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How an LDR was the most horrible experience of my life.

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    How an LDR was the most horrible experience of my life.

    Hello everyone, some may remember me posting back in spring about how I posted some threads about how effin excited I was to have met the woman of my dreams. Then I stoped posting because everything fell apart more horribly than I ever imagined. this is my story as a warning for all of you. It's long & complicated but all true...

    There was this girl who got some minor noteriety on the internet for making some inocculous Youtube vlogs. Eventually she was so flattered by the attention that she accepted an offer to do occassional content for a blog. I saw one through an automatic recommendation one day and was immediately struck by how beautiful and charming she was. So I left her a comment with my thoughts on things she had said, thanking her for sharing and wishing her well in future endeavors. She liked my comment so much that she began to follow me on twitter, we began talking more and more from there to email then instant messaging and finally video chat.

    Spending time with her was wonderful. She loves to read and watch good movies and art and camping and shooting guns and games of all kinds and more. Like me, she was a 20something still trying to find her way in life, just starting school again as I had the year prior and it was nice that I didn't have to feel embarrassed about that. She was living with an ex from five years ago but I'm progressive and I didn't care that she had her fanbase, I understood that it must be nice to leave the mundanity of one's every day life to go somewhere where one feels special. She made me feel special. Of all the people she'd met she kept talking to me and I didn't know what would come of it, all I knew was I was falling hard.

    The only problem was that she was on the other side of the continent but I couldn't let that stop me from trying. So when one day she told me that she thinks about me all the time and keeps my pictures on her phone to look at while she's out & even had showed her family. I went for it. I said "If you ever feel you really want me, just say wait. Wait until we can figure out a way to explore our attraction in person and I'll do it because how could i go on meeting the women in my every day life when all I've wanted is just a few hours away."

    And she was into it! So we agreed to meet in a neutral city because that seemed most fair and things continued to progress. We would spend hours upon hours together almost every day; talking, laughing, sharing our secrets, playing games, having drinks and being intimate in the ways which we were able. She was constantly telling me how handsome I am, how she hoped I would never stop liking her and nothing would change her mind. She would write to me with lots of hearts and make them with her hands when we chatted on video. I was never happier. I hadn't felt this way over a girl since highschool and even though I love my home I was even willing to look for work out there after I finished college if we felt the same way in person.

    Then one day she came on video chat and surprised me by having dyed her hair red. It's my favourite hair colour and I was thrilled but her sister kept calling that day. Something was obviously going on. When I inquired about it she said that she was going home but the reason why would just make me angry. I told her that it was ok and she didn't need to share if she didn't want to but I'd be willing to listen if she needed it. She told me that her housemate had wanted to sleep with her and when she said no, that he started a fight with her. That was uncool enough but he further took action against her by waiting until she was asleep to start cumming in her face, saying that she is nothing without him then spitting on her.

    I asked her if she had any place to go until her sister could come from seven hours away to take her home but she said no, her friends were more his friends so she would just drive around that evening to stay away. I was very upsetted by this but kept my composure as best I could until she left to pack. Domestic abuse really scares me because my grandmother was beaten so badly that she has been largely deaf for the rest of her life. I couldn't sleep so I stayed up making a mixtape to send her for her birthday made from music I ripped from my record collection and mailed it her mother's the next day. I felt such anxiety until I was relieved to recieve a msg from her telling me that she was home.

    When she got home however, I had to deal with a lot of hostility from her pregant twin sister who would stand always off frame saying things such as I look like a coke addict, I'm probably a serial killer, my drawings look nothing like this girl, I don't deserve her, etc. She would often pick fights with this girl over me and though I tried to be patient and assured this sister that she was welcome to say hello anytime to see I really am just a nice man, I eventually reacted by calling her a miserable asshole. She flipped out but at least the abuse stopped. Her nephew however thought I was the greatest. He was always trying to push this girl aside to talk to me and play transformers but this girl & I still found more time than ever to be together by night.

