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How long are your visits?

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    I see my boyfriend ever 3-4 months for a week at a time.


      well until she's able to live permanently in the US(which sadly wont be for awhile) we have figured we'll do 6 months to her, and 6 months to me, with a few months inbetween to save up for flight tickets.


        Originally posted by NaNi View Post
        They sure do! I have to pay around 1.700 euros (3.400 dollars) for one trip, so I can only visit one or two more times until my money is gone.

        O_o and thats just for coach seats??? where do you go to buy your tickets?


          For me and my so, we see each other for about a week. As for when, it varies depending on who's doing the traveling and certain restrictions that come with it, such as getting work off and when school is on break or is out.


            my boyfriend and i have been seeing eachother about every 20 days or so, for a week at a time.. that's going to change now though because school started back up, so it will only be for weekends now, which will be harder, but we're still lucky we can try and see eachother!


              my bf and i see eachother every month for a weekend which for me is thursday night until sunday afternoon since i have fridays off. when he comes her its the same, a weekend. we live only 10 hours away (hour and a half plane ride). october ill see him twice! i have a few days off at so ill come down then and then ifor my bday and we always see eachother for my bday haha. i refuse to be alone on my bday. its bad enough we dont see eachother daily no way im not gonna be with my love on my special day


                Elina has already replied here but yeah.. I'm gonna too

                I guess our average - based on how long we actually plan for - is probably a week to 10 days.

                Our actual average is probably more like 13/14/15/ days I think twice I was meant to be with her for a week and it ended up being over 2 weeks due to breaking car/snow.. volcano etc


                  We have only had one visit total and it was for 3 months. A nice, long visit of living together. I got back today In December I am just moving there--9000mi apart is such a hassle.


                    I visited Canada twice, the first time for 7 weeks during school holidays Dec 08/jan 09, then again for 20 days in June 09.
                    Obi visted me once in Australia for four months (minus two weeks of traveling alone.)
                    Then I came back here with a nice little two-year visa, so it's not really a visit. We hope to never be long distance again, but if we are, we wont visit until we can re-close the distance. It's just too expensive.
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                      Our first visit it in November, and it will be for 8 days. After that... I'm hoping to go see him after the new year, not sure how long or when that will happen. Our next visit after that will probably be for a couple weeks in early spring. He's planning on coming here so we can travel around Utah a bit. I just want the first visit to come already!
                      First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



                        Depends on our work schedule...shortest visit was 2 days...longest 9 days...oh what I would give to have him here for 5 minutes.
                        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                          When we were LD, it was usually a weekend every 2-3 months. We had the occasional week-long ones (usually from him, as I worked and wasn't able to get time off much).


                            he's coming over at new years for 12 days, and I'm hoping to go out for 3 weeks at easter, but his job might put that plan on hold =/

                            <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                            <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                            The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                            <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                            <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                            Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                            Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                              we get to see each other every 1-2 months, so that makes about 10 visits a year and we then stay together for 1-2 weeks each :/


                                Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                                They sure do! I have to pay around 1.700 euros (3.400 dollars) for one trip, so I can only visit one or two more times until my money is gone.
                                Man that's rubbish

                                We usually get a few weeks together, or we've managed to recently. Until now I've been at Uni the whol time we've known each other but I finished this summer just gone and so now I'm job hunting so things might change...

                                So far, we've had:

                                December 2008 - a weekend
                                February 2009 - 1 week
                                Easter 2009 - 4 weeks
                                Summer 2009 - 2 months
                                Christmas 2009 - 3 weeks
                                Easter 2010 - 1 week
                                Summer 2010 - 5.5 weeks
                                Autumn 2010 - 3.5 weeks

                                So that's pretty good considering we're 1200 miles apart haha!

                                Originally posted by elina View Post
                                After New Year, there's a chance we'll be able to be together for 16 weeks :o *fingers crossed* Trying not to get my hopes up, but that would be pretty cool

                                Super jealous!
                                In a relationship with

                                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                                My Albums:
                                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                                My dog Sam ♥

