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Frustrating problems of time management on different time zones

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    Frustrating problems of time management on different time zones

    My girlfriend and I are trying to call each other on Skype everyday. I'm in Chicago, she is in Bucharest, so I shifted my work hours to be back home at 4pm my time, which means midnight her time (I'll use her time, bellow, rather than mine).

    The problem is that she is terrible at managing time, and managing sleep: she works a full-time job during the day, and in the evenings and weekends she works on a PhD, which means that when I get home at midnight her time, she isn't ready to skype immediately and always tells me she needs more time to finish something (this is frustrating for me because this time is pretty random -sometimes she calls at 12:15am, sometime after 1am- and I can't plan anything on my side. I just stay on Skype and scroll facebook while waiting for her. Her estimations of how long she needs are terrible, when she tells me "5 minutes" I can say it's usually between 20 and 30 minutes). She also doesn't pay attention to her sleep. Very often we Skype until 2:30am and after that she wants to keep talking on Whatsapp while in bed, sometimes until 3 - 3:30am (even up to 4am once or twice).

    I love that we have such long conversations every day. During days where we cannot Skype, I feel very lonely. On the other hand, I'm upset that she stays up so late (she acknowledges herself that it has a bad impact on her health). That being said even when we keep Skype short she ends up getting back to working on her PhD and sleeping really late. All in all, I feel worried about her health, upset that she cannot manage her schedule better, and guilty that I am potentially one of the reasons she stays up so late.

    Right now I'm thinking to set rules, like "we don't skype if she cannot make it by 00:30am", or "we stop skype at 1:30am", or "we don't stay on whatsapp beyond 2am". But my biggest fear is that those rules end up limiting our interactions in a negative way: what if one of us needs to talk more one evening? what if those time limits appear like times beyond which it becomes "not ok" to contact the other? Also knowing that we will skype when I get back home is what keeps me going through the day, so I fear that not knowing whether she will be able to make it will be even harder to handle for me.

    I would very much like to hear if other have/had the same problems, and how you solved them.
    Last edited by sunmat; February 20, 2016, 02:14 PM.

    As someone who used to talk until 4am to my SO on Whatsapp after we would Skype until 11pm, I understand how it feels. It's really important for her to get the right amount of sleep and I think you're thinking along the right track with limiting how long you Skype for so it ensures she can get some proper rest. What me and my SO do nowadays is if he has work in the morning, we'll say night at 10.30pm (UK time) so he can get a good amount of sleep in before he starts work the next morning. Sometimes we'll be in the middle of an important topic and feeling awkward that we have to suddenly cut it short, but we're quite flexible regarding it. We'll sometimes stay 10-15minutes longer just to get the conversation concluded and things out in the open so we don't get to bed feeling weird and like things were left unsaid, but my SO can still get the right amount of sleep. I think it really depends on what you want to do, talk it with your GF and see how she responds about every other day having less time to talk (so stop at skype 1:30am instead of straight away not skyping as she might seem like this is a punishment because she's been busy when it's not) so she gets into a better night routine. Sure it sucks only being able to talk for 1 hour to maybe 2 but it'll be better than nothing AND she'll get her sleep back on schedule.


      Time management skills and especially while being in ldr, are my weakest points.
      I can't help but want to be there when he's still awake and I went to sleep mostly at 4am thanks to that. Doesn't help that he's not the best at time managing atm either.
      And the worst thing is that I sucked at this before too and because o being used to it, I can't fall asleep for hours even if I go to sleep early .
      Anyway, I'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic as well.
      Last edited by C.C.; February 20, 2016, 02:44 PM. Reason: I need to create my own thread though


        I think you need to talk to her and come up with a solution together. By all means share your concerns but don't force 'rules' on her. She's an adult, she is responsible for her own well-being!


          Agreed... Suggestions are better than rules, unless you both agree on something like she makes the suggestion..
          By all means, tell her your concerns and let her know you want to help as well as worry about her health etc. talk about it together and come up with solutions to try. It may take a couple different options to make something work.

          That being said. I sometimes stay up way to late and actually fall asleep on skype.


            Why not plan a weekly schedule TOGETHER? You are both adults and need to develop the relationship so you can support each other.
            Maybe have a marathon night on weekend when you can both sleep in? Best wishes to you.


              Thanks all for your comments!

              Of course my intention was not to "impose rules", she's not a kid. It was to suggest them and agree on them. She actually suggested that we have some "rules" herself a few weeks ago, not because she needed to sleep or work, but because she was afraid that by talking with me for so long she was preventing me from doing other things. At that time I told her we don't need such rules because if I have something else important to do, I'd tell her.

              Anyways, we discussed the issue this evening; I told her I was worried about her not getting enough sleep. Without me suggesting anything, she said she definitely needs to work on a schedule that she can respect, and that we should skype from 12-12:30am to 1:30am. On the subject of the unpredictability of her time on skype, she told me she was making efforts, again more globally to stick to a schedule that she agrees she needs.


                Woot! Love it when it all works out so nicely. happy for you both as you will both start to get more of what you need.