    Eventually things got so bad with her sister that she went to stay with her mother but we still talked. The week before her birthday I bought my ticket then she said if I just wanted to bone her to just say so. It broke my heart to have her even suspect that I was trying to trick her into sleeping with me so I told her. I told her that even though we'd never sat in the same room that I was in love with her and she reciprocated! Even after I told her she didn't need to say it just because I did. That Friday I made her a photo set of myself in case her mixtape didn't arrive on time. When I gave it to her she said I was "panties to the floor orgasmic" and we talked for 12 hours that night. I had a wedding to go to the next day so when I had to go she said "It's ok because I know I'll talk to you soon."

    Then.. she was gone

    She didn't reply to my email on the Monday wishing her a Happy Birthday, nor the one a couple days later telling her that I'd been missing her nor the one a couple days after that telling her that her abrupt absence was worrying me. Surely she wouldn't just vanish with no warning after everything she'd said & we'd shared, especially considering that she knew my last real girlfriend did that to me and how much it hurt me. Finally, 11 days after she disappeared I cracked and sent a flower with a card telling her that I was worried she was hurt or sick or in trouble of some kind, that if she was to stay strong because people care about her and if it meant that she couldn't make our meeting that I'd understand but just to let me know either way.

    Not half an hour later I recieved an email telling me that she had had a family issue but would be back later. I was so relieved that my hands shook as I sent off a rambling email telling her I would wait up and telling her to expect my card but I recieved no reply. When the card arrived the next day I heard nothing until late in the evening when her mother called me to tell me that this girl is mentally ill. Her mother told me that this girl is a compulsive liar, leads people on, never fulfils her promises and that she'd run off to go back to live with that creep who attacked her in he sleepr. They had been in an abusive vicious cycle of a relationship for five years and even her family has to talk in code when they call.

    I was shocked to say the least and couldn't believe it, especially since her family interacted with me but never warned me of this. I sent an email demanding answers. The next day, she came onto chat and told me that she hadn't been doing well. She said that she had freaked out but had already decided to go home. I was so concerned with her getting to safety that I didn't scold her but I did want to know if she still wanted to see me. She said she did, gave me her phone number to call her and showed me her flight confirmation which was non-refundable. She said she had gotten a book and some cigs, had packed and was off to the bus station. That night I txtd her & she replied and I slept soundly for the first time in a week but then she was gone again.

    The next day I txtd her to ask if I could give her a call and see how her trip home had been, no reply. So later I left a msg telling her I hope she was doing ok back home & to give me a call when she's able, no reply. The next day I left another msg expressing my frustration at her having not gotten back to me but said I understood that she has a lot on her plate so for her to take some time if she needed it, no reply. Our rendezvous was coming near so after another 4 days I decided to start sorting details myself if I had to. I double checked her flight confirmation and I found she'd cancelled her ticket. She wasted over 600 dollars for both of us, I was furious! I called & msgd repeatedly demanding to just know what the hell was going on but heard nothing back.

    For weeks I tried periodically, promising her that it would be ok if she'd just admit it, that she didn't even need to explain why because I'd told her all along that if she couldn't make it that I'd understand. However, it wasn't until I told her that this was cruel but I wouldn't give up on her even if her family had because people didn't give up on me even if I sometimes thought they should that she finally responded by telling me that she was sorry and ashamed and didn't know what to say because I had been a good friend but to control my emotions. This angered me so much that I almost stooped to telling her fans everything I know about her. Her life, her kinks and her dysfunctions - all of it. I came so close.

    The next day she came onto chat and again said that she was sorry and ashamed. I told her I forgave her (because I thought she was just some abused woman who couldn't escape) and asked her if we could still be friends even though we couldn't be more at this time. She seemed like she could use one. She said she wanted that, we began to talk again and quickly become very flirtateous with her telling me how she thought of me while touching herself, sending me sexy pictures etc. She even had the gall to msg me while I went on that trip she bailed on anyway, to salvage what I could, in order to tell me how she wished she could be there if she wasn't such a fuck up but I've been such a sweetheart that maybe someday we could try again.

    Just before I had left she had made a new Facebook fan page and insisted I join. I did out of sympathy because she said it helped her to feel like she had a social life but then after I got back she became more and more intermittent as she spent time collecting fans and their misguided fawning. She kept promising me something "spectacular" for my birthday so I held out because if she was sorry about everything and appreciated that I had never taken action against her but been a friend always then perhaps she would give me something nice to show it. However, when the day came she said my gift would come in the form of news but be delayed. I didn't exactly buy that but gave her the benefit of doubt. I never got it.

