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Hi! I'm new, how can I reassure my parents about us?!

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    Hi! I'm new, how can I reassure my parents about us?!

    Hi I've been in a long distance relationship for about 5 months now and I live in the US and he lives in Australia the time distance is that he is about 14 hours ahead which is A LOT. We originally met on a random app and weren't looking for a relationship it kinda just happened... Anyway so I told my mom about us about 2 months after we had been talking once we first started dating and she was like ok with it I guess then a few weeks later she started asking questions and now she says she doesn't get it and that I can't have a real relationship with someone that far away. I've already tried explaining to her how much he means to me and how much he's helped me through and that relationships don't depend on that physical touch necessarily but she just doesn't get it. I'm not a child anymore I'm almost 18 which means I can make decisions on my own I just wish she would understand how much he means to me. So this is kinda a question but I think I just need insight from others in a long distance realationship. Thanks!

    I have been with my SO for 8 months. Before meeting him, I would have agreed with your mother, unless you have actually experienced being in a ldr you can't really understand it.

    My advice to you is to give her time. She is undoubtedly worried about the possibility that you will be hurt. See if you can get your mom and boyfriend to video chat, when you're ready for that of course.
    I understand that you are almost 18 and can make your own decisions. I am in my 40s and being both a daughter and a mother I can assure you that she only wants the best for you. If she gets to know him, her opinion might very well change.

    Best of luck and Blessings


      Best way to try and get her head around it is include your boyfriend in conversations with your mum. If she starts to learn about him as a person, she may start to take more of an interest and in turn get a better understanding of both him and you. Parents only want to protect their kids, believe me I had this issue for years because my parents are the overly protective type. Hopefully in time, it will benefit you all.

