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We're having trouble getting over this one issue...

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    Thank you all. He texted me on Monday, acknowledging my texts, but still a bit angry. We didn't get around to talking in person until Wednesday. Eventually, we made up. We both recognized our faults and apologized.

    I am still a bit worn from this fight. These stresses can take a toll on you--physically, emotionally, and mentally.

    Though we're not in that red zone anymore, this experience has opened up other issues and leaving a part of me to question his commitment to me. If he really did care or did love me, wouldn't he be more considerate? Wouldn't he want to seek quality time together while we're together in person?

    We're already in a long distance relationship. That requires a great commitment indeed, but it's just frustration to have occasions like these that make you question how strong your relationship is and how it can last.


      Yeah, the fact that he was ok with going for days without contact while he was right there across the street after months of being apart was what really struck me.

      I can understand going a couple days to cool off after a fight in a CD relationship, and even while you're LD. But while he's right across the street after months of being in another country?? Was he really that furious after one fight? It just seems so extreme. Is this style of fighting and resolving issues working for you? I know some people seem to thrive on it... Maybe it works for him, but if it doesn’t for you as well, you should tell him that and bring up the concerns that have arisen from this.

