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Losing interest right before we're supposed to be together for the summer.

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    Losing interest right before we're supposed to be together for the summer.

    I'm 30 and she's 29. We met last summer in WA and had 1.5 months together before she left back to OK. I ended up having 2 weeks off right when she got to school so we worked out me coming down on a motorcycle trip and visiting her. I thought it would be our one last time together but we both wanted to continue so we started a long distance relationship. Right after I got home I flew to MN and met up to be her date at her friend's wedding. I was amazing on both these trips, on my best behavior. She loved it.

    We started a schedule of calling every day or skyping twice a week. I occasionally got jealous of her going to bars or parties and said some stupid things. She didn't like this but accepted my apologies. I flew down for a quick visit on Thanksgiving and the trip went okay, but I felt like I could have done better.

    The next time we were together she flew to WA a day before New Years. I took time off work and came up with a lot of stuff for us to do. We did wine tasting, snow hiking, stayed a few nights at a resort nearby, read to each other next to the fire. I surprised her with some thoughtful Christmas gifts. This was when we told each other we loved one another. We had an absolute blast and both of us were on cloud 9 for a while. I feel like this time together really improved us.

    I flew back to OK for Valentine's Day weekend and this was a bit rough. The first night went okay, we didn't have dinner reservations so it was a bit difficult to find a place to eat. I wasn't being very decisive, which is unlike me. When she asked me what I wanted I was just saying, whatever you like, or I'm just visiting what do you think we should have? Then one day at lunch I was trying to figure out what to order at a Greek place and was confused. I was embarrassed by holding the line up, but also feeling too shy just to ask the kid behind the counter what to order. My social anxiety pegged and she asked the kid for me. I got angry at her and didn't say much for a while, then told her later I didn't like that she did that and that I was embarrassed. The reality was it was my own damn fault. I tried to make it up to her but felt like this trip had damaged us.

    I think around this time I started to feel a little distance open up between us. We still talked but I felt like her outpouring of love was starting to abate.

    We both flew to CT in March and stayed with her family for a week. This was a stressful trip for both of us. Me being surrounded by her family and almost no alone time. Sex was not very good. The last night she was torn between a complex side trip to her brother's or just going to the airport hotel and spending a nice evening alone with me. She asked me for advice and I told her she had to make the decision but added I wanted to be alone. She finally chose to just go to the airport but was clearly still stressed. We get there and its not the happiest night. We try to have sex and I end up being too stressed and get performance anxiety. She confronts me over it, but I didn't want to talk about it. I wasn't able to fulfill her sexual needs the whole trip, this was a first for us.

    The next morning we headed back to our respective homes. We only had 50 some odd days now until she was back in my town for all of summer. But the conversations were a bit short and stale. I was repeating myself a lot when I talked every day about what I was doing or planning, I didn't have much interesting to say. I noticed more criticisms from her and fewer flirty compliments. I started to feel I was giving more attention then I was receiving. But we were talking about summer and our plans and even things out to July were being talked about. This was great because its not often she plans far ahead with me. So I was excited. I thought that the rough spots could be smoothed out when we were finally together.

    She picked up some contract field work out in Texas. I was really happy for her because it was good income and I knew she loved field work. The first few weeks of it we were communicating well, talking about having sex soon, flirting, etc.

    Then I started messing up. One night she was on the road back to the job in TX and said she'd call me when she got there. I took a nap in the afternoon because I had a midshift that night. When I woke up it was an hour past when I thought she was supposed to be there. I got concerned and called her phone, it went straight to voice mail. I should have just left a message like, "hey call me when you can" but instead left some stupid message about how I thought she would have called by now is everything okay? Then I got impatient and texted her, "Is everything okay?" Then I tried calling again and she answered angry with "Can't I even settle in?" The drive had taken longer than expected and she was very angry I was sending her these messages asking if she was okay, because, rightly so, they made no real difference even if she wasn't. It was stupidly needy of me.

    For some reason I couldn't stop here. One day she calls me in the morning, which is kinda unusual, to tell me she ran into an old friend from field work in the Northwest. After she tells me about it I say in a joking tone, "oh so you wanted to call me and tell me you ran into a cute guy?" She was unhappy with that, I apologized right away on the phone and tried telling her I was just kidding. But still, it was a stupid way to damage our trust.

