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How many days have you spent with your SO?

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    I agree I thought the number would be higher too...

    But...looking at my phone bill...Since May...

    I have 280 hours of phone calls to 4 months...just happen to have my log from this new phone handy...that's 70 a month....around 2-3 hours a day...on the phone...yeah...we talk a lot..and that is with 17 days we spent together during that time..
    NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


      Gods I'm so bad at maths. Uhm. Crap. I don't know the exact date we met, so I'll aim closer to when I posted my first package to Canada, a couple of months in.

      2262 Days known each other
      414 Days physically together


      And just for fun...

      637 Days officially a couple
      414 Days physically together


      Not too shabby at all
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Originally posted by BoogleBee View Post
        So.... Percentage of time spent together: = 9.7% aw. But when I go visit in november that will change to....16%! hmm.
        But those were the best 9.7% of my life.


          March 21-22, 2010 = 2 days
          May 16-17, 2010 = 2 days
          July 25-26, 2010 = 2 days

          I don't remember when we first met, but we've been together since January 6, that's 611 days. 6 divided by 611 times 100 = ~0.98% So we've spent ~0.98% of our time together. Clearly math is not my subject since I've had to edit this three times already, lol. I think it's right now. Feel free to check it if you want, lol.

          Here's a date calculator if you want to figure out how many days it's been since you first met or since you've been together.


            I've known him since July 2007, so approximately 1150 days.

            Days in CDR: 40
            Visit in May: 5
            Visit in September: 6



              Oh my, this is going to take a lot of thinking!

              I know it's 30 something days.


                Well I'm a math nerd too, so this isn't too challenging for myself.

                I officially declared my feelings for Garnet and we became a couple on December 22nd, 2008, and ended our distance May 15th, 2010 (My birthday, what a great present huh?) So we had been together for a total of... 509 days.

                Our first trip we had during summertime, from July 24th to August 30th, for 36 days, and our second trip over New Years from December 5th to January 4th, for 29 days, for a total of 67 days spent together in our LD relationship.

                So doing the math then,
                % = T/A x 100 = 67/509*100 = 13.16% of our time spent together.

                Considering our time after closing the distance,
                % = T/A x 100 = 151/593*100 = 25.46% of our time spent together.


                  Think it's about 32,2 %
                  Of course that number will decrease the next two months, unfortunately.


                    Ok! If i count the day we first said Hi (june 26 2009) it would come out to 8.63636364% Now! If i use the day we met in person for the first time and officialized everything (march 28 2010) it would come out to 25% I like the second number more tho!!!


                      Meet in person for the first time Feb 12, 2009. Starting dating Feb 13,2009. So I'm going to start counting from the first day we met in person.
                      Feb 12, 2009 - Sept 8, 2010 = 589 days

                      Days spent together
                      Feb 12 - Feb 17 = 6 days
                      Sept 9 - Sept 14 = 6 days
                      Jan 8 - Jan 10 = 3 days
                      April 28 - May 2 = 5 days
                      Total = 20 days

                      20/589 = 3.4%


                        About 24%

                        "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                        - A. A. Milne


                          OK here goes....

                          First Date: 23rd July 2009

                          So we've been going out for 416 days

                          Days together: 14 last year and 30 this year

                          = 10.6%

                          Wow that's actually higher than I was expecting. This is a great thread, the thought that we've actually spent 10% of our time together has really cheered me up, it fels like so much less than that

                          I'm going back out again for xmas and when I get back we will of spent 12% of our time within touching distance of each other, what a nice thought.


                            This is hard...we used to live in the same city but we didn't live together and would see each other 3-4 days a week in the first 6 months, now he's gone for 10 days, so I guess around 50%? And I plan to visit him 2 weeks every 3 months in the coming two years so it's about 50 days a year, almost one day a week on average, so that will be 14%. And then I guess we'll live together so that will be 100%!


                              15% ;-; <3
                              April 22 - Today = 141 days
                              June 28 - July 18 = 21 days
                              21/141 * 100 = about 15%

                              Soon more maybe? ; ; September 16-22nd
                              Met: 2.20.10
                              Started Dating: 4.22.10
                              Been an LDR since: 4.22.10
                              First time meeting irl: 6.28.10 - 7.18.10
                              Last time I saw my SO: 9.16.10 - 9.22.10
                              Closed the Distance: 10.9.10


                                The average seems to be around the 10-15% mark I'd say...

                                Quite a difference in the range of percentages though. I feel quite lucky actually reading some of them... even though it feels like we're ALWAYS apart sometimes
                                In a relationship with

                                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                                My Albums:
                                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                                My dog Sam ♥

