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LDR story

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    LDR story

    I never thought LDR is this hard. I am literally in the opposite side of the world with my BF like my dinner is his breakfast time. We are 12hrs apart. So it is really hard, someone has to stay late just to keep in touch to each other. So much trials that sometimes I tend to give up, and I sometimes ask myself is this worth fighting for? I am missing a lot, I want him next to me all that stuff.

    It is 0230 in the morning here, and 1430 in the afternoon in his country, he just hanged up with me Mad, he wanted me to get some sleep already after I waited for him for many hours just to be able to talk to him..All those excitement of talking to him turned into tears. He just hanged up.
    I don't know I'm confused.

    At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether this relationship is something you want and can manage. Do you have a next visit planned?

    I know large time differences are difficult and compared to yours I'm lucky that mine is 8 hours. It's sweet you stayed up for him and likewise he wanted you to sleep so you weren't too tired. Was it a planned talk, then I can understand you have more reason to be upset. Take some time to think about how you feel about the situation and decide what you want next


      Originally posted by WarwickGuy View Post
      At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether this relationship is something you want and can manage. Do you have a next visit planned?

      I know large time differences are difficult and compared to yours I'm lucky that mine is 8 hours. It's sweet you stayed up for him and likewise he wanted you to sleep so you weren't too tired. Was it a planned talk, then I can understand you have more reason to be upset. Take some time to think about how you feel about the situation and decide what you want next
      It was a planned I guess because I told him early to finish whatever he has to do and that I will wait for him so that we can Skype or talk.


        Ah ok, that's fair. I can imagine I'd feel disappointment if I really wanted to talk to my SO and they told me to go and get some sleep too.

        Do you feel better looking back on the situation now? Have you had the chance to speak? As I said before, think about it, as feelings in the moment do not necessarily reflect how you feel about the whole situation.


          At first; Try to find ways to plan out the future. Be prepared for whatever can happen on your path, and make sure you're dreams are achievable. Remember; everything is possible.

          Second, I know how it feels like. I live 6 hours way from my girlfriend, which is less than 12 ofc, but we always make sure that we cherish the time we can talk.

          I miss her a lot too, especially now she's gone for 4 days (she's in Florida rn for holiday with no wifi). It's horrible, but I try to make sure I don't feel lonely. You can too.


            hey there! well, I can relate.. I live in the Philippines and my bf lives in the US, we have 15 hours time difference and yep It's so hard. what you two should do is maybe set a day or time that you both are available, let say before you go to bed which is what his morning? me and my bf talk everyday, we only stop texting (whatapp/ facebook/ Skype) when one needs to sleep. so I think all you have to do is talk to him. don't let a day pass when you or your partner being upset with on another.

