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Should I go?

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    The latest is he still wants me to travel from Australia to Pittsburgh.He wont get back with me until we have met.Should I go or walk away?


      Originally posted by ljs View Post
      The latest is he still wants me to travel from Australia to Pittsburgh.He wont get back with me until we have met.Should I go or walk away?
      Walk away, you've realized he's a sociopath, there is no other answer at this point. If your ticket is non-refundable, change it and go see New York, or Philly, or some other city you've always wanted to visit in the US, and don't even tell him. You've wasted much too much time on him, now move on and do some things for yourself.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        Ask yourself honestly: Is he really worth it? After everything you told us?

        It'll take a lot more than words and guns
        A whole lot more than riches and muscle
        The hands of the many must join as one
        And together we'll cross the river


          Honestly, SCUMBAG ALERT. I wouldn't bother with him. He is a flat out ASS HOLE. Don't give in to him. He doesn't respect you at all if, every time he's mad at you, he talks to another woman.

          No thanks.

          Leave him.


            woah i am sorry to hear that he turned out to be a douche!
            honestly it doesn't seem like a caring loving relationship at all and he doesn't seem to be a person,who takes you into consideration and who sees you as an equal can,as people above said,just go and see places but not him.and yeah,Moon is's better to change the city so you won't be tempted to see him.instead treat yourself and relax after all this stress

