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How many days have you spent with your SO?

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    10.5% right now... which considering we're so far apart is pretty darn good. XD

    I'm totally answering this again in the fall after I've moved.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      My percentage has decreased to 20% since I last posted on this thread. I shouldn't complain, but I do miss the summer when there was more time to visit.


        Mines 0% but hopefully,that will change this year.
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          Easy. 0%


            Let's see... The six days when I first met him. And we've known each other for 458 days? So that's 1.3%. -sigh-


              Known each other: 1,101 days
              Been in a relationship: 530 days

              Trip 1: 3 days
              Trip 2: 9 days
              Trip 3: 14 days
              Internship together: 150 days
              Total: 176

              33.2% since we've been dating
              16% since we first met

              Thank god for Disney College Program :P


                I don't remember what it was when I answered this I will redo..

                1. 5 days
                2. 8
                3. 3
                4. 5
                5. 5
                6. 4
                7. 8
                8. 4
                9. 5
                10. 9

                56 days. Been together... 409 days

                13.9 Wow.

                Now let's talk about time spent talking and messaging!!
                NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                  71% since we've been dating.
                  We met a long while before we started dating.
                  ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                    Official "together" 10th Jan 2010

                    Total days together as a couple = 392

                    Total days by the end of this visit together as a couple = 442

                    March 26th - April 1st = 6 days
                    April 6th - April 9th = 2 days (I left at 3am)
                    June 5th - September 2nd - 90 days
                    January 3rd - April 3rd - so far 35 days

                    133 daysspent together so far
                    188 by the end of this visit

                    So....34% of our time spent together!

                    However on many of these days he works so we've not technically spent all of those days together. God bless the Visa Waiver program!
                    Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                    Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                    And remember....Love really IS all around.


                      - 32,6 %
                      Guess that's good considering the distance between Japan and Denmark.
                      About the same as back in September.


                        2% :-( 1095 days knowing each other and only 20 days together.


                          51% My SO and I spent a lot of time with each other when we first met, but now that it's the ldr taking over, this percentage will go down, but my love for my SO will continue to go up no matter what


                            Okay, this will be tricky. Hmm... I think we met back in 2004, soooo...

                            2004: 24(-ish) evenings + 3 days of pen&paper roleplaying
                            2005: Same, heh
                            2006-2007: No real contact ...
                            2008: Facebook doesn't count, does it? -_-
                            2009: After her return from NZ/Oz .. err... 3 days + ... hmm, I have to guess here.. 20 days?
                            2010: Mmmmm, now it got serious! .. 44 confirmed days + a very good guess of 90 days!

                            So, that'll be: (24 + 3) * 2 + 3 + 20 + 44 + 90 = 211[days] - and we've known each other for: 2402 days aprox.

                            That adds up to: 211/2402*100 = 8.78[%]! ..... Not a lot :S

                            Hehehe, but if you count from the day she returned from her trip (which was when we actually started talking regularly) ist a more pleasent ~24%!


                              hahahaa 8.88888889%

                              whoop whoop! Ask me in a couple of years, hopefully it'll improve!


                                We will have been a couple for probably 1'135 days by the time we close the distance forever, of which we we were more or less close distance for 27 days at the beginning and her visiting me 9 + 74 + 60, and me visiting her 89 + 42 days. This results in a percentage of 24.1% - unfortunately it doesn't feel like that at all, I guess because we have big gaps inbetween, the current (and last one ) of 270 days...

