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Random tear-jerkers

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    Random tear-jerkers

    I saw this commercial yesterday, and found I was dripping tears off my face by the end of it.
    Subaru commercial

    And I pretty much have a heart of stone when it comes to crying.

    What weird little things make you really miss your SO?

    While she was here we watched Criss Angel and Glee and she made them fun to watch because she would always make fun of it lol, and a few days after she left i was watching Glee and towards the end of the episode i just started blubbering and couldnt stop for awhile


      That is an adorable commercial! But yea I do cry randomly. The other night while watching a show called 20/20, I started crying.


        Hmmmm not really, although one of the times after I left her "Hey Jude" came on my iPod as it was on shuffle and I couldn't stop crying. I was on the plane home and I just listened to it on repeat a few times, I felt like I needed to cry. I don't know why that song made me feel like that though...

        It hasn't done that to me since
        In a relationship with

        Read mine & Tanja's story here!

        My Albums:
        Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
        Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
        My dog Sam ♥


          I asked for a sample of his perfume from a perfume shop at the other day, when I smelt it yesterday at home, it's just exactly like him and I burst into tears immediately. Not sure if I want to buy a bottle of it:<


            I can't listen to 'Vanilla Twilight' by Owl City without crying. I remember when I saw the video for it, I was crying by the end. It's because it reminds me of how much I miss Luke whenever we're not together. It's a great song, though, but I just can't listen to it XD


              Haaa, that commercial's cute! ♥ (and I sooooooo want a wedding dress like that )

              I'm such a cry baby haha. Most of the time it's.. some songs that make me cry.. "our" songs, that is. Last night he sent me a link to this song on Youtube that had pretty nice lyrics and I started crying. Sometimes just smelling the aftershave he uses makes me cry. Or when I'm watching Friends (we do that loads when he's here, got all the seasons on DVD) and I remember how much I love doing that with him..


                I'm horrible when it comes to crying - I can burst into tears when I see a 5 second commercial with people kissing on it

                And whenever someone says or does something romantic to someone on TV it makes me cry. I'm hopeless lol.


                  Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                  I'm horrible when it comes to crying - I can burst into tears when I see a 5 second commercial with people kissing on it

                  And whenever someone says or does something romantic to someone on TV it makes me cry. I'm hopeless lol.

                  You're anything but hopeless princess
                  In a relationship with

                  Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                  My Albums:
                  Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                  Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                  My dog Sam ♥


                    This commercial is old but it still gets me everytime:


                      I am very emotional. My life has been a rollercoaster all my life...and now...well now I have my heaven. So whenever ANYONE mentions ANYTHING about my SO and I...I usually tear up...especially now...I just miss him.
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        Originally posted by SSUgirl View Post
                        This commercial is old but it still gets me everytime:

                        Never saw it.

                        Wow. Just WOW.
                        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                          Whenever I hear a song from "The Band," I start to just break down


                            That happens to me too. I was looking at my keyring yesterday - it's a picture of us kissing - and I could feel my eyes filling up. I got really sad. I always hate the distance, but I especially hated it at that moment. I just wanted to kiss her again. To be with her again.


                              Well, I just did the dishes earlier and ended up crying over it... mainly because the dishes were from our last breakfast together.. but also because the last time I did the dishes he was there next to me, helping.

                              Every single thing I do now reminds me that he's not there anymore because we used to do them together...
                              Everyday stuff becomes random tear-jerkers, like: cooking, grocery shopping, brushing my teeth, watching online tv.. things I'm gonna do a lot by myself from now on......... and it hurts. so bad..

