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What's the longest you've gone with no communication?

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    What's the longest you've gone with no communication?

    I haven't heard from my boyfriend since yesterday night (a goodnight text), and it's making me feel antsy. No texts or anything since. Hasn't responded to a text I sent him this morning. He's probably busy but we also haven't had a proper call since last Wed.

    Going without a call for a week is stretching it for me, and it would help if I even received some kind of communication, even if it was really short.

    What's the longest any of you have gone without any type of communication (texting, emails, calls)?

    3 days. He vanished and it was because his phone, Ipad and laptop were all stolen from his van. The (and I say this with love) idiot didn't have my number or email memorized or written down anywhere, so had no way to get in touch until the phone was recovered. He now has it written down in a couple of places.

    When he and I first dated, he disappeared for over two weeks and that ended the relationship. He knows anytime he disappears for over 24 hours now, I start to panic so he does his best not to let it happen. The worst thing about this last time, was the night before he disappeared I had gotten a matching tattoo to one he has. He didn't know I was doing it. Want to talk about an "oh sh*t" moment LOL
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      Well, I'm pretty sure nothing bad has happened. Too early for that. What I hate about our instant messaging is that it shows when he last checked his messages, which he did two hours ago, but did not respond to my texts. I dunno.

      I hate that texting is our main form of communication (he doesn't like emailing).


        Originally posted by R&R View Post
        Want to talk about an "oh sh*t" moment LOL
        Lol I'd be a little freaked out too

        For me, not counting the ten day period I imposed on him over a year ago after he told me he didn't want to do long distance even though he cared about me a lot, the longest was 4 days. Basically a similar instance where his phone was down and couldn't get hold of anyone. I was so worried I actually called him, which at this point we'd still never spoken on the phone before. I was super nervous.

        Other than that, probably a few days at a time here and there. Early on, I'd text him, see he'd seen the message, but didn't respond. Needless to say I was extremely butt hurt and told him. He now makes and effort to respond to my messages, but I also try to do him the favor of not getting butt hurt if he doesn't respond immediately.

        Anymore it's rare we go a day without something said. Every once in a while we'll go a day or two, but make up for it after, usually with some explanation of what we had going on or that we missed each other to make up for it.
        "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


          Lately? about a week. Occasionally? a few days Rarely? quite a bit longer than that.
          Last edited by Unconditional; March 9, 2015, 07:58 PM.
          "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


            A few days to a week, or so.


              Wow, I don't know how some of you can go days or even a week with no communication at all. Is it because of time zone differences and work schedules?

              My SO and I have only one hour time different between us, and he works a somewhat regular schedule, just that he works late a few days a week.

              I don't know how you do it, but you are certainly stronger than I am!


                A month...when he first went to basic. With processing and him losing my address...yeah that was the worst month =(

                Met online: 04.19.14
                Became a couple: 04.23.14
                First Visit: 08.09.14-08.15.14
                Second Visit: 12.17.14-12.28.14
                Third Visit: 02.13.15-02.15.15
                Fourth Visit: 04.03.15-04.06.15
                CLOSED THE DISTANCE/GOT MARRIED: 06.22.15/06.27.15


                  Originally posted by Polly View Post
                  Wow, I don't know how some of you can go days or even a week with no communication at all. Is it because of time zone differences and work schedules?
                  I don't know how you do it, but you are certainly stronger than I am!
                  Time differences? Not so much a problem Work schedules? Yes, you can certainly say that lol
                  As far as being stronger. Just because I wait longer, does not mean I enjoy to, I have become more at peace with it but I do miss him dearly sometimes. We all do what we must for love, you would do it too I am sure.
                  "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


                    Originally posted by Polly View Post
                    Wow, I don't know how some of you can go days or even a week with no communication at all. Is it because of time zone differences and work schedules?

                    My SO and I have only one hour time different between us, and he works a somewhat regular schedule, just that he works late a few days a week.

                    I don't know how you do it, but you are certainly stronger than I am!
                    I go from around a few days to a week and that's because of his job not so much a time zone difference. We're about an hour apart just like you. It sucks so bad and even though he hates it just as much as I do it doesn't make me feel any better. It maybe longer since someone he knew just passed away recently and things with his work just got busy again. So idk how but I manage to get through the day hoping I could talk to him the next day or the next. Every day is different so he may be free and he may not be.


                      A few days, when he was on vacation in Mexico. He still sent me the occasional email though, but it was really important to me that he was comfortable having fun on his own and didn't fret over me. I love having regular contact, but he's definitely more "needy" about it than me. Poor guy was worried sick he'd miss me too much on his vacation, I basically had to order him to relax and focus on his own wellbeing more!

                      I go nuts if we're out of touch without any prior warning, though. I have some anxiety issues and my worries skyrocketed if he's unavaible for no reason. Thankfully, that doesn't happen often. We both do our best to handle the situation if it comes up - He does what he can to get in touch and I do what I can not to let the paranoia take over.

                      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                      The hands of the many must join as one
                      And together we'll cross the river


                        Originally posted by Polly View Post
                        Wow, I don't know how some of you can go days or even a week with no communication at all. Is it because of time zone differences and work schedules?

                        My SO and I have only one hour time different between us, and he works a somewhat regular schedule, just that he works late a few days a week.

                        I don't know how you do it, but you are certainly stronger than I am!
                        Time zones, work/life commitments, technology, everything. Like Unconditional said, it's not like I enjoy it, but I understand it and work with it
                        "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


                          Since we found what's app that's the minimum we have. A few texts every day. We normally skype my evening every day except when he was recently taking care of his critically ill father we only talked once in a month. He's moving back west in a week and I worry a little bit how it will be. I need to know in advance what happens every day. I need to have a plan and he knows it.


                            Well, I have not been at this as long as some other and after reading through this thread so far I am counting myself so lucky now. I think maybe a day is the longest we have been. We get to text often, in between our work but it is usually on and off because of poor service.


                              This puts things into perspective for me, reading about how some of you deal with bigger gaps in communication. I think I can handle it if I know it's coming.

                              Still, I tend to be very emotional, so it is very difficult for me to not get worked up, even when I know he is busy and can't message or call for a day or more.

                              It has definitely made me a more patient person, and I've learned a lot about my self being in a long distance relationship.

