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REALLY!! need advice 😞

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    REALLY!! need advice 😞

    I'm sorry if this is really long I just really felt like letting it all out so u can understand were I'm coming from.

    I really need some advice because I'm seriously going crazy. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm in a emotionally draining long distance relationship, that I know it's not going anywhere but I'm too attached to that person that I'm not willing to give up.

    It all started when I met this guy at the hotel I work at, he was staying there because he was there for a 2 month job and everyday after he got back from work he would come down and stayed with me all night till my shift was over. Well after a few weeks we eventually hooked up a few times but when it was time for him to leave for another job I thought it was gonna end there, since we live in different states and I really thought I wouldn't hear back from him.

    Turns out we both developed really strong feelings for one another and we kept the communication going. Until I realized he had a GF it completely broke my heart and I was truly devastated but I loved him sooo much I didn't know what to do so I told him we could only be friends (ya I know pretty stupid) but I was in love with this guy I couldn't just kick him out of my life for ever.

    We stop talking for months but then out of the blue he would text me and say that he missed me and that he couldn't stop thinking about me. Every time he would say that I felt worse it came to the point where he would tell me that when he was having sex with his GF all he was thinking about was me. I felt really bad since I wouldn't want anyone doing that to me so I told him to stop talking to me. But he would also tell me that he was willing to give up everything he had with that person to be with me and that seriously made me think twice since he had many things with her like a house, a restaurant, boats, cars, accounts and so much stuff.

    I believe him but he told me it would take some time to get everything settled because even though they weren't married the stuff they owned was in both there names. This went on for about 9 months and I seriously thought those were gonna be the hardest 9 months of my life but little did I know what was coming.

    During those 9months we barely talk or text because he was afraid his GF would find out about us and use it against him so that made it even worse. Well about a few weeks before Christmas I got a called from him telling me that it was all over with his GF and that they were finally over he moved out of the house to an apartment. When he told me that I felt a sense of relieve and I became the happiest women ever. Everything was going great we had our ups and downs especially since we barely saw each other since we were still living in different states.

    When we had our fights he would always bring up leaving his X for me and that I didn't appreciate him because I didn't do what he ask which was really stupid things like not saying GN,GM, answering the phone really quick or send him pictures and that would make me mad because there's was times where I had a really bad day at work where I just wanted to get home and sleep but he would throw a fit if that happen because he automatically assumed I was sleeping with another guy or that I was out partying which is why I didn't send him the pic or called honestly 95% of our fights were because he didn't trust me doing what I told him I was doing.

    It went to the point were he would stock my every move on Fb since we weren't friends on it because supposedly he didn't go on his at all which I found out was completely BS but anyways This kept going almost every other day. I didn't know what to do for him to trust me that I eventually gave up, in explaining myself to him I just told him that he could believe what ever he wanted but that I wasn't gonna keep fighting for stupid reasons like that.

    He calmed down for a few month and everything was going great that sometimes in the convos we had he would bring up marrying me and wanting to move in together. He would ask me to leave everything I have for him but I told him I wasn't ready because of the problems we had also because I hadn't even introduced him to my family.

    We both agreed we would still keep the long distance relationship going but it was gonna be really hard. We both work long hrs and he was constantly moving from state to state because of his job so it was nearly impossible for us to see each other, we only saw each other when his job was in the state I live in which was probably 5 times out of 8 months. I really think that took a toll in our relationship.

    Well when he finally had time off from his job he decided to move closer to the state his daughter was in which was 7 hrs away from where I was and it would work great because before we were like 28 hrs away so when he finally moved we decided it was time to introduce him to my whole family which was a little intimidating because we had different ethnicity and he was 7 yrs older than me but we went thru with it and everything went great my family loved him.

    After we introduced him we left for a week vacation we had planned for the both of us and that week was the best week of my life, we had so much fun and got to experience what it would be like to live together. Well after that I had to leave for a family vacation and he couldn't come because he had to work.

    And before I left we got into a really heated argument about him thinking I sent him a text that was meant for someone else which was completely off and I tried to explain it to him but he wasn't having it after that I tried to call him and he didn't answer so I went to take a shower and when he finally called me back I was getting out of the shower and I trip and hit my leg and my sister heard it and was laughing hysterically and right when I answer he heard her and assumed I was out partying just because I had my music playing in the background and my sisters laughter made it worse.

    I tried to explain it, but he didn't let me when I was in the middle of talking he would hang up the phone and decline my calls the last thing he said to me was that it was over and that I was a F liar. Which completely hurt my feelings but I still tried to called him and text him to try to explain what had happen since I didn't wanna leave with him being mad at me.

