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Long post - Need help - what do you think?

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    Long post - Need help - what do you think?

    Thank you for reading. It’s going to be long!

    I have previously posted about my ex gf, who I was in a LDR with; eventually we broke up due to religion. She believed her faith didn’t allow us to be together. That was in mid march.

    I was obviously very upset and hurt because I didn’t see it coming, I’d just come back from a trip to see her, things were finally looking stronger, we were talking about short term closing the distance etc. and then she breaks up with me.

    I started ignoring her for a few days and after lots of begging messages she sent I replied. I was pleasantly surprised that after a 3 hour phone call I felt nothing for her. I knew that from the bottom of my heart I had given her my everything and in the end if she believes it is religiously wrong for two girls to be, then I can’t compete with that.

    That night she text me saying “I know this is so soon but why don’t I come to London?” she’s American. At the time I never thought it would happen and just played a long and was like “yea sure sounds good” next thing I know her tickets are booked and she came here on the 24th April. Between the time of booking tickets and her arriving, I was so angry, hot and cold because I suppose I felt like this girl doesn’t care about me, breaks up with me on a whim and now here I am playing host. Anyways, she came.

    We had a great time, lots of sightseeing, we went to Barcelona for 4 days – got lost in the old city, ate tapas all night, bar hopped, saw all the beautiful architecture, walked around 30 miles, saw everything, it was the best trip but also it was the best that even though we both enjoyed each others company and it truly is the most comforting feeling hanging out with someone you have such a strong connection with, it was also awesome that whilst in each others presence, neither one of us wanted a relationship.

    I could look at her and no longer have that desire to be with her – I loved her and probably wouldn’t have treated her much different if we were together eg, we never have split a check, buying each other drinks, when she booked some sightseeing tours she did for us both, same for me when I booked a flamenco show etc

    On the day she left, she was very sad. The most sad I’ve ever seen her, en route to the airport I decided to turn off in to this small town that has a high jewish population, to look for a deli or something so she could have a sandwich. But the car in front of us hit a lamppost, flipped on to the side and people were trapped. I ended up having to lift a 3 year old out of the car, it was crazy. Her being a doc and me being the one yelling at people what to do – somehow brought us closer. Afterwards we stopped for coffee and she was just so upset, crying so much. She asked to leave the coffee shop and sit in my car because she didn’t want to be upset in public. She was so sad at leaving me

    After she left its like she friendzoned me so quick, which of course made me feel used, like I was just a fun ticket to London. Deep down I knew that can’t be true, she is very wealthy and didn’t need my small home to live in for 2 weeks, a hotel probably would have been more comfortable.

    We have a talked a lot the past week about how I feel etc, I explained that in March she would have been ecstatic if I said she can have me (as a close friend) and have no commitments or nothing preventing her from moving on. I suppose I asked for a buffer period to help me with this transition I suppose.

    About 4 days ago she told me something, when she was 12 she was bullied at school. It resulted in cyber bullying and her ending up trying to take her own life. We discussed it briefly and it seems that all the times I said she was unemotional, cold, questioned if she had any feelings could have been because of this. Because she is so fearful of being hurt, as an adult this is how she’s become. I was annoyed that she didn’t want to share something like this with me over the past 2 years because it would have made me understand things a lot better. She says she was embarrassed, she’s this tall beautiful successful med student and that’s what she wanted me to see. Not a weak person capable of being bullied.

    Back to us – she decided or agreed that she cares for me and is lucky that I didn’t cut her off in March, she’s I suppose realised what I am to her because she told me I’m closer to her and more unconditionally there than her friends she’s known since she was a kid. So she’s willing to help me. And I will be honest and say I am not using her comfort as a way to get back with her. She’s such a strong part of my life that without her its like my energy is focussed on that. Having her be there will allow me to focus on moving forward – great.

    Last night I found out she’s been on antidepressants for the past 18 months. Apparently she had a break of a year or two but had been on them in college. But I know 6 months in to our relationship she went back on them. She takes Benadryl to help her sleep every night and that bothers me which she knows. But to hear she’s on anti depressants for so long beyond bothers me. I’m also hurt that she never discussed it with me.

    I’ve shared my deepest darkest secrets with her, she knows everything about me, why didn’t she tell me.

    It’s made me feel like I don’t know her and that she only let me see what she wanted me to see. I’ve woken up feeling like I’m at crossroads, on one hand, I love her so much I want to be there for her, I know for a fact I’m the only one outside of her family that she’s told either of these big things to. I feel like I’m on the verge of peeling some layers and helping and wanting to get to the root of the problem. I’m a big believer in love and support is the best medicine.

    But the other part of me feels as if you hid all this for way too long, now that you’re not trying to impress me, you’re willing to share stuff. But why wasn’t I allowed to know the full story? I get it was her secret to share but we spoke all day every day.

    Also if I’d known these things about her, it would have helped me a lot to understand our relationship and not question myself and my worth so many times.

    What do I do???

