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I think I need advice..

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    I think I need advice..

    First of all, hi, I'm new here!

    I wish I had time to properly introduce myself, but my profile is quite up to date and, I think people will get to know me once I start posting here more. This is going to be a long story.
    My boyfriend and I have been together for more than a year now. We have met eachother five times now. We travelled back and forth so to speak.

    My last visit was a few weeks ago, end of April, and it made me worried.
    Just to sketch the situation between me and him: I'm obese, and I have a lot of healthproblems, including my joints. He is tall, skinny and healthy.
    He lives in a hilly area in the UK and I live in (of course, because Holland...) flat area and don't get a lot of exercise. Even tough I know I should, and I will do something about it.

    But before I visited him, I told him that I had trouble walking because my SI joint is ruined since a year or so. It means that I can walk, but not for too long and not too fast. He said that that was fine. I also told him that it was hard for me to find money to visit him (debts from university and all) so, I would be able to pay for a plane ticket, but I won't have a lot when I'm over there. He also said that that was fine.
    Before I went, I was slightly annoyed with his behaviour of the past few months. We both work a few days a week. But he is going out a lot, 3 evenings a week, where he gets -really- drunk. He asks when I go to bed, and he says he will be back before that time. But he never does. He comes home in the middle of the night and I would sit there, waiting. The time difference doesn't help either. I don't go out, and when I do, it's once a month with my two best friends for a bite to eat and I'll be home by 10 in the evening. There have been so many days where I was completely exhausted from waiting for him the night before. And when he does call, he either wakes me up, or, if I have been waiting, he is really drunk and not in a state to have a normal convo with.
    Sometimes, I don't get to speak to him at all. It makes me sad and unhappy. My friends tell me to talk to him about this, but the things is, you know, that if you tell someone you have a problem with them spending so much time with their friends and going out, he is going to be with you because he thinks he HAS to. And I don't want that, I also don't want to be the bitch that destroys his freedom.

    Now, here is where everything starts.
    When I arrived, I was exhausted. Ever since the explosions in Belgium and Paris, Amsterdam is extra cautious, so I was at the airport around 7 in the morning when my flight was at 12. Because security and all.. I had to be four hours in advance. Besides, I am scared of flying, so the stress made me extremely tired.
    He picked me up, which was sweet of him, and he asked how I was. I was going on about being tired and wanting to go home to see his parents (he lives at home still, so do I). He nodded and said that we would relax for a bit at his house.
    Well, that didn't happen.
    As soon as we got home, we ate, and he wanted to go to the pub and see his friends. He had that planned already before I came to the UK. I thought that that was, a little strange since I just arrived and.. well.. it's difficult to explain but, maybe you'll understand me when I say that I felt unimportant. We sat in the pub till 12, and I was destroyed. I had to walk 6 km that evening to go to the pub and to get back, with my fucked up hip and 130 kilos of bodyweight and exhaustion. The thing is though, I didn't complain. I did it. And I was proud of myself that I made it. However, the whole way, he walked with one of his friends, meters in front of me and let me catch up every now and then. I'm doing it, I'm just not so fast, and I'm trying hard. But he didn't walk with me.
    The path was dark at some point as well and he was so far away, if anything would have happened, he wouldn't hear me. Now, this was not the only night this EXACT situation happened, this happened 8 times. He was with his friends constantly. Everytime we had a day planned together, he would ask his friends along. We were never really together.
    The one day we spent together, he was on his phone the whole time.
    In the mornings, he would play games on his computer, also when we came home from the pub. Or he'd make himself food, eat it in front of me and give me nothing and I'd just go to bed.

    He was drunk when we went to the pub. He only touched me when he was drunk, he only kissed me once when he was sober. I have pleasured him before in other times we saw eachother, but he never pleasured me once in the year we are together.

    My hip is ruined according to the doctor, but he never asked how it was and if I'm okay.

    More happened.. but I don't know what to do now..

    Sorry that this is happening to you.

    The important question is: have you let him know about your feelings with regard to how he is treating you? Sometimes a little communication is all is needed.


      The thing is though...

      Why would he do this... doesn't anyone know that that is weird behaviour? :c


        It is certainly weird behavior, and definitely uncalled for in any relationship---LDR or not.

        Unfortunately he may not have picked up on the fact.


          How long are your visits when you come? I used to do 90 days in and out and my SO would go out and leave me to be with his buds maybe once a visit. When you invite someone to stay with you and they are flying in from another country to do so, and spending their time and their cash to do it. It's a matter of politeness that you make time for them. This isn't even just about a romantic relationship thing, it's what you should be expecting to do as a host for your guest. It's just plain rude what he is doing.

          Now, as far as what you are describing about the lack of intimacy I think that it sounds like he really isn't into you in that way. This is why he also most likely is not making time for you and why he is only coming home to you when he's drunk. He probably really cares for you but doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Usually when someone you are sexually active with is into you and you are LDR, they want to rip your clothes off as soon as they see you and spend a ton of time "catching up".

          I think you need to ask him this and be ready for his answers if you do. Somebody that loves you does not treat you like this, and you really should address this to get it all out on the table. You deserve to be treated better, would you treat someone you love like this?
          "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
          Benjamin Franklin


            I tried to turn it positively. For example, the day we were together I kept telling him how good it was to be together sometime. As like, emphasising the good things to let him know, if you know what I mean?
            Also did it when we are apart, I asked him multiple times to set a certain time where we talk to eachother on skype, but he doesn't seem to get the point.


