My SO and I have physically been together for the past 5 1/2 months and I'm leaving in a few days. It's really hard on us, and he and I just lied in bed for a few hours and cried. We've had so many good memories of being together in the past few months, now it's time to go back to long distance. I'm trying to stay positive and remind myself that we will see each other again soon. Everything here with him has just been so amazing and I hate the thought of going back. I feel like I've grown a lot here and I don't want to go back to my old life. Sadly, I will be going back and I'll need to adjust to long distance again.
I can't stop crying and I know I'll be crying on the plane back home. It just hurts so much.. I'm going to write him a letter that expresses how amazing everything has been and how much I've loved spending time with him. Then I'll give it to him at the airport before I leave. I'm hoping it's something he'll enjoy. Like I said, I'm trying to stay positive, but sometimes it's hard...
I can't stop crying and I know I'll be crying on the plane back home. It just hurts so much.. I'm going to write him a letter that expresses how amazing everything has been and how much I've loved spending time with him. Then I'll give it to him at the airport before I leave. I'm hoping it's something he'll enjoy. Like I said, I'm trying to stay positive, but sometimes it's hard...