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Could this work?

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    Could this work?

    Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 10 months now he is 22 and I'm 18 we love each other to pieces but... The problem is he just decided to move to Atlanta he left yesterday and I'm so worried this isn't going to work . He had cheated a few times before with this girl he use to be with on and off he has apologized and I have forgave him but I don't think he is fully over her since we were together everyday all day I could check his phone and keep him in line but I'm so worried that now he is so far away he might loose feelings for me or end up texting the girl or "girls" every time I try and talk about it he just gets mad could this work ? Any advice on how to approach the situation correctly ?

    Originally posted by Sierrarose77 View Post
    Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 10 months now he is 22 and I'm 18 we love each other to pieces but... The problem is he just decided to move to Atlanta he left yesterday and I'm so worried this isn't going to work . He had cheated a few times before with this girl he use to be with on and off he has apologized and I have forgave him but I don't think he is fully over her since we were together everyday all day I could check his phone and keep him in line but I'm so worried that now he is so far away he might loose feelings for me or end up texting the girl or "girls" every time I try and talk about it he just gets mad could this work?
    Just take a moment to re-read what you typed, which I've highlighted. Just let it sink in how bad that sounds. You clearly don't trust him with what he's done in the past, how is this kind of behaviour healthy? I think you already know yourself that this is COMPLETELY not going to work out if this is how you feel/act towards/around him.


      I see major trust issues in your relationship - if you HAVE TO check his phone then where is trust? It may sounds harsh but that's what I personally see.

      You need to have honest conversation and clear things up if you want to make this relationship work anyway (CD/LD)...


        Trust is a huge factor in a relationship. My lack of trust and jealousy with my SO has driven us apart many times. Long distance is extremely hard and brings a lot of problems to the table. Adding trust issues on top of it is not healthy for you or him. Neither of you will be happy with it.
        You are thinking "what if" he does this "what if" he does that. I will be honest and tell you that there is a possibility that he will. Anything could happen. However, living in fear of "what if" is no way to live or continue a relationship. You have to decide if you are going to be ok with that actually occurring or if you even trust him enough to take that chance.
        My SO and I have been together for 4 years now. We have 4 guaranteed years of long distance ahead of us. Hear me when I say, distance messes with your mind and emotions. Take into consideration the way you feel now while you are with him, and then think of the added pressure that distance WILL put on your relationship. My point is, you have to go into this with the right mindset... positive. If you already have doubts now, that will just increase with distance.


          He has cheated before. You are used to regularily check his phone. The two of you fight over the possability of him cheating again.

          Honey, you have to decide if you trust him or not. It is as simple and hard as that.
          Last edited by differentcountries; November 6, 2015, 03:09 AM.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            As others have said, LD is ALL about trust. You have to have complete faith and trust in your partner otherwise it just won't work. Plain and simple. As soon as that trust is broken, you have a hell of a time getting it back. He's broken that trust "a few times", so I don't blame you for not trusting him. But be honest with yourself, this guy isn't worth your time OR trust.

