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Watching Sports with your SO

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    we havn't really watched a game together yet, because they havn't been on much when we're actually with eachother.
    but i'd love to watch a game with you babe! i also really wanna go to one too

    we also watch a lot of the same shows, and end up watching them over skype together at the same time


      I wouldnt mind if I'd get to snuggle on his chest durin it ^___^ hehe


        Obi and I watch the hockey together when his team is playing, and I'm ok with that. Hell it's once a week, and it isn't so bad. Ice hockey is kinda exciting. We've even talked about going to a game some time. But, if he wanted to watch every game, no matter who was playing, I'd be over it very quickly. I don't really like obsessions with anything

        TV, well, I'm not so great with that. He seems to like a wide variety of shows and occasionally I'll become interested enough to watch a few episodes with him, but it's rare. I really hate tv, I think it's the most useless waste of time on earth, so it has to be something really damn good to get me to sit there and pay attention for more than 20 minutes.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          My boyfriend doesn't like to watch sports. I'm SOOOOOO happy about that. But I would have watched them with him if he wanted me to.

          I did watch his favorite movie so I could talk about it with him. It was a war movie, and I'm not interested in those, but I was happy to do it for him, and it was pretty good. =)


            My bf and I both love sports. In fact, it's one of the things that brought us together so we're always watching games together or texting each other about the game if one of us can't watch it. He doesn't really watch any other tv besides espn so I'm usually the one asking him to watch other shows with me, mostly Food Network which he always does gladly.


              My boyfriend and I are both huge Steeler's fans, unfortunately, he is going to miss the entire season this year, I guess I just have to give him a play by play on the season, starting with a Steelers win 15-9 over time! But definitely when we're together I would love to watch a football game with him or a soccer game with him. he doesn't like baseball, so that's a no go for me



                I don't understand how someone can find all sports boring. I personally enjoy football :'D. Then again, I might as well resign my American citizenship if I won't watch football or baseball xD. Speaking of baseball, not into it :P. Enrique is in love with it and football though. We can share football, but baseball is more for him and his family (all obsessed :P).


                  Originally posted by uk_girl View Post
                  Me and my ex/possible bf again(!) are both very much interested into 'soccer' and we always watch games together on the telly, and sometimes go to our respective teams' games together He supports a team in the Premiership and I support a crap team two leagues


                  Originally posted by elina View Post
                  Who knows, by then I might be just as in love with football as you are now It's all up to you, teach me well

                  This is a good attitude... Tanja? This is what you should be aspiring to

                  Tanja hates football (soccer)

                  Whereas I think it's the greatest thing in the world. I don't think there's anything else that can bring people together from all across the world. There's nothing else than can stir up so many different emotions all in the space of just 90 minutes. Nothing else that can get you on your feet, make you feel like you're on top of the world yet also have the ability to crush your feelings in a matter of moments.

                  I think it's gonna be one of the things I'll really struggle with when I move to Finland, not being able to go to Everton games. There's nothing else in the world like the roar of the Goodison crowd. 40,000 people all willing 11 men to do the same thing, and when they stick the ball in the back of the net, there's nothing quite like that rush of ecstasy!

                  Anyway! Yeah I quite like football... hehe

                  I never imagined I'd be with a girl who hated football cause I always thought it could just never work

                  She did watch a few World Cup games though so that's a start

                  Plus she's watched some Everton games too...

                  I don't think we've ever watched a game together though... although she says she wouldn't mind doing that so I might try that out when the Champions League games are on in a couple of weeks babe :P

                  Another sport I love is golf. It's the Ryder Cup in a couple of weeks and for the first time since I got into golf I'm missing the whole thing. DEVASTATED

                  It's like the World Cup of golf, but Europe vs America. I usually just clear that weekend and watch it all day for 3 days. Anyone who thinks golf is boring should watch some Ryder Cup, then you'll see

                  She hates golf too
                  In a relationship with

                  Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                  My Albums:
                  Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                  Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                  My dog Sam ♥


                    this seems like a great idea. my boyfriend is really into sports he is actually going to school for sports management. Ive never thought of doing this haha probably because he takes sports so seriously.