    From my perspective quite simply put, you need to decide on whether you can let the urt and resentment you are feeling go, or whether it is there too deeply.

    She's told you that she did not want to share it before now for reasons she explained, but now she has. For her it sounds to me like it was a *huge* deal opening up and telling you that and so you should be honoured that she has, not resentful that she didn't do it sooner.

    At the end of the day what is more important to you, to have a really close friend that you talk to about anything, knowing that there is a shared platonic love for each other but nothing more, or to lose out on this?

    I unfortunately could not remain friends with my most recent ex, and I suffer with the fact that I have lost one of my closest friends in the process almost daily even now - but my hurt on how she behaved towards me before and after is too deep, and I know I can't be the friend I was without there being resentment felt. I have forgiven her for ending the relationship and the hurt she caused me, but so far I have not been able to forgive other things and until I can, I am staying out her life - she has made it obvious that she doesn't see my perspective and is making no effort to rebuild the bridge from her side either, so I feel that for me this is the right path - even tho as said I wish it weren't!


      I agree with p_b82, he hit the points well I think. Frankly, you sound pretty bitter and resentful of her, especially with how you use "friendzone" and other rather insulting wordings about the situation. I'm very sorry you got hurt, but if you think of her as some evil person, you are already souring any possible platonic future with her from the getgo. It's not her obligation to return your feelings, and it doesn't read like she purposely played you. Take a step back, breathe deeply, and ask yourself whether you can respectfully continue the friendship or not. Neither is a shame, but you need to deal with the consequences.

      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
      The hands of the many must join as one
      And together we'll cross the river


        The truth is she is my best friend, if I have a problem she is the first person I think of and the same for her.
        We both love each other a lot and if it wasn’t for religion we would be together. I get that.

        I think I’m just annoyed because I was the one who put all the effort in the relationship, I did all the travelling, she only visited me after we broke up. I was super thoughtful, I did everything I could to make her happy. Often people on here told me not to keep going so above and beyond. And for her to end things the way she did was really hurtful.

        And I guess now that I feel I have been given more knowledge, on who she is and more about her I really want to help her, truly I do. Knowing she is at peace with her past and not on medication would make me very happy. However, I suppose in a way I feel like she doesn’t deserve that from me. Almost like its too late now. This information would have been vital to our relationship but also you’ve treated me like such an afterthought in your decisions you don’t deserve me so unconditionally.

        However I do get your point, am I prepared to walk away? I’m not sure. I don’t think so, I’ve fought with her for a few days to get her to see my point but its so pathetic that 2 years later I have to point out my value for her to understand why I’m worth the extra effort.

        But at the same time, from the outside her life is pretty awesome. Med student, life planned out, very wealthy, best family, great friends, lots of interests. But I can tell she isn’t happy not really happy. And I do want to make her happy or allow herself to explore her past within the safety of our friendship.

        Wow did I even make any sense lol


          What is done, is done. You did the travelling, you were thoughtful towards her, those are good things. You being bitter although she probably did her best too (considering her big issues with religion) are not quite as charming. But I get it. People like to make sense of it and to be rewarded. Right now you are heartboken and experiense a sense of meaninglessness. I think for your own sake, you should consider not staying in close contact until you can stomack the breakup a little bit more.

          I have been upset at my exes, believe me! It is just that, they did what they could. Not everyone have the strenght or self-knowledge like we do. Also, we do have a capasity for being bitter that can eat us up inside, because we mean everything so much and bitterness we mean it too.

          It is not your responsabilty to make her happy. You are not her partner. She may be in your future, but she is not your future.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            Originally posted by S41r4 View Post
            The truth is she is my best friend, if I have a problem she is the first person I think of and the same for her.
            We both love each other a lot and if it wasn’t for religion we would be together. I get that.

            I think I’m just annoyed because I was the one who put all the effort in the relationship, I did all the travelling, she only visited me after we broke up. I was super thoughtful, I did everything I could to make her happy. Often people on here told me not to keep going so above and beyond. And for her to end things the way she did was really hurtful.

            And I guess now that I feel I have been given more knowledge, on who she is and more about her I really want to help her, truly I do. Knowing she is at peace with her past and not on medication would make me very happy. However, I suppose in a way I feel like she doesn’t deserve that from me. Almost like its too late now. This information would have been vital to our relationship but also you’ve treated me like such an afterthought in your decisions you don’t deserve me so unconditionally.

            However I do get your point, am I prepared to walk away? I’m not sure. I don’t think so, I’ve fought with her for a few days to get her to see my point but its so pathetic that 2 years later I have to point out my value for her to understand why I’m worth the extra effort.

            But at the same time, from the outside her life is pretty awesome. Med student, life planned out, very wealthy, best family, great friends, lots of interests. But I can tell she isn’t happy not really happy. And I do want to make her happy or allow herself to explore her past within the safety of our friendship.