    A week later she's down there again and says she'll call after she finds a place to hide her truck from the incoming hail. Hours go by with nothing. This time I don't message her worried but just text her to call me when she can. She does kinda late and says when she got back to the hotel she hung out drinking with her coworkers. I got unhappy with her about it because I had been worried. The next day she admitted she had been drunk when she called and didn't really remember our chat. I again got unhappy with her and told her I didn't appreciate not getting a message telling me she would call me later and that I didn't really like that she didn't even remember our conversation. She said I don't want her to have any fun.

    A few days later during our daily phone call it starts with her unhappy. She started to tell me about her day and then just stopped and said she didn't want to talk about her day anymore. I stupidly chose this juncture to bring up a pointless complaint. She went off, saying she couldn't do this anymore, these talks every day about pointless things. She said she was losing her interest in me. I told her I felt that communicating was important to our relationship but agreed to call every other day. She said we were in the home stretch so it should work out.

    So we do this but I start to notice she doesn't respond to flirts anymore. Talk about future summer plans doesn't get a response either. Texting only happens if I initiate. I apologized for some of the things I'd said in the past few weeks but felt like she wasn't really listening. Then I notice she doesn't say "I love you" in response when I do. Its strange because the normal conversations are happy, and she's having a good time doing her job and hanging out with her coworkers, but there's something wrong. I ask her if she's finalized her road trip plans up to WA. She tells me the plan and includes that we are still going to Olympia on the weekend she gets back, which is about 11 hours together in the car. I asked if she wanted to spend the night there or just do the trip in one day. She says either is fine.

    A couple days later I finally asked her how she saw our relationship right now. She said we were on life support. This is almost exactly 2 weeks from when we are supposed to be together. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say.

    I tell her I'll call back in a few days and don't text her or get any texts from her in that time. I call her back a two days later and we talked. It started with what she'd been up to the last few days, a nice normal conversation, we were actually having some laughs about some stuff we talked about. Then I ask her if we can set aside a time on the day after she gets into town to talk. She agrees, although this is the only day she can show her friend (female roommate from OK) who is visiting at the same time the area so it might be tricky. I agree and ask her if we're still going to Olympia together. She says yes, almost surprised it wouldn't be that way, if I was okay with it. So I tell her I'm just so confused about what's going on with us. She says, very nicely that she just was losing interest. She felt that it would probably change when we were back together. I asked if she knew why she was losing interest but she couldn't say for sure. I told her that I think some of the things I said that I shouldn't have and my boring conversations probably had something to do with it. I tell her I'd like to hang out with her and her friend as they see the town, and she says she'll let me know.

    So now she'll be here in one week. She's back home packing up, done with the field work job. She doesn't call or text me, but will respond. I texted her today and we talked for a bit. At first she had good news then I asked if she and her roommate were ready for the roadtrip and just got a "No". So the conversations don't go far right now. I've given up on phone chats until she's here. I don't know how to communicate with her right now and not push her away.

    I realize I've been too needy with her. I haven't trusted her enough. I see this and know I can change things but I don't know how she feels right now. On one hand she seemed optimistic about regaining interest, on other she doesn't communicate with me. We still have plans to go on a full day trip together right after she gets here.

    How do I communicate with her now and not make things worse before we talk? How should I approach working things out with her?

    I'd leave things and see how they go once she's there as its only a week away.
    Just text but maybe not too much emphasis on the readiness for the trip as its not getting the response you want.
    Keep the texts general and light hearted and see how things go once you're together.


      It seems that your trips go best when you are able to plan them forhand in detail, prefferably with something exiting that doesn't directly involve much other people than the two of you. How well does that description fit the trip you are about to take? The second think I want to say is that you need a plan for what to do when things go wrong, communicationwise. Can you have a keyword to say, or something to do? I think this might be especially useful to you since your social anciety leads you to feel that any mistake that happens is not only onfortunate, but truely awful. Having "practiced" the mistakes might take the edge off them, and also serve to prepare her and give her a "right" to say "let's make a u turn" or whatever your key word may be for making up after stupid fights. the third thing, which is related to the first and the second, is this; practice how to be friends, not just lovers. It may sound contrary, but I think you will find that treating your anxiety as a couple's issue and cultivating your friendship (when you are in this state of being prone to fights and misunderstandings) may really improve your sex life. Talk to each other about your childhoods, ask her to share an embarresing thing about yourself, when you want to say something bad then don't, or practice ways to rephraze it so that it can function to brigde you.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        Thanks for the responses.

