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Surprise visit!

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    Surprise visit!

    I'm currently in the works of planning a surprise visit to see Brian. as long as his mom is cool with the idea, can come get me at the bus stop and won't open her mouth and spoil it, all will be cool for me to go surprise him on the 21st!!

    I'm extremely excited because I know he has no idea, and I've never gotten to surprise anybody with anything, let alone something like this. he always finds things out, and this, he hasn't!

    I'm really pumped to finally be able to do this. I've wanted to surprise visit him for a long time now.

    has anyone else surprise visited their SO or had their SO surprise them? any tips for when I do?

    Lucky you, getting to surprise your SO

    I dont really think I'd ever be able to surprise mine, because of where she lives in relation to.. the airport.

    I have looked into it, but it would have to be a time when she's not in school, and every holiday she/we have, she comes here or I go there, so I'd have to make up some excuse and -.-

    Would be complicated..
    I'd have to get like.. 150km+ from the airport to her city in Finland and ugh..

    Maybe I'll think of a way and try it one day


      Thats real cool! sounds like so much fun bet hes going to love it!

      Ive always wanted to do this but havent had the nerve to yet we talk and text too much everyday for me to travel without him knowing lol but defo want to do it in the new year!

      Sorry i havent got any advice as such but it seems like you got it all planned out and his mum is helping which is great! have fun and enjoy


        I'm definitely lucky and excited
        yes, the hardest part is definitely the fact that we talk/text/etc SO much and tell eachother EVERYTHING. keeping this from him is the hardest part.


          I surprised mine by being five hours early. He was shocked and was like "I'm sorry I didn't have time to shower!" haha.
          First date: 12.27.09
          Started the distance: 6.10.10
          Finished the distance: 8.17.12

          J & C


            Oh man you have no idea how much I would love to do this. I've thought about it a million times, but it would take a ridiculous amount of planning, not to mention a fair amount of extra cost now that Finncomm have cancelled a load of their flights

            The closest I've gotten so far is to tell her I was coming some 4 or 5 days later than I actually was. I kept it to myself for 6 weeks and I wasn't sure when I should tell her... I originally thought about just turning up at her doorstep!

            Then I decided against that, and I thought I'd text her that morning... then I decided against that too (there was a reason for that though... can't remember what it was now though )

            So I was gonna tell her the night before but it turned out that we weren't gonna get the chance to talk that night as she was busy, so it ended up being about 36 hours beforehand. I asked her to put on her webcam to see her face and it was priceless!

            She wouldn't believe me to start with though! It took aaaaaaaaaaaages before she believed me! XD
            In a relationship with

            Read mine & Tanja's story here!

            My Albums:
            Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
            Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
            My dog Sam ♥


              It IS taking a ridiculous amount of planning. I still have to buy my bus ticket, make sure it's okay with his mom (texting your SO's mom is so awkward) and blah blah blah. The fact that I'm just now getting everything planned out and it's less than two weeks away does not help. lots of last minute stuff. but it's all worth it!


                I surprised him by being 8 hours early one day. I told him I wasn't going to be there until after 6 PM, as I wouldn't leave the hospital until almost 4, and hit two cities' rush hours in the process (in the 90ish miles between us when he was "close distance", there were two major cities...granted one of them was where he lived).

                I guess just be prepared for him to be caught off guard. And if it somehow gets bungled up, don't get upset over the surprise being ruined. I'm sure he'll still appreciate the surprise.

                My next big project is to surprise him at Christmas...the plan is that I'm going to tell him I can't visit until the 28th or so, but then show up on Christmas day. I'm going to need to get his parents in on that one though.

                I'd love for him to surprise me, but I know logistically that would be more difficult than me surprising him. I don't live near a major airport, and he doesn't have a car up here anymore. At least with Christmas, he'll be visiting his parents, who are the afore-mentioned 90ish miles away.

                If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


                  Aw!!! So cute!!! I've never surprised my boyfriend, but he has surprised me! He drove up here from Texas to California


                    Originally posted by DropkickDisco View Post
                    It IS taking a ridiculous amount of planning. I still have to buy my bus ticket, make sure it's okay with his mom (texting your SO's mom is so awkward) and blah blah blah. The fact that I'm just now getting everything planned out and it's less than two weeks away does not help. lots of last minute stuff. but it's all worth it!

                    I'm sure it will be! Can't wait to hear his reaction!
                    In a relationship with

                    Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                    My Albums:
                    Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                    Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                    My dog Sam ♥


                      Originally posted by squiddie View Post
                      I guess just be prepared for him to be caught off guard. And if it somehow gets bungled up, don't get upset over the surprise being ruined. I'm sure he'll still appreciate the surprise.
                      THIS I am definitely scared of. the ONLY way he would find out though is if his mom spilled the beans. let's hope she doesn't.

                      Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
                      Aw!!! So cute!!! I've never surprised my boyfriend, but he has surprised me! He drove up here from Texas to California
                      that's cute! I bet that was a looong drive.

                      Originally posted by Andy View Post
                      I'm sure it will be! Can't wait to hear his reaction!
                      I can't wait to SEE his reaction!
                      I'm gonna try and get it on video, so hopefully I can SHOW you guys!


                        Originally posted by DropkickDisco View Post
                        I can't wait to SEE his reaction!
                        I'm gonna try and get it on video, so hopefully I can SHOW you guys!

                        Haha! That would be incredible!! XD
                        In a relationship with

                        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                        My Albums:
                        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                        My dog Sam ♥


                          i am planning of going a day early... and just show up out of the blue... normally taxi's don't reach her town but i am sure that if i bribe the driver he will take me there... now i'm just hoping she is home then