    He finally listen to what I had to say but everything changed after that and to make matters worse I had to leave for the trip. When I left we still weren't on good terms but we were still talking. I would tried to call him and text him but he barely responded to any of them and I felt really bad so I couldn't enjoy myself the whole trip I was really miserable but I tried to hide it from my family since it hadn't even been a month that I had introduced him.

    When I got back from my trip I tried to call him so we could straighten everything out but he wouldn't even answer me till the next day and he would say he was too busy with work that he couldn't even respond to any of my msg.

    I knew he was completely lying to me because a friend of mine has him on his fb and he would show me the comments and pictures he would upload which where around the time I would text him. I felt really bad and I would cry about it every day ever since then I've been trying to ask him if we're still together or its over but he just keeps telling me that he's still hurt from the last argument we had and that he feels really bad but he can't get over it but he still loves me and cares for me.

    I've asked him if he needs time away from me so I won't bother him but he says its up to me but everytime I text him or call him he never answers we've gonna days without having any communications and he doesn't care if I don't text him he doesn't text me at all idk what to do anymore because I've ask him to tell me if its 100% over so I can't move on but he just keeps me hanging and avoids the Q, he acts like I didn't even ask it.

    I don't know what to do because Im head over heels for this man but it seems like I'm he only that feels this way. I seriously don't know what to do anymore one part of me is saying to give up and that is over but the other part of me saying to keep trying and that we can't get thru this as well, but how if I'm the only one working on it.

    I'm so depressed about this whole situation that it's beginning to show my family keeps asking me what's going on but I just tell them that were fine and that everything is going great. I feel bad for lying to them but it's the only thing I can do since they are very strict about relationships and they would totally feel disappointed of me if I tell them it's already over between us.

    Since in our culture your not supposed to introduce someone if you don't think y'all are gonna get serious. Disappointing my parents is the last thing I wanna do so that's why is really hard for me to give up on this relationship, I just really need some advice because I can't ask anyone around me because I can't really trust anyone since everytime I tell someone my problems they end up telling my family. I just really need some advice on what to do because I clearly can't figure it out on my own please don't judge me. I already have enough going on. Thank you for listening I know it's long but I just really need to get it all out.

    Trying to keep it short and sweet.... Honey, that's not love. He's manipulating you and mentally abusing you. Please, if he isn't listening to you and most importantly, respecting you, you need to end this.
    Ask yourself..what is it I love about him? Think hard. Is it the way he ignores you? Lies to you? Hurts you?
    He lied by omission when he started up with you. He was seriously involved with another woman and sounds like they were married.
    Have you been to his town? Met any of his friends?


      I keep telling myself the same thing but it's just really hard because we both have invested a lot of time in this. I just really wished I never met him 😔


        I'm sorry and thank you for taking the time to read it and giving me your advice. I greatly appreciate it.


          My ex was passive aggressive thiat way, and I hate seeing good people get hurt. Unless he changes, then I am afraid you will get hurt. Took me 7 years and I lost myself trying to be what he wanted. Step back and look at the big picture... Only you can decide. I wish you all the best.


            Thank you and I'm sorry to hear what u had to go tru. I hope I really get over this person because I don't want that to happen to me


              I only read half of it, but: he will never be satisfied with your relationship and trusting to you because he has cheated. If you are a cheater, you automatically assume no one can be honest (I know, I know, speculation, but this case it's true). He will always be questioning you and thinking you're sleeping around. Why? Probably because you should be asking him the same questions.


                Thank you for taking time to respond to my post. I honestly thought the same thing but it's just really hard for me to accept it because I've told him what you said but he always finds a way to reassure me that that's not it.


                  He started something with you based on lies. He had a GF and didn't tell you. Then you became the "other woman". Trust me on this - you were not his only other woman. And now, he will do to you exactly what he did with you. He's mentally abusing you, manipulating you and making you feel guilty even though you have done nothing wrong. He reassures you? Yes, I'm sure the whole time he was still with his GF that he was also "reassuring" her that she was his one and only.

                  RESPECT YOURSELF, LOVE YOURSELF, CARE FOR YOURSELF, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. You deserve those things and until you realize that, you will keep making excuses for him and let him to continue to treat you this way. Yes, I do mean let him because until you can stand up and walk away, you are letting him treat you like this and you are showing him that it is acceptable behavior.
                  To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                  ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                    Thank you for responding, I really appreciate it. I've honestly tried to stay away from him and end things but I can't because I'm completely in love with this guy and I just can't get him out my head. I've tried to end communications with him and promising myself that I wouldn't talk/text until he did but I always end up texting him just to make sure he's ok. I know I'm just hurting myself but it's just so hard.


                      You'll have to remind yourself that you are infatuated with a lie. The person you think you love is not real - It's a fabrication he came up with to please you. He started all this with lies and didn't give you or his girlfriend the respect they deserve, what proves that this is gonna change? I know it's incredibly hard, but please, remind yourself constantly that you deserve better. Don't check up on him to see if he's okay, don't let him take the lead. He's a grownass man who made some despicable decisions. He's not a child that deserves or needs your coddling. Invest your energy in your own wellbeing, not his.

