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When did you first say 'I love you'?

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    Mine wasn't that long ago. So I'm 26 now and I think I am well overdue moving away from home. But I was a late bloomer when it came to college and my parents told me I could continue living at home as long as I was working and/or going to college. Well, my mom is in dire need of therapy as she has a serious victim complex and doesn't like to see anyone around her doing better than she is. She likes to take her frustrations and anger out on those around her. And one day she targeted me and swiftly tore apart everything I am and everything I'm doing to better my life and to achieve my goals. She made me look like and feel like a horrible person and I've honestly never been so hurt by someone before. And while having a crying fit I started messaging my boyfriend and telling him about it. And in the midst of my fit he interrupted me with "I love you," which he had never said before. It did a good job at stopping my fit. I just froze because I honestly didn't expect it. Of course I said it back.


      We met in June 2014 when I was on a trip with a friend to Dublin in Ireland. I met him on my last night. We kept in touch and he visited me 3 weeks later in a nearby town and we spent the weekend together which was just amazing. We met up again in July and we whilst we were laying on the grass at a beautiful nature reserve just chilling n chatting he just turned to me and told me he was in love with me. I told him I loved him too . That was that and its just got better n better!


        We met on August 30th, 2011 through a social media site that lets you know if someone admires you. Anyway, he admired me and we started talking. So we decided to add each other on Facebook. This went on for a few months until he finally asked me to be his girlfriend on December 2, 2011. This is one memory I'll never forget. I was so excited because I had a huge crush on him. (we didn't physically meet)
        We first said "I love you" sometime around Dec 22. I had taken Spanish that year in school, so I was teaching him some things I learned. The first time he told me he loved me was in Spanish (which I thought was very cute and romantic).
        We met each other for the first time on September 12, 2014. I spent 6 months with him physically and it was everything I've ever wanted with him. Even though we didn't meet in person 3 years after we met on the internet, I'm still glad it happened. It was at the right time (we both were out of high school at the time). This journey has been a long one, but the next step for us is working on closing the distance.


          He said it in a letter less than 6 months of a very intense online relationship. He had just moved and he had been busy driving across the country and he was not happy about the move and he had done a lot of thinking while driving. It was a beautiful letter and it came by surprise. He said he knows it's a big deal for me and he will wait until I'm ready to tell him that. It seemed so impossible at the time that we could ever have a future together and I didn't know if it's a good thing that we're falling in love. That was almost 3 years ago and so many things have changed since. It's been really hard for us but now I know we will have a lifetime together, we just need to wait it out. Our love has stayed strong all this time.

