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In your opinion, why is ldr worth it?

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    These are all so sweet

    It is absolutely worth it for someone who is so wonderful & makes me smile so much, who I can speak to for hours at a time, have our own hilarious in-jokes, and who I miss every single day - my best friend and favourite person. I definitely haven't ever met someone quite like him, & I've had a number of past relationships which do not even come close to the connection that we have. We connected and felt comfortable together so fast, it was unlike anything else and if I couldn't be with him for some reason I wouldn't bother with relationships. It makes my day to wake up to a thoughtful message or photo from him. It's really hard to explain quite how happy we make each other, even being thousands of miles away.

    We both feel that we can make it work because we're independent and confident people and don't easily get jealous or too clingy, so we still function perfectly well being apart. But that doesn't mean we don't miss each other like crazy & count down the days til we get to be together again! Statistically it's highly unlikely that your perfect match (or the closest thing) isn't living an hour's radius from your home, so you may have to look further afield for that special person, which is no big deal when they're absolutely worth the distance!


      We all have our unique reasons for being in an LDR but mine is because no other girl would ever compare to my SO, therefore I am willing to sacrifice a lot to wait to be with her. Truth is I wasn't looking for love but now I have it, I don't want to ever let go.
      Love is patient, Love is kind, Love never fails.


        I just keep thinking - I couldn't be with anyone closer without feeling like I'm settling for less than I want.


          To me this is worth it because the thought of not having in my life is way worse than anything this long distance throws at us. Recently things have been very tough. Work is making him work over time plus he's moving so the past month I've rarely gotten to talk to him. But I get to visit him in a week and enjoy simply being with him. I have never been this attached to a boyfriend. I have a tendency to break up with them after a year. But we're past a year and I'm still holding on to him with all I've got. That tells me this is special, even when I'm having a really rough day.


            I'm a very independent person, so I prefer my own space. I love the bittersweetness of missing someone. It's so much better than being around them constantly and needing space. Also, the obviousl cliche reason, I'd rather be with her long distance than settle for someone closer.
            60 days until i fly to texas.
            6th august 2017 - the day i made you mine.


              To me, there was never a question about whether I could do LD or not. I was certain LDRs were not for me before I fell for my SO, and it wasn't until then when I was really forced to make that call. And really, giving up was no option. I'm a stubborn, determined person, and I knew that eventually, we'd find a way to close the distance. LDRs taught me a ton about communication, patience and time/resource management, and while I count my blessings every day that we're CD now, I value what I've learnt before a lot. I'd say LDRs are worth it with the right people for the right reasons. Nobody can really tell someone what those people/reasons have to be, but I think anyone/anything that makes you legitimately and healthily happy is worth it.

              It'll take a lot more than words and guns
              A whole lot more than riches and muscle
              The hands of the many must join as one
              And together we'll cross the river


                Because I highly doubt I'd find the love of my life in the small town that I was living in. I am tired of the stigma of online dating, online dating sites, and long distance relationships, especially those that start online. The internet has been a blessing for many people's love lives. Relationships are more than the physical contact. It's about getting to know each other and your connection. If you can withstand distance, you can thrive once you're together. I've seen people here say stuff like "Why would I want to be in a LDR? I'm only doing it because my SO is worth it." Honestly... when I've decided to get back on the dating scene, I just join okcupid. And I don't care where the guys are from. This last one I met was from New York. His profile said he doesn't do LDRs so I pointed that out to him, at which he said he was just in a bad place when he filled out his profile and he had no problem with distance. Luckily we were able to close the distance sooner than we originally anticipated. We weren't even thinking about that. The opportunity just presented itself and I took it. Otherwise we'd still be long distance and I would not have a problem with that at all.

