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Not Feeling Good Enough.

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    Not Feeling Good Enough.

    I'm having a hard time feeling good enough, in my relationship, and I totally think it's a self-manifested thought. If anyone has read my last couple of threads, you'd know I am presently suffering from a bout of depression and anxiety that I've recently decided I just don't. Want. Anymore. I've been going to counseling, and I'm about two months in. Talking to someone has really helped, and as a general WHOLE, I am doing better. I'm learning to live in the present, not the past or future, and I'm learning not to let my assumed, anxiety-ridden thoughts dictate my actions or behavior, and I'm learning how to relax more and more instead of be anxious about things all the time, as time goes by.

    But I'm still having some issues. One of the biggest issues I've been struggling with is I don't feel like a good enough girlfriend to my boyfriend, in various ways. I try and look at things logically to rectify those things, like I listen to him while he talks about issues that he doesn't really talk to anyone else about, I'm willing to go the extra mile for him, and I very, very, very genuinely love and care for him. I don't force him to be someone he's not and I let him live life without being overbearing. I think these things are good attributes about me, and yet I still have issues with feeling inadequate. I don't think it's about what I DO as a girlfriend, per say, but more just... My personality. I feel like I must be boring to him. I find myself looking at all of his friends, and they tend to be the kinds of people that I am not. They like to go out, be a little crazy, enjoy the party scene, etc. I'm much more down to earth, mellow, and while I can get spurts of energy, I am definitely not a "party all night" person. When I look at everyone in his life compared to me, I get these thoughts that sneak in and plague my mind, like: "If he's so attracted to these kinds of individuals as friends, how could he ever be attracted to someone like me as a partner? They are everything I am not."

    This has lead me to asking him what it is that he loves about me. The issue is... He can't give any exact reason. He can't cherry pick a part of my personality that really helps him love me. He usually responds with things like, "Because you're you, and because you love me." I suppose I should be flattered by such an all-encompassing response, but the fact that he just can't say a particular thing about my personality that he just adores... Maybe it tricks my mind into thinking that he DOESN'T like my personality? That if I were just more like the people he is friends with, that he could actually tell me? I can tell him things about him that I absolutely love, but he can't really do the same for me. Is this something to be concerned about? Because right now, my mind is reeling a bit and I'm not sure what to make about those responses, if I actually am over thinking it into anxiety or if I have a reason to be concerned.

    I want to thank everyone for responding so politely on my posts like this. Talking to a therapist helps, but talking to a community where they understand the nuances of an LDR is also really helpful, and sometimes even more so. I'm just... Beyond sick of my mind, you guys. I'm sick of it sabotaging everything. I can hardly type how frustrated I am with it, without crying from the frustration. I love when I'm having a "good mental health" day, and I'm not taking ANYTHING he says and over thinking it, and just living in the moment, and we can talk so freely. He sounds so happy, and so do I. And I can laugh, and so can he. And I'm not questioning anything. And I'm so sick of it ruining that - I want that all the time, unless there's actually a GOOD reason for feeling otherwise.

    I suppose when you actually actively try and fight something, it rears it's ugly head even harder until it's defeated. And I am determined to defeat it. But... I'm just not sure what to think right now. All I know is I'm beyond frustrated with myself, and tired of seeing other people with idolizing eyes.

    I'm glad you're helping yourself by seeing a therapist. I've never suffered from depression so I can't say I understand how you feel regarding that but I know that recognizing your depression and taking the action to help yourself get back into a better mental state is a great step in the right direction.

    I think we all have times that we wonder what it is that our SO sees in us and think that there must be someone better for them or that they deserve better. My SO and I go back and forth with each other over who has gotten the better "deal" in this relationship. Whether they can pin it down to specific things or not, the love is there and sometimes you just have to realize that, yes, you are good enough and your SO loves you just the way you are. I think most of us are our own worst enemy and our own harshest critics. If we could only see ourselves from the eyes of our SO's I bet we would be pleasantly surprised.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      Originally posted by R&R View Post
      I'm glad you're helping yourself by seeing a therapist. I've never suffered from depression so I can't say I understand how you feel regarding that but I know that recognizing your depression and taking the action to help yourself get back into a better mental state is a great step in the right direction.

      I think we all have times that we wonder what it is that our SO sees in us and think that there must be someone better for them or that they deserve better. My SO and I go back and forth with each other over who has gotten the better "deal" in this relationship. Whether they can pin it down to specific things or not, the love is there and sometimes you just have to realize that, yes, you are good enough and your SO loves you just the way you are. I think most of us are our own worst enemy and our own harshest critics. If we could only see ourselves from the eyes of our SO's I bet we would be pleasantly surprised.
      Thank you so much R&R. I am definitely my own harshest critic - but the worst part is I can see the irrationality of my thoughts, but yet they keep coming back and fester anyways. I can see how silly they are, but they always manage to come back. It's almost like someone else is implanting their own thoughts or ideas into my head, and that what I'm thinking isn't actually, truly my own. Four years together, and yet I still find myself fretting this. I don't understand why.


        I know what you are feeling. I have anxiety issues myself and feeling not good enough is part of anxiety itself. My fiance would get heart broken when I would feel bad about myself. He just wants me to believe I am worth it. He even asked me while he was here the other day and I said I am getting there. He goes "I just traveled like 4,000 miles to come and see you for a week, do you still think your not worth it?". When you look at the bigger picture and not focus on yourself so much it helps. Trust me. I have never really felt good enough for anyone but for the first time, I am and it is scary and I almost feel selfish because it is not a natural feeling to me.

        And you saying his friends are the kinda people you are not? Well, take that as a compliment. He is dating you because you are nothing like them. If I was like any of the friends my fiance had in the past, he would have never even had interest in getting to know me.

        I know it is hard not to beat yourself up. Just make sure he knows it is nothing he is doing so it doesn't hurt your relationship. I hope you feel better soon. I know how bad it hurts and sucks feeling that.


          This is all moot point, everyone. He's broken up with me.

          I feel completely and utterly lost.


            Originally posted by Secrecy View Post
            This is all moot point, everyone. He's broken up with me.

            I feel completely and utterly lost.
            I'm sorry to hear that. Feel free to PM me if you want to.
            To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

            ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


              Aw, I'm sorry Please, take good care of yourself now.

              It'll take a lot more than words and guns
              A whole lot more than riches and muscle
              The hands of the many must join as one
              And together we'll cross the river


                Originally posted by Secrecy View Post
                This is all moot point, everyone. He's broken up with me.

                I feel completely and utterly lost.
                sorry to hear that.PM me if you want.and i also have anxiety issues and almost same problems with questioning myself as you do.

