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And he cheated.

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    And he cheated.

    So awhile ago, I posted a thread how my bf told me not to come visit because he had an "interview" and I couldn't come and visit anymore for our 3 year anniversary. I felt suspicious about it, my gut was telling me there was no interview. So, I couldn't handle it. I broke up with him a few days ago. He wouldn't even skip going to the gym to just call me and talk about everything that happened. So, I got to work this morning, went on his Facebook, and ended up on this girl's page whom he goes to school with. A girl who he spent the weekend with at Myrtle Beach for a conference mid September and then told me the day they got back, that I deserve better, I should date other people, and I shouldn't come to South Carolina anymore. Anyways, she changed her relationship status the day we broke up (Friday), and one of their other classmates posted a picture of them walking from behind and holding hands with a little heart drawn around them. I called him out. Told him to never speak to me again. He became extremely defensive, called me crazy, and told me he was just protecting her from a crazy ex. OKAY SURE YOU ARE. Three years. Three years of dating, and he is a completely different person than I would have ever expected. It sucks. It hurts. I don't believe him, too many things have happened and I literally have no reason to trust his awful excuse of a lie and trying to make me feel crazy and insecure. Ugh. Tonight's going to suck. Three year relationship gone because of a girl he has known for a month.

    Originally posted by sarbear View Post
    So awhile ago, I posted a thread how my bf told me not to come visit because he had an "interview" and I couldn't come and visit anymore for our 3 year anniversary. I felt suspicious about it, my gut was telling me there was no interview. So, I couldn't handle it. I broke up with him a few days ago. He wouldn't even skip going to the gym to just call me and talk about everything that happened. So, I got to work this morning, went on his Facebook, and ended up on this girl's page whom he goes to school with. A girl who he spent the weekend with at Myrtle Beach for a conference mid September and then told me the day they got back, that I deserve better, I should date other people, and I shouldn't come to South Carolina anymore. Anyways, she changed her relationship status the day we broke up (Friday), and one of their other classmates posted a picture of them walking from behind and holding hands with a little heart drawn around them. I called him out. Told him to never speak to me again. He became extremely defensive, called me crazy, and told me he was just protecting her from a crazy ex. OKAY SURE YOU ARE. Three years. Three years of dating, and he is a completely different person than I would have ever expected. It sucks. It hurts. I don't believe him, too many things have happened and I literally have no reason to trust his awful excuse of a lie and trying to make me feel crazy and insecure. Ugh. Tonight's going to suck. Three year relationship gone because of a girl he has known for a month.
    I sort of went through the same thing. It was thirty years ago, and not an LDR. Also, For you it was three years, for me it was three weeks. Her 'true' boyfriend was just released from the county lockup. Five years later, I ran into her mother. Her mother told me that she dropped out of high school that Fall. Hopefully, You will be able to find out something he did, that will ease the pain.

    First Visit: September 2016
    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
    John 4:12
    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


      I'm sorry. You deserve so much better love. Take time to heal and maybe just delete him from social media.


        I'm sorry too. Sometimes people can't own up, even when they are caught. You will heal and move past this. Take time for yourself and don't spend too much time dwelling on what could have been because that will make it worse for you.
        To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

        ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


          So sorry this happened. You definitely deserve better! *hugs*

          "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
          Married April 18th, 2015!!
          Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


            So sorry this happened. Take time for yourself to help you heal


              Originally posted by sarbear View Post
              Three year relationship gone because of a girl he has known for a month.
              I believe you when you say that he did cheat. He chose to cheat, and it isn't the girl's fault that he did so. He is human and has self will, therefore he chose to cheat. I feel for you. Put responsibility where the responsibility belongs; not on the girl, but on him and his decisions.

              Wishing you a nourishing recovery from this relationship. Take good care of yourself.


                I am so sorry. You deserve so much better. Cheating is awful already but cheating AND not telling is even worse. Hang in there~


                  I'm so sorry. It is clique to say, but you MUST know you absolutely deserve better. Get him out of your life. Do what you need to do to heal, even if that means being angry for a while. It angers me just to hear of this. Take all the time you need to heal. It will make you stronger.

                  I wish you only the best.


                    I honestly so do know I deserve better. I feel like I've been grieving our relationship since he has moved, if not before. I have no interest in getting back together again with him. It also feels weird because I don't even miss him and I actually feel SO much happier just in the short time we have been broken up. I feel like I know exactly what I want from someone, and so many characteristics that he has, are not what I want. It sucks that we are broken up, he cheated on me, but I am actually already so much happier now than I was with him.


                      Originally posted by sarbear View Post
                      I honestly so do know I deserve better. I feel like I've been grieving our relationship since he has moved, if not before. I have no interest in getting back together again with him. It also feels weird because I don't even miss him and I actually feel SO much happier just in the short time we have been broken up. I feel like I know exactly what I want from someone, and so many characteristics that he has, are not what I want. It sucks that we are broken up, he cheated on me, but I am actually already so much happier now than I was with him.
                      bigger and better things are on the horizon for you! Glad you are already feeling a lot better.


                        Man, that sucks. Glad you're doing better though.


                          Sending massive hugs your way! I went through pretty much the same thing with my ex and yes i was a mess after she broke up with me but god i was so angry that she could cheat on me with some guy she'd known for a few months. but i also felt weirdly okay and better because it was finally over and i wasn't putting myself through constant pain trying to fix something that she had no intention of fixing. As the others have said, you deserve so much better and i hope you continue to feel okay :3
                          my girls <3

                          Josie (SO)
                          Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
                          Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
                          Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
                          Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

                          Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
                          Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
                          Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
                          All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~

