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How many days have you spent with your SO?

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    Okay, so Alex and I met for the first time on September 1, 2008

    Total time we've known each other: 738 days (September 1, 2008-September 9, 2010)

    Total time spent together in person: 9 Days (May 29, 2010-June 6, 2010)


    .012195x100= 1.22% (rounded up)

    That's a bit sad ^^;


      oh boy... uh my percentage is going to be a lot higher than most of yours I might do percentage from when i first met him then do percentage from when we started dating. but here goes...

      I met him 2 years ago (we'll say that's 730 days to make it easy)
      I'd say that on average for the first year and 3 months we'd spend about 3 days with each other a week so 3(52+12)=192
      Then for the 4 months that we dated prior to him leaving we spent pretty much every day together so that's 30X4=120
      Then he came home this past week and I spent 4 days with him so that's 4
      So total days equals 316
      Percentage =43%

      Now since we've been dating: 124 days I've spent with him and we've been dating for according to my little tracker 9 months(270) 2 weeks(14) 4 days = 288 days and spent 124 days together = 43%

      Well according to this statistic, I guess I shouldn't be too upset with seeing him as often as I do considering that now that we're together I still see him the same percentage as I did since I knew him... if that makes any sense...

      edited: I got that wrong we were together for 5 months before he left, so that percentage is probably more like 45%



        I can't remember a lot of the exact dates of our visits, so my numbers might be a bit off. Also, I just had to guesstimate the days that we spent together when he lived here, so that should be taken into account as well.

        We have spent approximately 78 days together out of 510, which gives us 15.29%


          We have spent 88 days out of almost 300, so that puts us at 30%.


            real life I'd go with even -10% lol >___>

            if camin would count that I'd be at like 95% at least x)


              9.39% The funny part is we are closer than a lot of other couples. We are within 'long' driving distance. We just get short times together (a weekend) once every month or two or three.


                Darn, too hard for me to count from the beginning so I'm just going to count from the beginning of our distance.

                12% - it's definitely probably close to 50% though if I included our time together.
                First date: 12.27.09
                Started the distance: 6.10.10
                Finished the distance: 8.17.12

                J & C


                  days we've been a couple: 1925
                  days we've been apart: 373
                  days we've spent together: 1552

                  since we've been a couple we've been together 80.6%

                  but to make the statistics fair,

                  days since we've been LD :413
                  days spent together : 40

                  so thats 9.6%...

                  i'm sticking with the 80%!!!
                  Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                  And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                  ~Richard Bach

                  “Always,” said Snape.


                    im figuring out dates but im sure its gonna be somewhat bigger soon...


                      you got me there


                        Originally posted by Andy View Post
                        Days we've known each other:
                        14 November 2007 - 9 September 2010 (1025 days - I think )

                        So that's a total of 173 days together giving a percentage of 16.87%

                        Not too bad

                        Plus I'm going there in 10 days for 3.5 weeks, then a few weeks after that she's coming here for a week!

                        I'll update it again after those visits

                        Here's that update

                        Ok so now it's 1065 days, with us being together on 198 days which has taken us up to 18.57%!

                        In a relationship with

                        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                        My Albums:
                        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                        My dog Sam ♥


                          26% here, but I see the percentage decreasing because of busy schedules and the holidays.


                            Since we went long distance:

                            But in total - incl. our time in a CDR:
                            - unfortunately... it's all downhill from here -_-


                              Since we met - 94.5% approx (can't remember exact day we met)
                              Since we started dating - 93.83%
                              Since we went LDR- 3.57%


                                we have been together since Dec 2008 but I counted the time we first met so that would 773 days and we have been physically together on visits 108 days. So 108/773*100 =13.97%. But that will be changing really soon!

