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Need advice - is my relationship worth continuing?

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    Need advice - is my relationship worth continuing?

    I am currently in a long distance relationship with a guy that I’ve been talking to since August of this year. In the beginning, it was very apparent that he was into me. He initiated all text conversations, he called me a few times a week, he wanted to see me and made plans to do so, etc. He would tell me how much he liked me and cared for me, talk about me to his family, friends, you name it. We had also both decided we wanted to be exclusively dating.

    Fast forward a few months and his best friend moved to the city where he lives in November, right about the same time when his roommate became single. All of the sudden, the texts decreased, he didn’t call on the phone as much, didn’t say the sweet “I miss you’s” or “I like you” texts as much anymore. In addition, he started going out a lot more to bars and told me it was because his friend had moved to town and always wanted to do things.

    While we were on a cadence of seeing each other every other weekend, and about a week ago we decided to start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Since then, it feels like he has withdrawn even more. I will be out of the country for the last two weeks in December and will not see him until December 30 when we go on a trip together. I had two weekends left to hangout and he told me he would be unable to come to visit either weekend due to plans that were already made.

    On top of that, on Sunday he told me he is struggling with long distance and is worried that he won’t be able to put in the effort it takes to travel to see each other and is afraid that if he were to ever come visit me, he might miss out on something fun with his friends that weekend. He also mentioned that his friend group ostracizes the guys who are in relationships or engaged and don’t invite them to do things, which is unfortunately true. He was also concerned about whether or not he is ready for a relationship or wants one, when previously, before his friend moved to his city, was not an issue. I asked him if he wanted to end it and he said no and reemphasized that he liked me, and so we decided to lay out the ground rules for what we expected in terms of communication and seeing each other, which I liked since we are now on the same page.

    However, now I’m conflicted that I’m completely wasting my time with someone who actually doesn’t care about me, despite saying he does. I know actions speak louder than words, but I think his best friend moving to town and roommate becoming single have affected our relationship. Previously, he wanted a relationship and then in the last few weeks, I feel like he is confused about whether he wants a relationship or not.

    Do you think he is just looking for space? If so, how should I go about doing that? Or is it time for me to move on?
    Last edited by southernbelle29; December 6, 2016, 04:57 PM.

    Originally posted by southernbelle29 View Post
    I am currently in a long distance relationship with a guy that I’ve been talking to since August of this year. In the beginning, it was very apparent that he was into me. He initiated all text conversations, he called me a few times a week, he wanted to see me and made plans to do so, etc. When we first started talking, he always said he was pretty tame, would send me pictures of himself reading a book, wouldn’t go out both nights of the weekend and I liked that. He would tell me how much he liked me and cared for me, talk about me to his family, friends, you name it. We had also both decided we wanted to be exclusively dating.

    Fast forward a few months and his best friend moved to the city where he lives in November, right about the same time when his roommate became single. All of the sudden, the texts decreased, he didn’t call on the phone as much, didn’t say the sweet “I miss you’s” or “I like you” texts as much anymore. It felt like he was no longer revealing himself emotionally to me. In addition, he started going out a lot more to bars and told me it was because his friend had moved to town and always wanted to do things.

    While we were on a cadence of seeing each other every other weekend, and about a week ago we decided to start calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Since then, it feels like he has withdrawn even more. I will be out of the country for the last two weeks in December and will not see him until December 30 when we go on a ski trip together. I had two weekends left to hangout and he told me he would be unable to come to Austin either weekend due to plans that were already made.

    On top of that, on Sunday he told me he is struggling with long distance and is worried that he won’t be able to put in the effort it takes to travel to see each other and is afraid that if he were to ever come visit me, he might miss out on something fun with his friends that weekend. He also mentioned that his friend group ostracizes the guys who are in relationships or engaged and don’t invite them to do things, which is unfortunately true. He was also concerned about whether or not he is ready for a relationship or wants one, when previously, before his friend moved to his city, was not an issue. I asked him if he wanted to end it and he said no and reemphasized that he liked me, and so we decided to lay out the ground rules for what we expected in terms of communication and seeing each other, which I liked since we are now on the same page.