        Originally posted by Redheart14 View Post
        I'd leave things and see how they go once she's there as its only a week away.
        Just text but maybe not too much emphasis on the readiness for the trip as its not getting the response you want.
        Keep the texts general and light hearted and see how things go once you're together.
        I'm definitely leaning toward this. I was thinking of wishing her a great trip tomorrow morning, the day they set out, and then maybe checking in later but not pushing it. I suppose my fear is what do I do when Friday rolls around and what if she doesn't contact me. Her not being excited to see me, leaping into my arms and kissing me wildly is so strange because thats all I know.

        Originally posted by differentcountries View Post
        How well does that description fit the trip you are about to take?
        We have separate business near the same city. About a month ago at her suggestion I rearranged my schedule to line up with hers so we could just go together. She'll be attending a bridal shower and while she's there I'll be picking up a puppy from a breeder. If we do the trip in one day its about 11 hours of driving.

        The second think I want to say is that you need a plan for what to do when things go wrong, communicationwise.
        I agree. We really don't seem to talk about our problems so they just build up. I feel like that's what has happened here. I regret not using the opportunity in CT to find some time to sit down and just talk through things when I knew that we had started to drift. I know my later overreactions were a result of myself being paranoid about us drifting apart but not talking about it.

        Talk to each other about your childhoods, ask her to share an embarresing thing about yourself, when you want to say something bad then don't, or practice ways to rephraze it so that it can function to brigde you.
        When we started out we were a lot like this. We told each other a lot of stories. She told me them all the time, she has a great memory and has lived an exciting life. I noticed toward the beginning of this year the stories had started to slack off. These were our main talking points often when calling all the time. When we ran out of memories to share or just got tired of sharing them our conversations started to get stale. We used to talk over an hour a night, now we're lucky if we get past 20 minutes, when we were talking...


          Getting comfortable and more settled in with each other isn't a bad thing. It means you are out of the period where you feel the need to impress with each other, and you can be more honest about your flaws and quirks and the little things that make you who you are, not just the big and important stuff. The key, though, is to take that chance and be honest. If you get complacent instead of comfortable with each other, it's no wonder you can't find things to talk about. What are you guarded about? Why don't you tell her about your problems? Can you identify that?

          It'll take a lot more than words and guns
          A whole lot more than riches and muscle
          The hands of the many must join as one
          And together we'll cross the river


            Originally posted by Schmitty21 View Post
            When we started out we were a lot like this. We told each other a lot of stories. She told me them all the time, she has a great memory and has lived an exciting life. I noticed toward the beginning of this year the stories had started to slack off. These were our main talking points often when calling all the time. When we ran out of memories to share or just got tired of sharing them our conversations started to get stale. We used to talk over an hour a night, now we're lucky if we get past 20 minutes, when we were talking...
            Yes, we are the same. And that is ok. I take pride in knowing his stories now. Sometimes we talk about totally other stuff, like how everybody went to Iceland for a while after the economy there was bad but cheap for tourists and I will say for instance: "When I went to Iceland at 15 we got this amazing bernaise sauce. That is when I understood the sauces I had tasted so far were crap and I got a book and learned how to make them myself". And he will say: "You can make a sauce?" (impressed) And I will say: "Sure, I can make lots! I only stopped because I overdid it for a while. Let's make you sauces when I come in summer". So there you go. From international politics to sauce making plans. Or, he was telling another tale about how he was following a customer to the tatooist, and then I realized for the first time that that was his part time job, not just him being nice. So then I got some of our economy. A lot of things emerge from us just telling about our everyday lives or what is on our minds - or our cat. And like Miasmata says, this is the period of getting to know the "shadow side" of the other, which sounds bad but it really means you will be better equipped in dealing with things in the future if you go into them.

            I can understand you not wanting to talk with your SO about your problems, because SO is like that. He really doesn't want to go into it. But the way I see it, everything that he thinks, says and does, affects us. And yes, he has bad habits like he smokes in the toilet (still annoys me, really. We have a balcony) and he has boundry issues which basically becomes my stuff to deal with. But I love him with all his flaws and shadow sides, and his stuff is our stuff now. And when he gradually trusts me more and more, he finds that not only can I help him del with things that he himself found troubling, or connect better with me, but I am also interested in those things that others find irrelevant or too silly. Like his sexual fantasies, or his introvert side (I am introvert too and more assertative than him, so I can help him negotiate that), how he feel he should "really" live in the olden days and serve the sultan king (wheras I used to dream I was a viking explorer), or his dream to one day have a house in a tree (which is not THAT far fetched. We stayed at a hotel that had a tree platform with pillows), common interests (we enjoy talking about bikes, food or politics) or our humour.

