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CONFUSED. Need 3rd party advice.

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    CONFUSED. Need 3rd party advice.

    This is in regards to an ex of mine, we met last March- he's from PCB, FLorida and I'm from Indianapolis, IN. He was working as a security guard at a club on spring break and when my eyes met him I instantly felt an attraction. Long story short, we decided to start a long distance relationship before I even left the city. A few weeks after I left, he ended up getting in some legal trouble causing him to be put on probation, to pay court fines, to take classes, travel restrictions, the whole 9. I knew the moment I saw him he was my soul-mate and this was confirmed as he felt the same way, so when he told me about his probation I figured this is something we would just power through together and I wanted to support him. The plan was for him to move to Indiana after he wrapped up his fines, classes, and requested a transfer. Unfortunately, after 10 months, he broke up with me as I was not happy. Our relationship was not his first priority, he had to take care of his legal troubles first and he felt it wasn't right to not give me his full attention and effort. I respected that, I was devastated and still am, but I respected the manner in which he ended things. He was doing it in my best interest because he couldn't be the man I needed due to these obligations. A day after he broke up, he ended up in jail again due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time which is all it takes if you are on probation. Please note- prior to this he had completed all probation classes, paid half of his fines, found a great job at the Port, and had 150 of 200 community hours done within months. Please do not discourage me to stay away d/t his criminal past, I look past all of that...he is a GOOD, HONEST man and he was working diligently to prove that. He is getting out today and will be on house arrest for one year in PC, during his 3 months in jail I supported him as a friend through phone calls and letters. It was verbalized from both ends that we still love each other and want to be together, he is just asking that I give him time to take care of his burdens so that they don't become mine. He wants me to be happy and says if I move on he understands but that regarless he feels that God will bring us back together, I truly feel this way as well.

    The issue I have now is being that I am single and don't think it's right to put my dating life on hold, I am currently seeing a new guy (my ex is aware). The new guy is for one, HERE, and we do spend a lot of time together. He has filled somewhat of a void and has brought some light to my life as losing my ex tore me to pieces. We laugh like best friends, we go out and do things together, it's light-hearted, we have fun. However, we just don't have the same connection as I do with my ex. My ex and I had an instant click, it is something I have never experience before with anyone else and that's another reason I'm convinced we were meant to be- the mutual feeling of soul mates. I am finding that I compare the new guy to my ex a lot- my ex was very romantic, always expressed how special and beautiful I was to him, embraced me (not hugged), spoke softly to me even when I was a mess, always soothed me, planned future goals with me, he was just EVERYTHING I looked for in a mate. This new guy is emotionally unavailable at times, calls me "dude" and is just now starting to call me "babe", isn't romantic, doesn't want to settle down for 5 years (at least that's what he told me when I first met him), is stil really into hanging with the boys and going out, is kind of cold due to his past struggles and losses, feels I am too needy and it seems we have to WORK at this...with my ex it was natural, it just flowed.

    I am at a loss. Do I continue to speak to the new guy? Should I just stay single?? I believe people in relationships open up over time and I'm hoping as we get closer he will be more into me and expressive. I feel I was broken up with, "let go", tossed by my ex which caused me to have some anger towards him. But at the same time, I understand why he did what he did and know that he just wants to love me right, the way I deserve, he wants to fully focus on US but he can't right now. But being that he left me I feel that I am ok to date and move forward but I'm still going to be waiting for my ex to come back at the end of the day. I worry that I would get into a fully committed relationship with someone new ONLY for my ex to call me and say "I'm ready, can you give me another shot?". I fear on a daily basis that if I didn't get back with my ex I would always look back and wonder how things would have been different. I would always feel like I'm missing out on who God has truly intended for me to be with. I am torn and in love...can I just ask for some advice? My friends and family give me two different opinions and I just want an outsider's opinion...thank you thank you!

    I'll be honest, it seems as if you are the emotionally unavailable one-you in your mind though you may not realize it, have given yourself to your ex, and only to your ex. In my eyes, it's not fair to the guy you're seeing. This may be blunt, but accept the fact that your ex is not going to call you, if he was, he might as well have stayed in a relationship with you.
    Either accept that, and go on with your life, or do not and let the new guy go. One way or another something has to happen.
    "We are beings attracted to the essence of hope, and life is the all encompassing hope that everything can change; that everything can be better."


      Break up, you obviously dont like the new guy. And old guy sounds like a heap of trouble. Dont think about what God would think about it, just because you have a connection that feels great it doesnt mean it will work out with him. There is someone third and better out there.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        Originally posted by Unconditional View Post
        I'll be honest, it seems as if you are the emotionally unavailable one-you in your mind though you may not realize it, have given yourself to your ex, and only to your ex. In my eyes, it's not fair to the guy you're seeing. This may be blunt, but accept the fact that your ex is not going to call you, if he was, he might as well have stayed in a relationship with you.
        Either accept that, and go on with your life, or do not and let the new guy go. One way or another something has to happen.
        This ^^.


          Thank you all for your advice, I appreciate blunt honesty!

          Unconditional- just to note, my ex has been calling me and probably will today when he gets out. That's something that worries me as the more I keep in touch with him the harder it is to move on and let him figure his life out. I have been thinking that I should come to terms with this and tell him that he should avoid contacting me completely until he has everything sorted out. The more I talk to him and keep him in my life the more I see chance and opportunities for things to work out. I do agree with you, you have shed some light that I am the emotionally unavailable one and again, thank you. I never thought of it that way, I guess I rationalized my lack of emotion with the new guy due to the fact he is not giving me his emotions so I figured it was "even". Which now that I type that it sounds a bit childish. thank you for your thoughts!

          Different countries- Thank you for your advice as well! I see how it may come off that I do not like the new guy..but I do, we have a connection or I wouldn't have entertained this. I just feel guilty when I spend time with him b/c I still have such strong feelings for my ex. I am faster to point out his negatives rather than his positives., which isn't fair.


            Different countries- Thank you for your advice as well! I see how it may come off that I do not like the new guy..but I do, we have a connection or I wouldn't have entertained this. I just feel guilty when I spend time with him b/c I still have such strong feelings for my ex. I am faster to point out his negatives rather than his positives., which isn't fair.[/QUOTE]
            Maybe you need more time with new guy to see how it goes. You should not feel guilty about thinking about your ex, that is just life. Observe how you are with new guy. If you pick on him too much you need to do something about your attitude. Is there something about him that you really like? or is it not enought to build on?
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