    However, now I’m conflicted that I’m completely wasting my time with someone who actually doesn’t care about me, despite saying he does. I know actions speak louder than words, but I think his best friend moving to town and roommate becoming single have affected our relationship. Previously, he wanted a relationship and then in the last few weeks, I feel like he is confused about whether he wants a relationship or not.

    Do you think he is just looking for space? If so, how should I go about doing that? Or is it time for me to move on?
    I would give it a little more time because you just talked to him about whether he wanted a relationship. If this attitude continues, then yes move on. Also don't be surprised if he disappoints you, I have had a guy tell me he wanted to be w/me just to reassure me, but he continued acting in way that confirmed he did not want to be w/me. Space in any relationship is a ridiculous concept in my opinion, especially in a long distance one. If you feel he is confused, find someone who isn't confused. You aren't asking him to see you everyday and I understand he wants to be w/friends, but no excuse not to see you once in awhile because he "might" miss something w/his friends. See what happens, but don't wait long.


      Do you know what could explain his sudden change in the way he acts towards me? Before, he didn't seem to have any problem with long distance and was reassuring me that we could do it. Then his friend moves to town and all the sudden it feels like I was knocked down to a lower peg on the priority list.


        Originally posted by southernbelle29 View Post
        Do you know what could explain his sudden change in the way he acts towards me? Before, he didn't seem to have any problem with long distance and was reassuring me that we could do it. Then his friend moves to town and all the sudden it feels like I was knocked down to a lower peg on the priority list.
        Truly to say, seems like he lost interest. Whether he met another girl or just wants to party around w/his friend w/out having any commitments to anyone. If you feel unfulfilled, I would move on and not waste your time on someone so indecisive.


          It's really not for us to decide for you. It's something you need to do. Look in your heart and look in your head and figure out what it is you want, need and are ok with in this (or any other) relationship. If it's not comfortable for you and you don't feel like you are on the same page and you can't communicate to make a fair compromise, then leave, It's YOUthat knows your breakpoint. And tbh, if you need to ask people, then you have pretty much decided and are looking for validation. Just remember that you answer to you. And your relationship is only a couple months old...
          Good luck.


            It is very soon in the relationship to start having these issues. That itself says a lot


              Originally posted by southernbelle29 View Post
              On top of that, on Sunday he told me he is struggling with long distance and is worried that he won’t be able to put in the effort it takes to travel to see each other and is afraid that if he were to ever come visit me, he might miss out on something fun with his friends that weekend. He also mentioned that his friend group ostracizes the guys who are in relationships or engaged and don’t invite them to do things, which is unfortunately true. He was also concerned about whether or not he is ready for a relationship or wants one, when previously, before his friend moved to his city, was not an issue. I asked him if he wanted to end it and he said no and reemphasized that he liked me, and so we decided to lay out the ground rules for what we expected in terms of communication and seeing each other, which I liked since we are now on the same page.
              This paragraph struck me. For him to say that he would be worried about missing fun things with his friends' by visiting you. This guy is more concerned with having fun, than having fun together with a woman of interest.

              First Visit: September 2016
              Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
              Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

              John 3:16
              For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
              John 4:12
              I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                Originally posted by Chris516 View Post
                This paragraph struck me. For him to say that he would be worried about missing fun things with his friends' by visiting you. This guy is more concerned with having fun, than having fun together with a woman of interest.
                My thoughts as well, I can understand him wanting to have a social life and occasionally missing out on visiting her, if friends have something planned. Not wanting to see his woman because he may miss out? Seems like an excuse or you are very low on his list of important people in his life.


                  He wants to go out and party, not be with you. 200 miles apart is nothing. You can meet in the middle and be there in an hour and a half if he wants to see you. But apparently his friend is more enticing. You deserve someone who wants to spend time with you.

                  I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


                    Originally posted by southernbelle29 View Post

                    Do you think he is just looking for space? If so, how should I go about doing that? Or is it time for me to move on?

                    LFAD Posting Guidelines: Do's and Don'ts
                    - Don't post questions like "Does he/she like me?", "What's going on with him?", etc. We do not know what the person is thinking; we're not psychics!