            I especially would encourage you to work on your humour bit. Share jokes, tell each other about stupid things that happened at work that made you laugh, watch comedy shows together. We have a lot of language humour. Whenever my SO says FUCK - spoken with a Turkish style C - I laugh myself silly, because we have seen the mafia comedy where the concept Fornication Under Control of the King (FUCK) was mentioned, and also because anything English prononciated as Turkish sounds incredbly stupid. We will joke about cultural differences, or our habits. Go a little silly together, it will ease up a lot of the tention and boredom that might otherwise creep in in when it is late for one of you and Skype goes a bit stalemate.
            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


              At this point I have no problem with us talking about our problems and strengthening our communication. My only concern right now is if she will even take me back or regain her interest. The lack of communication right now makes me feel like we're already on the outs. But when we last talked on the phone she at least seemed optimistic in reviving things when we are together again. But then she doesn't seem particularly excited in our reunion. I don't know if she's just being nice out of pity for what she's about to do or if she's putting my at arms length as punishment, or if we're just taking a little break from each other and I should let her be. I haven't gone into any depth over the phone or text because she seems to want to hash this out in person, but I don't know what will be left of us by then.

              This morning I texted her, "Good morning I hope you have an amazing road trip. I can't wait to see you again."

              She replied, "Thanks!"

              Now I feel like I should just leave her alone for a while, let her enjoy the trip.


                I don't get what you wanted her to reply. She even had an exclamation mark to her thanks.

                Of course she is not all the exited. You ruin Valentine by blowing up over nothing, then not even taking things down again. She lets you meet her family, which was not an alltime sucess, not only did you not mesh with her family but was akward alone with her as well, and you don't seem to appreciate that she was giving you a gesture of trust by taking you home (even if you didn't like it). Her trying to tiptoe around you to not upset you you interprete er her lacking interest in being with you. When she blows up over something (that you did), you take it badly. You hint that she is unfaithful. You don't let her be when she is working, and don't really take her signals to back off the contacting. Of course she looses interst and is less interested in flirting with you. Not only are you not on the same wavelenght, but you seem pretty concerned with yourself, not being able to put yourself in her shoes. Perhaps the angst does this, I don't know because I have never had anxiety at that level. But I have dated someone who was insecure, hinted about me cheating, didn't let me be when I didn't have time to talk, had temper tantrums etc and it did reduce my interest, because it was hard to be comfortable around her, hard to feel loved and I also questioned if she was really into me or just the idea of a relationship. It is simply stressful to be around someone who acts like they love their partner one minute and the next treat them like their main sourse of misery.

                I can't tell you if she wants to continue the relationship. But letting her be for a while sounds like an exellent plan. Think: "What would a normal person do?", then do those things. Not too little, not too much.
                I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                  Jesus. You're right. I've been screwing things up for a while now with my insecurity. I know I've had rejection issues in that past. I thought with this long term relationship I'd be okay but I'm just letting out all my insecurities on her, expecting all this attention and freaking out when I don't get it. If I'd just been calmer and relaxed and trusted her love that would have been so much better. Just knowing she loved me should have been more than enough. Now for all my fears I've pushed her into exactly the place I was most scared of.

                  If she leaves me then she surely is making a good decision for herself. If she keeps me I have to learn to enjoy our relationship in a much less destructive way.

                  Thank you for finally opening my eyes to the scale of damage I've caused.

                  PS: Though I will say, I got along pretty well with her family. There was just that underlying stress of being around her father a lot (our bedroom was right across the hall from his). But yes, I should have been a much better guest to her in addition to her family. I should have been more accommodating with visiting her brother since I knew I'd be with her all summer.


                    Keep us posted on how it goes


                      One of the, if not THE hardest thing to learn in life is that you, as a person, are good enough. I'll say it to you right now: You are good enough! You are no better or worse than anyone else, but for her, you might very well be the best. But if you can't believe that, she will feel rejected sooner or later. Getting over insecurities is plenty hard, but absolutely possible, and it starts with reassuring yourself and reminding yourself that you aren't as bad as you think. Good luck

                      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                      The hands of the many must join as one
                      And together we'll cross the river


                        Sounds like you're overthinking things and shooting too high in expectations. A lot of the problems you described sounded like an instance of you having certain expectations for an event or evening and it just didn't go the way you wanted, albeit not horribly in retrospect. And some situations you cannot help such as sex at her parents house not being the best. That's no one's fault there and it's not necessarily a sign of a doomed relationship. You two were simply in a situation where you weren't 100% alone, and with her parents no less. It sounds like you expect your relationship, and your visits especially, to be this romantic occasion full of perfect dates and romantic evenings together. Relationships most certainly will not always be like this. You have to learn to simply co-exist at the same time. Would you feel comfortable if you or she came to visit and you just bummed around the house the majority of the time?


