I think we all need encouragement from time to time when we see failed long distance relationships or ones that are currently failing, so here's my current and happy relationship benefits.
A long distance relationship has given me:
Independence. Things I never thought I would do like eat alone at a restaurant or go to a movie by myself. I now have the freedom to enjoy being by myself. It is nice to use this time to make friends and also invest in my current friendships since much of my time is free now.
Strength. Do you know what it takes to be alone? To watch other people interact with their loved ones while you are by yourself? I do, and I have grown stronger from it. I now know that I can commit myself to a relationship that is not based on emotional manipulation or physical attraction.
A sense of what I deserve. Before I met Judsen, I believed that I should settle for any jerk on the street. They were interchangeable and one after the other they had drilled this in my head. But J made me realize that I don't need a jerk in my life. If I want someone to support my goals and to treat me with respect, I should have that! I will never settle for less again (and I will never have to because I have found The One).
Deep love. Long distance has strengthened our relationship. We are being tested on the bond between us, and so far we have won.
Happiness. I think about all the times we've chatted on the phone (and I've almost ran into a car or two with my reckless driving), or sprinting home to Skype with him, and I smile at these moments. I enjoy laughing with him over a recent episode of our favorite show or guessing what's going to happen next in the book we're reading together (but apart
) 7 hours away from me and he still manages to give me a huge amount of joy that keeps me going in this relationship.
Direction. I may not know where I'm going, but I know I'm going to do my best to get wherever J is. Even if it means working my tail off 70 hours a week (starting in January) so we can afford a home in a few years, or sitting alone day after day while he is doing a surgery rotation. I want to do these things with J and no one else. I want our shack on the beach and a two bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood with HIM. A married friend of mine once said: "Love is when you can't see yourself living without him, and you never want to."
What has your LDR given you?
A long distance relationship has given me:
Independence. Things I never thought I would do like eat alone at a restaurant or go to a movie by myself. I now have the freedom to enjoy being by myself. It is nice to use this time to make friends and also invest in my current friendships since much of my time is free now.
Strength. Do you know what it takes to be alone? To watch other people interact with their loved ones while you are by yourself? I do, and I have grown stronger from it. I now know that I can commit myself to a relationship that is not based on emotional manipulation or physical attraction.
A sense of what I deserve. Before I met Judsen, I believed that I should settle for any jerk on the street. They were interchangeable and one after the other they had drilled this in my head. But J made me realize that I don't need a jerk in my life. If I want someone to support my goals and to treat me with respect, I should have that! I will never settle for less again (and I will never have to because I have found The One).
Deep love. Long distance has strengthened our relationship. We are being tested on the bond between us, and so far we have won.
Happiness. I think about all the times we've chatted on the phone (and I've almost ran into a car or two with my reckless driving), or sprinting home to Skype with him, and I smile at these moments. I enjoy laughing with him over a recent episode of our favorite show or guessing what's going to happen next in the book we're reading together (but apart
Direction. I may not know where I'm going, but I know I'm going to do my best to get wherever J is. Even if it means working my tail off 70 hours a week (starting in January) so we can afford a home in a few years, or sitting alone day after day while he is doing a surgery rotation. I want to do these things with J and no one else. I want our shack on the beach and a two bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood with HIM. A married friend of mine once said: "Love is when you can't see yourself living without him, and you never want to."
What has your LDR given you?