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Had a massive argument - flights booked to visit next week but really don't want to

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    Had a massive argument - flights booked to visit next week but really don't want to

    Last Sunday (so a week ago now) my SO and I had a huge row. It doesn't help it was over text. I'm not gonna go over the argument in detail but it was about lack of communication and I feel it got quite hostile instead of being mature.

    The following week we've only spoken once. We've not mentioned the argument. I didn't wanna bring it up again. For me though, it feels like a shadow hanging over us because I don't feel it ended positively. I've woken up and gone to bed angry every day since! Im not entirely sure if he is still thinking about it. He can move on better than me.

    Problem is, I'm supposed to visit him on Friday and it's dragged all the excitement. I don't really want to see him because of how negative it all seems. We have only been dating for two months and have been fragile as it is. I worry this argument has put the nail in the coffin but because of the booked flight neither of us are wanting to say anything!

    Would it best to bring up the argument again? I'm kind of conflicted because for me I feel I need to talk about it to clear it up, but at the same time he isn't the type to want to bring something up which was quite heated now that it's passed.

    Go visit, talk it on in person. Discuss the issue face to face you'll be able to read each other better rather than through text. It's booked so you may as well go. Sometimes things can become more tense before a visit. Hope things go well.


      You need to think about what you want. Talk with him in person...listen to him...hopefully he will listen to you and share his feelings. LD or CD a relationship must have communication. During an argument it's tough not to hurt the other person.
      Now that you've cooled off try thinking about this...will you be comfortable not seeing him because of ONE argument? Is that how you want to end the relationship? Do you BOTH want to move forward? All the best to you.


        I can only second what has been said - Don't have fights over text again, and do visit him to lay things out calmly in person. Get your stuff together, both of you, and understand that arguments are bound to happen in any relationship. You can sort this out, just actually sit down to do so!

        It'll take a lot more than words and guns
        A whole lot more than riches and muscle
        The hands of the many must join as one
        And together we'll cross the river


          If there's one valuable lesson I'd say I've learnt from all the relationships I've been in, it's never to send an angry text. It's got me into so many miscommunications in the past. Now if I'm angry I pick up the phone (although it would preferably be in person).

          You definitely should go and talk it out. You have the chance to do it face to face - so make the most of it! Good luck!

