LDR , So Me and my boyfriend are a long distance couple, we never met in person, were planning it & we been dating for 5 months, he makes me happy , and I really love him .. We talk on the phone all the time! We send letters to each other. WE both make efforts to talk to eachother , and write eachother. We were good In good terms , then we started arguing at 1st the arguments weren't bad, we always get back together But then we started arguing more and more, till this day we argue EVERYDAY! And it sucks! most of the arguments are my fault because I always get mad for no reason, I don't know why.. Or I get mad because he disrespects me, I have jealous problems, he has trust issues. We both have Anger Issues, We always go off on eachother when we're pissed at eachother. This Long distance is stressing me out, & him. Now he's moving to my city in a month, and I really do like him. we talked many times about our arguing issues, and we always say well stop, but it just seems to get worse.. I'll admit it, I ignore him, sometimes I don't wanna talk on the phone with him but that's because we ALWAYS ARGUE ! and he gets mad because I ignore him, and there's another argument. I don't know we were in good terms, but now we aren't, I know arguing is healthy but not Arguing all the time! Should I cut it off with him ?
No announcement yet.
I love him but I don't know )-:
What keeps you from focusing on more positive things together? What in particular sets off your fights? You should definitely rethink your approach to communicating with him if it results in fights so often. Anger is a tough thing to tackle, but it's absolutely not impossible. Constant fighting will help neither of you.
My boyfriend and I have gone through patches like this a few times. Usually they are triggered by stress. When we are both dealing with a lot of stressful issues, we fight. A lot. Over a lot of very silly reasons. The only way we ever fix it is by taking a step back and realizing that the way we treat each other in those instances is not right. Taking out our stress on each other only makes things worse. So we talk about our issues, and we try our hardest (on both ends) to fix things. When one or the other gets upset over something, we say so. "Listen, what you said really upset me. I'm not angry with you, but I don't feel it was right" for example, and then it is also the other persons job to not blow up in response. Respond calmly. TALK about things. Don't yell about them. There is always a reason why continuous fights happen. Find that reason, talk about it, and both play your part in making sure they don't continue to happen.
That is really the only advice I can give you. Communication is the key to success. Only you and your partner can stop the fights from happening.~~~
First Met Online: March 13, 2014
Relationship Began: November 23, 2014
First Met In Person: June 10-24, 2015
Second Visit: December 16- January 6, 2015/2016
Closed The Distance: June 26, 2016
Got Engaged: February 1, 2018