            Wow did I even make any sense lol
            I get what you are trying to say here as well - I felt I put in a *lot* more than my ex, both in terms of support, emotional and financial too.

            I also felt that my ex was one of my closest confidants.

            But as said by DC - you can't have any thoughts along the lines of 'making her happy' you are not a couple, it is totally her choice whether she is happy or not even if you were together.

            If you feel that she does not deserve what you have to offer, then you can't offer it. If you feel that by not offering it you are going not be fully happy with the new balance of the relationship/friendship then you are not going to be able to continue it.

            If you are making this an issue of her 'seeing/acknowledging' your worth, then it is something that you are going to lose longer term I feel. She knows your worth, she has told you some of her darkest fears, and tried to go against her religion for you - if that is not 'enough' then you are going to remain feeling bitter.

            If you feel bitter you should walk away, as unless you change your mindset it will get worse and worse as time goes on. You may find (as I hope I will) that in time the hurt and bitterness drops and you can be there for her again as the friend you were before - but if not, then it is the end of the road if you can't have something that wasn't what it was and still be happy.


              Opening up is difficult, especially if you are not ready. My ex didn't know how much I was bullied in school, how my self-harm started and all the other things that made me myself, but not because I didn't love him, but because I was still hurting and was not ready to talk about it. I had not processed the feelings for myself yet, so I couldn't share them with anyone. Throughout the 4 years we have been together, I have slowly let him into my world, and if I told him everything, he would have probably reacted differently, but if something hurt you on such a deep level, re-opening the wound takes time.

              So don't be upset she didn't tell you, she wasn't ready, now she is. Maybe she thought a partner is not supposed to see those weaknesses, but a friend can, because a partner should always be proud of you, while a friend can see you at your lowest and not judge - this is actually how I saw it before I learned what a relationship is really supposed to be. I figured, there is the guy you date and the guy you marry and those two are completely different. The guy you date, you share everything with, he is your best friend, the person you can trust your deepest secrets with and then there is the guy you marry, a husband, a person who takes care of your needs but needs you to be perfect and since I figured I would marry my ex, I didn't want to share all my secrets with him, to make myself less appealing, to make myself less perfect in his eyes.

              My husband taught me what love really is and what a relationship really is.

              Another thing is about the antidepressants. Being on medication is not something that should bother you. Being on medication shows that she took a step towards a healing process and if the medication is making her feel better, you will have to accept that fact. If she was on some kind of illegal drugs, that is a whole different story, but she takes antidepressants because she needs them and even though you feel like she should not have to, some people simply do.
              My mom takes antidepressants and I used to think that's unnecessary, but when I look at her now and compare it to how she used to be, I am glad she takes them, so she can finally feel happy and smile so much more often. In fact, I wish we would all have been able to ignore the stigma and get her medication much sooner.

              Relationship began: 05/22/2012
              First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
              Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
              Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
              Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
              Married: 1/24/2015
              Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                Totally agree with snow and everyone else.

                I've been with my SO for almost 2 1/2 years...he just finally opened up and let me in about a month ago. While I wish it was sooner, at least he finally let me in. Even he said he felt guilty that it had taken this long to open up. Not everyone is able to open up easily, I'm one where, if I feel I can trust you, I open up immediately. Others aren't like this. Sometimes the pain is too much to try and bring back up. Because, when you're telling someone your stories, you definitely feel all that pain and emotions all over again.

                If you really want this friendship, or whatever it is, to need to let go of what happened in your relationship. I feel as though this trip, her opening up to you, it wasn't her using you. It was her trying to open up to you and see if she can salvage the damage she knows she had done.

                Also, in your other posts about her, you know I was one of the first ones to tell you to leave her. So, if I'm telling you I really think she's making an effort to make it up to you and be open, she might be. But, it can only work if you let go of the bitterness.


                  Thanks - we've been texting a little and I'm being a total jerk. I feel guilty.
                  But ive apologised and asked to talk over the phone not text.

                  Maybe this is me problem because I strongly disliked her taking Benadryl each night to help her sleep and knowing she’s on anti depressants is really bothering me.
                  I think that’s what I’m struggling with and the fact she kept such a huge part of herself hidden for so long.

                  I don’t think it was because she was suffering or anything, maybe embarrassed? Omg what if she was embarrassed and I’m making it worse. That would be terrible.


                    Originally posted by S41r4 View Post
                    Thanks - we've been texting a little and I'm being a total jerk. I feel guilty.
                    But ive apologised and asked to talk over the phone not text.

                    Maybe this is me problem because I strongly disliked her taking Benadryl each night to help her sleep and knowing she’s on anti depressants is really bothering me.
                    I think that’s what I’m struggling with and the fact she kept such a huge part of herself hidden for so long.

                    I don’t think it was because she was suffering or anything, maybe embarrassed? Omg what if she was embarrassed and I’m making it worse. That would be terrible.
                    Like I said, some people take longer than others to open up. Don't take offense to it. Try not to worry about it too much and make yourself feel bad, I'm sure she understands.

