even with the complications of adjusting to it ... then go from there and see what options you have. Here is some info on moving to Germany: - It's the German government's website for the topic, so it has official information.

      All the best to you two!

      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
      The hands of the many must join as one
      And together we'll cross the river


        thanks. i havent gone to germany yet. its him whose visiting me here. and yeah its funny how he always tease me on saying the ICH word, or words without CH. hehehe. well soon enough ill start reading and trying to learn german until i get enough time to formally learn the language. thank you anyways


          When do you think you could plan a trip to Germany? If you want to get serious about moving there, that should absolutely come first. It's better to test the waters and find out early that it's not the place for you than to force yourself to move and then feel miserable.

          Also, for learning the basics of a language, duolingo is awesome, and free to boot:

          It'll take a lot more than words and guns
          A whole lot more than riches and muscle
          The hands of the many must join as one
          And together we'll cross the river


            He will be visiting me this july and next january 2016. so probably after that is still my plan of visiting the country. But its just that this past few days he's been talking about us trying to find a place for us. haha. He alone wants to try living in other country.


              I love Duolingo. I've been doing it for French and it's great. And free! Lol
              "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."