              Originally posted by Hollandia View Post
              How long are your visits when you come? I used to do 90 days in and out and my SO would go out and leave me to be with his buds maybe once a visit. When you invite someone to stay with you and they are flying in from another country to do so, and spending their time and their cash to do it. It's a matter of politeness that you make time for them. This isn't even just about a romantic relationship thing, it's what you should be expecting to do as a host for your guest. It's just plain rude what he is doing.

              Now, as far as what you are describing about the lack of intimacy I think that it sounds like he really isn't into you in that way. This is why he also most likely is not making time for you and why he is only coming home to you when he's drunk. He probably really cares for you but doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Usually when someone you are sexually active with is into you and you are LDR, they want to rip your clothes off as soon as they see you and spend a ton of time "catching up".

              I think you need to ask him this and be ready for his answers if you do. Somebody that loves you does not treat you like this, and you really should address this to get it all out on the table. You deserve to be treated better, would you treat someone you love like this?
              I wouldn't, no :c I never see my friends when he is over here (and my girls understand that completely), and I am with him the whole time. I don't play games on my computer and don't do anything without him. I'm not a saint.. but I try to show him that I like him and everything when he is here.

              Yeah.. he isn't all over me when he is with me. And if he is, he wants me to pleasure him. Last time he was in The Netherlands, on the last day, he said: do you want to have some fun?
              But the fun involved me being used to pleasure him...

              I went over there for 11 days. He usually stays for a week.


                Some people are oblivious unless you are extremely blunt, some are selfish and will just do what they want, some think they will be able to keep their word and then don't. The fact that you flew all that way, that fact that he didn't schedule the first night for the two of you and instead wanted to meet up with friends - I would put him in the selfish category.

                One thing I usually ask people is: If this was your best friend coming to you with this scenario, what would your advice to them be? The reason I ask this is because as individuals, we usually will put up with a lot more BS ourselves than we would ever want to see anyone we love or care about deal with. You need to love and care about yourself just as much.

                There is nothing wrong with having a serious talk with him to tell him how you feel. "When I got there and you planned for us to hang out with your friends right away, I felt unimportant. When you kept walking ahead of me with your buddy instead of with me, I felt left out. When you didn't ask about my hip or health and you also didn't take that into consideration, I felt upset. When you tell me you'll be home to talk and consistently stay out with friends and get drunk, I don't feel like a priority." If he takes you seriously and wants to work towards making the relationship better, than wonderful. If he doesn't listen to what is important to you and disregards it or doesn't change, it may be time for you to move on.
                To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


                  I am so sorry this happened to you, because in a way I can relate. One of my exes (my first ever LDR when I was 17-19) acted very similarly to yours. He would spend a lot of time gaming in the evenings while I was just... there, as in the same room as him. He would want to go to the pub to hang out with his friends and we would walk there together. I was slower because it was icy and I was not used to it, and he would pull ahead and not walk with me. When we walked around with his friends, he would be walking in front of me with another one of them and then would wait for me to catch up.

                  I think you need to stop thinking that if you bring it up, you will be the "bad guy." Your feelings matter too, and from what you've written it seems that you go along with whatever he wants. You mention being "used" many times. That is not OK. If your needs are not being met, that is also not OK. Setting some boundaries does not make you a bad person. If you are exhausted because you indefinitely wait up for him to come home... don't. You can't control when he comes home, but you have control over your reaction to it.

                  Honestly I think you need to be very blunt that the way he treats you is not OK, because trying to see things in a positive light is not working in this case.
                  So, here you are
                  too foreign for home
                  too foreign for here.
                  Never enough for both.

                  Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


                    Honestly I wouldn't bother. What would be the point of continuing to see this guy?
                    I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                    - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                    "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                      I would probably say to that friend that she or he needs to talk to their partner. But it is difficult when you are actually in that situation. And I guess I am just annoyed that he doesn't think about that himself..


                        Not everyone sadly has that kind of awareness. Believe us, talking about it will be better than hoping for him to catch on. Only then can you see how he feels about his behaviour, too.

                        It'll take a lot more than words and guns
                        A whole lot more than riches and muscle
                        The hands of the many must join as one
                        And together we'll cross the river


                          I agree... Talk to him and tell him that.... Tell him how that makes you feel and see what he says.
                          As far as the sex side....come on... That is just plain selfish. Does he do anything for you at all??? Or does he just want oral satisfaction. What he is doing is totally one sided and pretty freaking rude. Don't allow that to happen again.

                          Good for you for exercising, and tbh flat is better way for you to go. I have had 2 fusions, getting ready for a third and si fusion. I get the pain. And walking, never running, will help you a bunch. Get yourself and your life in control. Don't let people use your mind or your body anymore.

                          Be strong and move on if he can't keep up with you and you needs.


                            He does nothing for me. He just uses me. And only oral satisfaction.
                            I really want to lose weight for him... but I thought I didn't have to because I thought he accepted me for who I am.


                              No, you don't lose weight for another person. You do it because you want if for you.

                              You know this person is using you. You know he doesn't treat you well. You say he does nothing for you. Why would you want to stay in a relationship like that? And don't say because you love him - real, valid reasons why you want to be with someone like that.
                              To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                              ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