    During the next month I didn't really try to contact her again and had to remove her from my social networks because my friends were threatening to take the revenge against that I wouldn't if I did not. Then I learned that she had made more content for this blog and moreover had done so at home, she had finally gone home and didn't tell the one person who stuck by her and was so worried. I was very disappointed, especially that her sister who had been so venomous toward me was now helping her with it. But the important part was that she had gone home. So I emailed her to tell her that I was happy that she had made up with hr family and that she was always welcome to say hello.

    A week later, much to my surprise she came on to chat again and we began talking. She told me she was home and how her nephew had been asking about me. I thought that was really sweet. We talked more than we had since she first disappeared. Against my better judgement, I gave her a book on Borderline Personality Disorder because something's definately wrong and it had helped a friend who had similar problems but she was very gracious about it. But again, she's diappeared and whie I was reading a blog I saw that someone had posted a new picture of her.. back in the home of the man who attacked her. I have not confronted her about this.

    Also some other guy she played is raging out & posting content of her on the net. Which only further proves that she is a slut and I am a great guy for acting more magnanimously. She deceitful, capricious & selfish but she's still a human being with many fine qualities too and despite it all, I love her. She keeps coming back so part of her must still like me or at least what I have to offer and I would do anything if I thought it would help me have what I've lost but I don't know what that is. It doesn't matter however because she's disappeared again and I'm afraid that if she quits her public persona, I'll never hear from her again. I tried to go the distance, be a friend to someone who hurt me so badly and is so fucked up but she drags her heels and continues to sabotage herself so thoroughly from having anyhting better for herself. Besides, even if it were something simple, Ive already done more than my fair share. Either way, let this story is a warning to all of you out there.


      While I appreciate the warning, I think you're posting this more out of bitterness and hate than anything else. There is always a risk the person we think we know is a farce, but it is a risk we all take knowingly.


        I don't think that the problem between you two was anything to do with the distance. It was more like she was mentally unstable and you kept going back to her even though she didn't deserve it. LDR wasn't the worst experience of your life, the GIRL was.
        First date: 12.27.09
        Started the distance: 6.10.10
        Finished the distance: 8.17.12

        J & C


          Originally posted by leonina View Post
          I don't think that the problem between you two was anything to do with the distance. It was more like she was mentally unstable and you kept going back to her even though she didn't deserve it. LDR wasn't the worst experience of your life, the GIRL was.
          leonina is exactly right!

          The LDR wasn't the problem, the relationship was dysfunctional from the start, and wouldn't have worked had you lived next door to her. I'm concerned that you said you're worried that if she doesn't keep up her public persona, you won't see her again...why would you want to? You sound very sweet, probably too sweet. Stay away from her, regardless of how you feel, because this won't end well.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            I agree with Moon and leonina, it was the relationship, not the distance. It must've been a horrible experience though, and I'm sorry .


              Dysfunctional from the start? Why? Just because I met her through the internet because she made vlogs? When I originally posted about how unusual it was but how happy she made me everyone here said "eh it's not that unusual" but were none the less happy for me. There was a time I wouldn't have cared either way if she kept her public persona, I have alternative ways of contacting her but it worries me now 'cause I don't know what she thinks anyore and I gave her those subsequent chances because I hadn't liked anyone that much since highschool.

              I have no problems meeting people but do you know how nice it is to meet someone who doesn't give me blank stares when I talk about group of Seven paintings, makes references to classic literature, thinks my favourite game of all time is a classic or when frustrated would shout out things like Sic Semper Tyrannis? If I didn't like her so much I would never have even considered traveling 1 900 miles to see her. I could meet a girl tonight if I wanted to meet some histrionic party girl who only talks about pop music & how "bitchin'" their boots are.

              Do I hate her? No, though I seem to recall a quote which goes something to the effect of "You can not truely hate something which you did not first love" but am I bitter? You betcha. That she travelled FURTHER away than where we were meeting to go back to a guy who slaps her around - I resent that. Moreso however, that her sister took the time to use me as a punching bag by insulting me & telling me how I don't deserve this girl but never warning me that she's this unstable yet finding it acceptible to let me play unsupervised with her 5 year old son.

