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Are your friends supportive of your LDR?

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    Around his first trip over especially, they were just freaking out (meeting a guy off the internet and all). The close ones have met him now and they're pretty supportive. I'm the first of my circle of friends to have a serious relationship, so when they do voice the occasional doubts, I just chalk it up to mild jealousy and move on. I avoid talking about my SO with them, I don't want to seem like I'm rubbing it in their face. With my friends in relationships, they're extremely supportive.

    Mostly, to talk about this LDR, I come on here, since everyone knows what it's really like.

    Married: June 9th, 2015


      for the begin they arent support us (me and my bf)
      they said "He's fake" or "u need to be careful, coz u havent met him yet" and many many such unsupporting comments...
      but.. im survive....


        To be honest, my friends for the most part don't know about my LDR. I'm sure that they won't be very supportive, because they know I tried it once and it fell apart. I'm not bothered so much about that, more what my family would say. They were totally bot happy about the previous relationship. I've not got much support around me, only my own resolve to make this work. My SO males me happy and I'm not happy about not saying anything about it, but, at the same time, I'm happy that even though i dont have support from many others (one exception I shall come to), I have still got the mental strength to keep going.

        The only one who has been supportive is my father, long estranged, we got back in touch recently. He knows how I feel and wants me to try. He's impressed by the things I've told him about my SO and though i don't bring my SO up all the time, he does ask about her.


          Well most of my friends are also his friends so I would say they are pretty supportive of us being together. Our old roommate is probably the most supportive because he knows us both so well and knows how good we are for each other...even though he did not believe we were dating at first

          I Cry Cause I Miss You, Smile Cause I Have You, I Can't Live Without You!


            Most of them are. Some of them don't understand why I put in the effort.


              My friends have met my boyfriend and like him a lot.
              Both his and my friends are very supportive of our relationship
              And sort of like with milaya, they're very happy I've finally found myself a Polish guy (haha, especially my friends who're also Polish - finally someone who won't feel excluded)

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                Pretty much all of my friends are supportive, and approve of my SO, and have been nothing but helpful. My siblings are all very supportive, and my parents even brought themselves to approve of my SO and the relationship.

                I'm very fortunate.


                  My friend isn't very supportive of my LDR even though she's in one herself.

                  Even before we were officially a couple people were asking me why I was wasting my life on something I didn't know would happen. It's because I did know once we met we would be a couple and he was worth it.

                  I'm hoping my friend can be more supportive in the future.


                    My friends are great with it, but most of my close friends attended high school with my boyfriend. So, they know him and know he's a great person. And they like seeing me happy.


                      I was super secretive about my boy :X even before i'd figured out i liked him, there were jokes and the like about us. His friends did it too! (one of his friends told him he liked me because he smiles whenever he mentions me ) But, when i did figure it out, I was embarrassed to say the least. I thought everyone was going to judge me and call me an idiot, etc.

                      My friend who introduced us is endlessly supportive towards both of us, and she was always willing to relay messages for me...XD or be my spy, (shh ) And really helped me out every time i got paranoid, or worried about him.
                      Anyone else who knows is extremely hopeful about this, adores him, and thinks we're "perfect for eachother."
                      Even a relative of mine and i had been talking... all i did was mention him once, and she asked if i was in love with him, haha, She gave me a highly motivational speech about a similar LDR she had been in, and you know, it really gave me something to think about.

                      What surprised me more than anything was my mother's reaction.
                      I thought she would be mad that her daughter was such an idiot, be ashamed, anything,
                      but she said she was relieved ( >< bad connotation though she meant it nicely), sorry that he couldn't be closer, and she told me that if it was meant to be, everything would work out. hell, to make it easier on us, she's to pay for any food or expenses he may have whilst he's here, even saying he can sleep in our spare bedroom (but that she would lock me in my room at night so we don't do anything ...heh XD)

                      But honestly, I haven't received a negative reaction yet. Maybe it can partially be attributed to how good i am at making everyone admire the people i love most.


                        Luckily, my friends are super supportive. At least the ones that I spend any time with! Of course, keep in mind that I'm the one that went away, so my main group of friends in Ireland are also Americans who left everyone behind and we stick together pretty thick. They think it's pretty great that I have someone at home, especially since our relationship is really strong in comparison to the few other LDRs we know of with the other Americans who are here. (A few couples are cheating on each other, etc. Bad news.) He's the only SO that has come to visit any of us, so they got to meet him and of course he charmed them like he charmed me. I think they could tell how much he cares for me, which makes it much more real than just seeing that I care for him. In fact, my best friend here is really great and supportive even in those tough moments where ~I~ start to question things. She always says, "Hannah, Gabriel CROSSED THE OCEAN to be with you." At this point, I'm like 3/4 of the way through my time away, so everyone has pretty much realized that we're gonna hang on through it and make it, which was kind of a question in some people's minds at first since we only dated for a couple months before I left. I think how strong we've been so far has really changed some minds.

