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Very strange breakup

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    Very strange breakup

    So my boyfriend and I had been together a year and a half, he’s in the UK and I’m in the US. We have spent about 6 months of this together. And it is the first serious relationship for both of us. We broke up about a month ago, the whole situation has left me feeling rather lost.

    We started having issues about 6 months ago. He has never dealt with being emotional/vulnerable over the phone or the physical distance very well. He became very stressed about work and school and that translated into our relationship. Our communication broke down and he became very unreliable. After a few weeks of this, he told me that he was no longer “in love” with me. Although he later took this back and realized it would be stupid to break up. I went to visit him a few months ago, and that helped calm things down temporarily. While with him, he finally was able to realize how much his actions had been hurting me. After the visit things became stressed again. He realized that he wanted to go on a break to think about things. Although he gave me the impression that we would be getting back together once it was over.

    Obviously, we broke up. He yet again said that he loved me but was no longer “in love” and he was very adamant about it this time. He said that he just wants to be single and not have to worry about anyone else right now. I understand that he wants to be independent, but everything else that he said to me makes no sense if his feelings have truly changed. Our break up was an hour and a half long, and the majority of it was a normal conversation like we used to have. He told me that he loves the time we spend together but doesn’t want a “Skype relationship.” He also said I was the one making the break up sound final, and that he agreed that things didn’t feel completely over with us. He can’t tell me how his feelings have changed, only that they change when we are long distance. I am moving to his country for university in the fall, and he wanted to know definitely if I was coming or not. But he won’t say if we’ll get back together because he doesn’t want to lead me on. We spoke again two days later because I wanted some clarification, and I found out he had spent the day before moping in front of the TV. He was acting like he was the one broken up with. I tried asking him a question a week later and he ignored me completely.

    Oh and we had a short phone call right before the break up where he ended it by saying “love you.” When I asked him about it he claims that he said it out of habit. He also gave me kisses at the end of the break up phone call.

    To me, all of this points to distance being the actual problem, and yet he denies that it is. And he denies that he is confused about his feelings. But I just wish I had more closure, because I feel like he has put me on hold. I don’t really know how to handle things. I know that I shouldn’t be overthinking our breakup, but that is pretty much impossible with everything that he has said to me. I’ve been considering writing him a letter just so I can have everything written down and he can see it. Would that be a good idea? Should I try to reach out to him later, or should I wait for him to do that?

    To me it sounds like a normal breakup. Lots of emotions and things said that confuse the situation. Don't take this to mean I'm dismissing how horrible you must feel. I'm saying exactly the opposite. I'm saying what you're feeling is completely normal. Go ahead and write the letter but don't send it yet. Hold onto it for a week or so.

    But it sounds to me like you have a decision to make. Continue to drag out the breakup or move on. When people breakup temporarily it gives this feeling that things aren't ended and your ability to process the situation and heal are being constantly interrupted. If he broke up with you, cease contact. I know this sounds scary, and it is, but this temporary breakup stuff is leading you on. His own confused and torn mind is making you overthink if he made the right decision or not. He's keeping a hold on your mind and that's not fair to you.

    Perhaps contact him one last time to tell him if he means it then this is it. But you have to mean it. Be strong, move on with your life, go to uni, and not reach out to him while his proximity is tempting. Don't expect closure. Breakups don't have this one conversation or one statement that will relieve your mind or the confusion you feel. Closure comes from taking time to work through it by yourself and finally placing the events behind you. If you've written the letter and haven't mailed it in two week's time, consider what you would gain by sharing the information you've given him. I suspect, if you break contact and give yourself a few week's to process, you may not think it's worth it.

    Really all I'm saying is that temporary breakups are worthless. If he says he wants to end it, then you need to give yourself a fighting chance to heal.
    "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


      Hi and welcome,

      I have just had my relationship end, for similar sounding reasons, my ex loves me with all that she is, but is no longer in love with me and therefore ended the relationship.

      It is probably as hard for him as it is for you, if my situation is anything to go by; It is/was heart-wrenching for both of us, the dumper and the dumpee (or should that be dumped?) anyhoo I digress.....

      Do not sit and wait for him, he has ended it - *IF* before you have completely moved on and found some-one else he wants to get back into a relationship with you, and you still want that, then be open to dialogue, but do not just take him straight back. You owe it to yourself to make sure that this same behaviour won't be a repeat and/or whether you can trust him with your heart again. It sounhds to me like he has been honest with you, and that he is not cut out for an LDR. Sad as that is, that is often the case, they are tough, esp across the pond!

      My ex has not been in touch with me for nearly 3 weeks now, and we were 'best friends' for 3 years before our 6month relationship. the habit of not sending nn messages to her, or chatting while she wakes up, is a hard one to break, much is the 'I love you' comment when it is actually meant, even if it is not 'I am in love with you'

      I have written a letter, but not sent it - it is me giving my ex some advice as the friend we once were, and I need to make sure that the emotion has dropped, and I can write it without it coming off in the wrong way - aka the jilted ex.

      The only reason I started it now, was so that I could vividly remember the details so that when it comes to actually sending it, I have the 'hurt' fresh in my mind..... I will be writing a completely different one, but using the initial one as the outline....

      So my advice to you, is to right this one down to experience, move on in your life, and if he gets in touch and wants to get back together with you, think long and hard if you want that, and if not maybe not even respond to him.... pending how long it takes for him to do that. I would not be contacting him at this point as he has been the one to end it, and it will not serve any purpose right now IMO.


        Breakups rarely give the kind of closure you're looking for, most of the time you just have to deal with the confusion that comes with that. He's been pretty clear about his feelings, I think you need to walk away now, as hard as that may be, there's no use in beating a dead horse. Stop contacting him completely, and don't respond to him. If you keep talking, it's only going to give you false hope and make the healing process that much longer.

        Who knows why he's done this, I'm really sorry. Maybe you will end up back together when you move, it's possible, but I definitely wouldn't put my hopes into it, you may just end up hurt all over again. One thing I've learned is that once that cycle of breaking up / getting back together, lather, rinse, repeat starts happening, it's just a matter of time.

        Cut the contact for now, and try to get your mind off him at least until you move. You may find you feel differently then, once you've had some time to think about it.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Don't write him a letter. Write it to yourself in a journal. I promise you, he will not want to see it anymore than he wants to discuss his frustrations over distance. He just wants out. He is trying to soften the blow by assuring you that he still cares somewhat about you. He is in one mental place, you in another, you can't reach each other at this point. Don't think that what he has said and done has to make "sense". Just accept that it is over.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            Thanks for the replies everyone! It’s definitely helps to see a more unbiased opinion.

            Hard as is it, I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that things are done between us. And I know that he is not interested at all right now, but I just find it difficult to grasp with some of the things he said. Why would he bother saying that I’m the one making our breakup sound final or that it was “right love, wrong time?” If he’s trying to not lead me on, he’s doing a very bad job of it.

            For the most part, I’m actually doing okay. I just really need to stop overthinking things, which is for me is definitely easier said than done. Writing things down will help me sort everything out, I just haven’t decided if I will actually send a letter to him. And if I do, it won’t be for a good while. No contact would definitely be good for me.


              Yep, no contact will give you the time you need for wounds to heal. Do not send the letter, if you want to write it out anyway, you could but don't send it. I'm sorry this had to happen. Think everyone nailed it pretty much on the head advice-wise.