              And is she unstable? Again, you betcha but I just feel like I can't hate someone who's sick. She doesn't have any friends as far as I can tell and now I know why but I still see that she has good qualities and try to encourage her to work on those. But perhaps it is pointless because quite frankly I think she might be sociopathic. I know that may sound harsh but when her mom said she is mentally ill I did much research on the subject and it's the only thing that explains her behaviour. Here are the criteria she fits...

              charming - She is very charming
              pathological lying - She has lied about many things
              shallow emotional effect - strangley not upset over sexual assault
              callous - ditched her crying pregnant twin sis on their bday
              need for stimulation - she's always up to something different
              promiscuous - I've learned i wasn't the only guy
              impulsive - loves me, buys a ticket & accepts a job one week
              irresponsible - abandons it all the next week
              lack of realistic life goals - claims she's in an 8 year post secondary program
              parastic lifestyle - just mooches off her family & that guy back & forth
              versatility - she can tailor her manner to any company.

              Sociopaths are also known to have obsessions with weapons (she collects knives & guns), enjoy horror (she's read Red Dragon 3 times since I met her) & desire positions of power (like a doctor, which she wants to be) I hope I'm wrong, I really do because I don't like giving up on people and she could so easily be that wonderful person all her misguided fans think she is if she just showed a little honesty, empathy & consistency. I have trouble accepting that this person whom I laughed with so often is beyond hope.

              And regardless whether I'm right, my warning is in regards to being wary no matter how legitimate a situation may seem. You can be told all the right things, be given real information & even be exposed to someone's family and it can still be a game to them. Yes, this could happen even in a normal relationship but my warning is to be wary because people like her thrive in environments like LDRs where they can manipulate the situation.


                katsujinken, your situation is nothing new to me. My father was the exact same way and my mother didn't find out until they were married. They lived together for near 2 years prior to the marriage, she never knew. When she divorced him, she never could prove it because he lied so well and faked his way through existence there essentially was no evidence he was ill. His own parents never knew, even after he died. So yes it is just as possible in a CD relationship as it is LDR because people who lie to live can have you believe anything in the world when you've known them your whole life. You're defending a person who hasn't sought help, probably doesn't want it because she believes she's fine, all while spitting on her name. Again I say you are speaking out of bitterness. She screwed you over and you can't let go.


                  I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.. must've been terrible
                  I hope you won't let this affect you too much in your future relationships.. because there are so many awesome people out there...You just had the really bad luck of bumping into one that had some problems too big for herself to solve..


                    Originally posted by leonina View Post
                    I don't think that the problem between you two was anything to do with the distance. It was more like she was mentally unstable and you kept going back to her even though she didn't deserve it. LDR wasn't the worst experience of your life, the GIRL was.
                    Totally agree. Seems like this girl has some serious issues. Distance was definitely not to blame in this relationship.
                    it's not a dream anymore, it's worth fighting for


                      Moon did not imply that your relationship was dysfunctional from the beginning because of how you met, but because of how she interacted with you with lies and deceit.

                      The only warning I see in your situation is to watch out for unstable people who might dick you over (aka: everyone has that potential!). I think your story best demonstrates the red flags of an emotional abuser and someone who can't get away from her.

                      Good luck, I hope you can find someone who makes you feel as wonderful as you deserve. This girl does not sound like that person.
                      First date: 12.27.09
                      Started the distance: 6.10.10
                      Finished the distance: 8.17.12

                      J & C


                        Originally posted by katsujinken View Post
                        Dysfunctional from the start? Why? Just because I met her through the internet because she made vlogs?
                        Of course not, this is an LDR forum, remember? A great deal of people here met through the internet. It's because I think you missed some red flags there, but that's understandable enough. Mental illness can be hereditary and I wonder if her sister isn't affected too, with the way she acted? She very well could be sociopathic, maybe even with a dash of narcissistic personality disorder thrown in for good measure, with her need for attention. Anyway, these things can certainly happen with an LDR, or a CDR, or any kind of "R", but yeah, it is a bit easier to get away with from far away, and you should most definitely be wary of anyone you meet online. Your story is a good reminder for that.