                      It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                      A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                      The hands of the many must join as one
                      And together we'll cross the river


                        Seconding all the great advice from above. He sounds manipulative & unkind - you don't deserve that kind of treatment, it's not acceptable! It is next to impossible to trust someone again after they've cheated (or after you found out they were cheating), as there are so many trust issues.


                          Originally posted by Only409 View Post
                          Thank you for responding, I really appreciate it. I've honestly tried to stay away from him and end things but I can't because I'm completely in love with this guy and I just can't get him out my head. I've tried to end communications with him and promising myself that I wouldn't talk/text until he did but I always end up texting him just to make sure he's ok. I know I'm just hurting myself but it's just so hard.
                          As a lot of the others know, I've been there, done that. I was in and out of a very toxic relationship for 8 years. It finally ended when he got someone else pregnant. Even then, I didn't fully walk away but the romantic relationship ended there. Other than my current SO, this was the man that I loved most in my life and honestly was my first true love. We've been apart for over 7 years and I still have all the things he gave me -cards, gifts, pictures of us - but they are all boxed away. I can truly say I know that pull, love, obsession, desire, wholeness with that person- but that DOES NOT change the fact that the person or the relationship is good for you. He was smooth talking and always knew the right thing to say to reassure me. If that didn't work, then manipulation would come into play. He knew every button to push.

                          You have to do what I did - finally grow up and realize that you are valuable, you are important and you deserve to be treated as such. No matter how hard it is, you need to walk away. You have to put that love behind for your own sanity and well-being. We are adults. We have control over ourselves. It doesn't mean it's always easy but we can do it. Don't be me and do it for years. It's time you won't get back and you could miss the right person because you are too busy dwelling on the wrong one.
                          To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                          ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                            A person can be charming and great in so many ways but still have problems with communication and commitment. Sometimes, if they are popular and handsome,they get away with bad habits. I know I was the first person to ever shake up a certain someone. I did not always react as he thought I would, he made me mad and I showed it to him. I was never afraid to do so because I never had anything to loose. I am happy I never got around to date him proper because then that upper hand might be lost

                            I was in love for 4 years with a man who in hindsight has problems with confrontation and to stay on one track. He told his girlfriend he fantasized about having a child with me, not her - she was scared for years I would have his baby which was absurd since I have never even seen him naked (I still have not), and certainly not had unprotected piv sex with him. He told me that he was ok with her thinking they were engaged and monogamous, but that he did things his way anyway, ie flirted if he felt like it, he was a free spirit, read Osho and what not. On the other hand, he was so jealous of my husband that he still can't properly greet him in the streets! He was jealous that I was seeing my inlaws for 2 days!

                            I was extremely addicted to this man, he has many great values in the non-romantic department, taught me so many things and made me feel so SEEN. I had to wean myself off him like a drug. I broke things off way before my feelings ended. I asked myself: would I ever raise a child with this man? Is this someone I can be seen with and be proud of? Can I trust him, based on the way he treats me and others? He ended up making a mess of everything, loosing his livelyhood and going to court with his businisspartner. He is now bicycling through Europe on budget with a tent and his girlfriend, who has relized that the only way to keep his dick and heart in his pants is to make sure he never stays in one place I feel horrible saying this, but I am glad she is so patient with him because she takes him off the streets so noone can fall for his bullshit. He is toxic because he acts confused and dissapointed about his own personality faults, which makes one loose sight over the fact that he doesn't change.

                            He told me I looked like Mona Lisa and had the temperament of Buddha. But I realized slowly that he was giving me compliments in front of his gf as a way of controlling and humilating her - "look, I can compliment other women in a romantic way in public and you can do nothing about it". Slowly I started to see that he was using me to get an upper hand in his original relationship - and he was using his original relationship to get an upper hand with me. I am not saying I think he did it all deliberate because he is an evil fuck. In fact I think he was not faking anything, but I think a part of him is a sick person who should not get any more drama poison. His girlfriend used to sometimes describe me as his distraction, and in a way she was right - although I do think he fell for me, I also do think he had no idea what to do to process those feelings in a sound and fair way. I do think that is a skill, and some people don't have it.

                            I don't consider my time with him a waste, I learned a lot about myself. But there comes a time when enough is enough. If you can find it in you, let it go. Remember that all the wonderful feelings you feel, are something inside of YOU. You can feel passion and (positive) drama again. He is not your only possible source of furfillment. There is possably something out there far better.
                            Last edited by differentcountries; October 3, 2015, 12:53 PM.
                            I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                            - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                            "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

