Well you seem to be bashing your head against the same wall. Let's move the wall. Or she needs to, at least. I want you to start thinking long term. Visits are great, but right now you both seem to be running into issues that are preventing these. How do we work around these issues without being sneaky? Jobs, pitching in financially at home without being prompted to do so, filling the fridge, replacing toilet paper. It sounds super silly, but these are small steps that will show parental figures "hey! My kid might be starting to get it!" Picking up after yourself, asking if they need things when you go to the store. I know you're probably wanting to shake me right now and I don't care lol what I'm asking you to do is when you talk to your SO, instead of saying "let's take this bull by the horns. Talk to your parents and make them see your side. Get your brother to support you," advise her that this crazy old lady suggested she start stepping up her game at home. Instead of waiting for her parents to say "hey, we need money for bills" tell your SO to approach them and ask, "how can I contribute?" And this can't be a short term goal to fulfill her desire to come see you. This is a place to start to show adult responsibilities. What she needs is for her parents to see she's being responsible. That she's working to earn their respect.
I have had this conversation with my mom a zillion times about the person I was when I was your age. And at the time I didn't get it at all. Now I completely do. So I understand where you're coming from, but I'll just repeat, when you keep responding with "this is what we want and I don't understand why they won't give it to me" it is whining. You've both been presented a problem. Now you need to start testing different ideas of how to solve it.
I have had this conversation with my mom a zillion times about the person I was when I was your age. And at the time I didn't get it at all. Now I completely do. So I understand where you're coming from, but I'll just repeat, when you keep responding with "this is what we want and I don't understand why they won't give it to me" it is whining. You've both been presented a problem. Now you need to start testing different ideas of how to solve it.