                        That being said, LDR's can be a real, wonderful, honest, true relationship also. I'd be bitter too, if I were you, but don't think all LDR's turn out like yours unfortunately did. That girl is sick, and not the kind that you can help with, if she's truly that ill, only therapy and medication can start the healing process. I really am sorry this has happened to you, and like I said previously, I hope you can stay away from her, unless she's getting consistent, professional help.
                        Last edited by Moon; September 15, 2010, 01:18 PM.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          Oh most definately her sister's got issues. Her whole family seems dyfunctional to some extent as far as I could tell but I didn't assume that made them bad people. I did not mention that her sister is a 25y/o stay home mom who just gave birth to the third son of a man she met when he was homeless. That's right, her sister said I didn't deserve this girl when she married the first god damned hobo who knocked her up. I never insulted her with this because I've also known people who were at one time on the streets but are now some of the greatest people you could meet and it wouldn't be fair to him.

                          but it goes further than that. They grew up in a very religious household that had her & her siblings home schooled and they didn't even celebrate things like Halloween. I guess at some point they relaxed on that however because her parents are divorced since her father is an alcoholic who lost is CEO job because of it & her mother is commonlaw with this girl's sister's ex boyfriend. It's baffling because they're all bright & talented people who act like white trash. I never judged them though. We all have our problems and every family has it's colourful history.

                          One of the other interesting points is that this girl had received recognition for reviewing a graphic novel for this blog, so much so that the publisher's blog picked up on it. I had never had a chance to read it until a few weeks ago when I finally found a copy and get this. It's about a guy who meets a girl who looks like the girl I met. He really really liked her but then out of nowhere she disappears. This throws him into a depression for weeks but finally he invesitages and finds she's moved out of where she was living. Moreover that she had been playing multiple guys for her own sexual gratifaction by pretending to be whatever she felt best suited each situation. She itinerantly bounces around using people then moving on having alienated even her almost identical sister who is an unhappy housewife.

                          Freaky eh? Even the main character's initials are mine backwards. It's incredible that this girl could review this book, see the sadness & confusion the girl in the book caused then so unflinchingly turn around and do the exact same thing. I'm still not entirely sure about the sociopathy or even narcissim because she genuinely seems to not care about her fame yet does. She seemed unimpressed by this, declined an offer to be an E3 boothbabe and cannot even seem to be bothered to consistently make 2min content for this blog which she could make lots of money from while still collecting fans on FB. One week she's all for it and the next she's not.

                          How she sustains herself I don't know because she still seems to have money to blow on knives & guns & a new computer & her 2005 car & games & smokes & non refundable plane ticket she never used, etc. These should have also been red flags for me and whatever you want to take from my story is fine but it's a story of an LDR that I thought people should finally hear. Regardless, no. I don't think all LDRs end up this way but mine did and I am a great guy and do deserve better and I am finally realizing that. I hope you all receive what you deserve with far less pain than I did.

                          I lost sleep, had trouble concentrating on school and was even reduced to tears on more than one occassion because the situation was so frustrating and I was so afraid for her but I guess she's getting what she deserves too.


                            ok i didnt read everything you wrote mainly because i dont have the patience to read all that although i did skim a little but are you trying to instill fear in other people so they question there own LDR's? I cant help but feel like you are, just because you had a bad experiance it doesnt mean everybody's SO's are like that or anybody's for that matter, you had a bad experiance alright it sucks but you have got to move on and not let it rule your life or "warn" people about LDR's because you had a bad experiance. there are bad apples out there yes, but one bad apple does not mean everybody else is like that as well.


                              I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with LDRs persay nor that all people are inherintely bad nor am I trying to instil fear. I'm just saying that an LDR was MY worst experience, that there are a different set of problems within it and giving people my story could be a tool to help them to use discretion when needed. This kind of thing happens to a lot of people. Meeting someone online only to find they're married etc. Heck I know three people in my real life who have been played by someone they met online and I didn't listen but maybe someone will listen now and keep a more level head than I did so they can know if they're with someone legitimate or not. Perhaps next time you should simply read the posts rather than obliquely accusing me of just trying to stir up trouble. None the less, thank you for commenting and I hope whatever your situation is that things continue to go well

