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Well...I think it's definitely over.

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    Well...I think it's definitely over.

    Those of you that have read my posts will know that me and the guy I've been dating were taking a step back. He became pretty rubbish at making plans to see each other and It all started to get really frustrating.

    I decided to take a step back and give him some space. At first he started to call me more. But lately he's just started to become more and more distant.

    I'd just about given up on it all when he rang me last weekend and had a bit of a break down (about personal stuff that he's talked to me about before). It's the first time I've ever seen him cry. I thought he was opening up to me and we were getting closer again. But no - since then he's completely closed up again.

    I've tried dabbling in online dating again to see if it's really him I wanted to be with (we were never official). But all it makes me realise is how much I miss him. I deleted my profile once I realised this, but to make it worse, his friend spotted me online. I rang him tonight to talk to him before his friend did. I told him that i still want to make it work. But he just told me I wasn't doing anything wrong and that we just can't be together whilst he is there and I am here.

    I'm gutted mostly because there seems to be no reason for this not to work other than the distance. It's like he just has this barrier up and won't let it develop. I wish he could see this. I know there's nothing I can do and I know I need to respect his decision. I just can't switch off the feelings I have for him. Such a shame too because I have a long summer break coming up and was looking forward to spending some proper time with him.

    Sorry for offloading x

    Chin up friend, you tried your best but sometimes things just don't work out. Hope you'll be okay :3
    my girls <3

    Josie (SO)
    Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
    Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
    Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
    Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

    Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
    Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
    Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
    All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


      Originally posted by kittyxuchiha11 View Post
      Chin up friend, you tried your best but sometimes things just don't work out. Hope you'll be okay :3
      Thank you. I just don't understand - this is our second time around - why would he get involved again if he knew he didn't want a ldr? He says I've done nothing wrong but I feel like I must have done.


        Awww...I'm really sorry. Distance can be a huge thing to some people, sometimes so much so, they can't overcome it. That sucks, but it's not your fault. People don't know they can't handle an LDR until they're in one mostly. I hope you feel better soon.

        ***I missed where you said this was your second try, ugh, that's awful Try not to search for answers that may not be there, sometimes things just don't work out for both people.
        Last edited by Moon; July 11, 2016, 05:18 PM.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          I'm sorry it didn't work out. Sometimes people want to give it a second try to say they really tried. I'm sorry you're hurting again. At least now he realizes he can't do the distance and he won't put you through this again.
          To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

          ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


            Sorry to hear this.

            Sadly expectations vs reality do not always match up. We're here if you need to offload more


              Aww sorry it didn't work in the end

              Don't go blaming yourself though. I think that the most of the relationship failures that don't involve some excessive things like cheating and so on are not anyone's fault but simply things not working out.
              You gave your all, there's no point in regretting or feeling guilty now.

              Stay strong while trying to move on :3


                Please take good care of yourself. Sometimes a person is just not ready to be in any relationship. It's better to move on and let this person go. *hugs*


                  Thank you everyone. I just feel so frustrated because I don't feel like he's really given it a proper go. I think he's been scared to because it all fell through before. But of course it was never going to work if he was never willing to take the risk and give it a shot.


                    I am so sorry to read your story, I really believed that you had a second chance but unfortunately he didn't believe it. Perhaps you could consider your summer break as a blessing to heal your wounds, enjoy yourself and recover from your breakup. We are there for you


                      Originally posted by MariaEx View Post
                      I am so sorry to read your story, I really believed that you had a second chance but unfortunately he didn't believe it. Perhaps you could consider your summer break as a blessing to heal your wounds, enjoy yourself and recover from your breakup. We are there for you
                      Thanks Maria. I believed it too. It's such a shame when I know there is still something there.