                          You're right. Even early in the relationship I admitted to her that I was so lucky to have someone like her. She thought it was cute at first. In reality I let myself believe that I wasn't good enough for her. This of course lead to plenty of insecurity that only becomes multiplied by distance and time apart. I became controlling. If she didn't have time for a phone chat I'd get worried, like missing one chat could ruin everything. If she didn't call when I expected her to I'd go crazy sometimes. But then many times I was just fine and calm. It came in waves, usually depending on how long we'd been apart. I put so much focus on making our time together perfect (the perfect that existed in my mind, not her's) that I either smothered her or didn't respect her. All this of course built up more and more overtime because we never took the time to calmly talk about it. This week I'm trying to give her space as she's on her way here and not text or call her and I can tell its driving me insane.

                          But the truth is all along all I needed was her love. She wanted me so badly when we first started dating, that should have been more than enough proof that I certainly did deserve her and she deserved me. Because that was our own choice to make. Yes I was lucky to find such a great girl, and she was lucky to find such a great guy. She even call me her "Great catch" all the time. I guess as the relationship went on and the compliments were less and less free flowing (she doesn't like to compliment too much as it is) I started becoming more and more insecure. If only I could have controlled myself better and realized I was overthinking the smallest things.

                          So now my new struggle, finding a way to save us. I want to explain to her these things. That I do love her, and I do trust her, but I let my fears cloud my judgement and run my mouth. That I can be that man she fell in love with and that I won't let insecurity have its way with me any more. I only hope she gives us the chance to work things out.


                            Just stop talking about it with her. Not even briefly or casually. That's probably why she's distancing from you. Think about it. You made issues out of things that weren't issues to begin with. You couldn't find the good in the things you two did together because you were so focused on not screwing up and being good enough for her. And your mood and attitude can affect the moment and create tension for her too. When other people stress out, those around them stress out. When you aren't having fun because things aren't going as you planned, she probably wasn't having fun because of that. When you couldn't see the good in a situation, she probably felt like she or your relationship weren't good enough for you. And then you'd want to talk about it and apologize. You are most likely mentally and emotionally exhausting her. You don't approach a person about a serious topic when they're still acting bitter.

                            This is one of those things that requires some space, time, and simple actions that show you can act differently. She probably needs space and you need to work on your insecurities on your own. You don't need to apologize, there's probably little you can do other than give into your insecurities. You can't just convince her with words or apologetic gestures. Like I said, she's probably feeling mentally exhausted over how insecure you've been acting. It sounds like you've been frequently bringing up the relationship with her. And imagine how much of a mood killer someone can be if they frequently bring up heavy topics when all you want to do is talk and spend time with them? She is probably feeling rather cynical toward your conversations right now and dreading them because she fears you will bring up the issue of your relationship or stuff that you've done and said. Personally, I wouldn't even recommend bringing up the issue of your relationship while she is there. Let her bring it up if she wants. Enjoy each other's company. If things go well then maybe after the trip call her and talk about how she's feeling. Imagine how nerve racking it's going to be going on a trip that you know will include a conversation that'll make or break your relationship? That can spoil the rest of the fun. And it may backfire on both of you. She may be wanting to enjoy your company but instead she may be dreading you bringing it up again, and this may affect her mood and create tension. And that may affect your mood and attitude. You may end up sinking back into your usual mindset that you appear to have when things don't always go as great as you were hoping they would.


                              If we were still in our normal conversation routine and things were going like they were, yes that would be the way I would go about it. However, we aren't talking much now. The last time we talked on the phone (last Wednesday) she did make it clear we would talk and see how things went when we saw each other again. She doesn't call or text unless I do or ask her to. With her lack of interest in contacting me I feel like its best just to give her space now and get back in contact once she's here in town.

                              I've considered calling and just chatting about how her trip is going but I feel like thats just me being needy for attention and that I should just back off until she's here on Friday.

                              It feels so strange because we haven't gone this long without communication since last summer when I was in the middle of nowhere for a week for work.
                              Last edited by Schmitty21; May 10, 2015, 02:43 PM.

