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    I am new to LDR , I am from Scotland and my boyfriend is from Morocco . I am finding it tough just now because he left the UK about 3 weeks ago . We have been dating for 10 months . Anyone have any advice for me please ?

    Originally posted by Maddie_95 View Post
    I am new to LDR , I am from Scotland and my boyfriend is from Morocco . I am finding it tough just now because he left the UK about 3 weeks ago . We have been dating for 10 months . Anyone have any advice for me please ?
    You should introduce yourself in the introduction section before making any other posts


      Originally posted by lovestoread View Post
      You should introduce yourself in the introduction section before making any other posts
      Wait...why does she have to do this? She's asking for advice, I really don't think she has to go introduce herself first before she asks for help.


        Why are there more posts about what posters should do, lately?
        I don't think I ever did an introduction when I joined. Never liked doing those and I wrote information about myself in other threads anyway. It's definitely not a necessity.


          hah me either... I didn't know there was one when I first joined.

          That being said, what exactly do you need help with?
          There are links on this site about things to do with your SO to keep conversations going, they are extremely important. If you don't communicate, you wont make it. So set up skype dates etc/ Plan dinners or movie times.
          If you are lonely, keep busy. Find a new hobby, or try something you always wanted to do. Whatever you do, do NOT stop living your life. That's not going to work for either of you.
          Last edited by sasad; January 26, 2017, 06:23 AM.


            I've never posted in a forum before so I didn't know I had to introduce myself . I'm starting to feel that my LDR was a mistake and it's not worth it anymore . But I love him so I don't know what to do . Can anyone advise me please ?


              Originally posted by Maddie_95 View Post
              I've never posted in a forum before so I didn't know I had to introduce myself . I'm starting to feel that my LDR was a mistake and it's not worth it anymore . But I love him so I don't know what to do . Can anyone advise me please ?
              What makes you think it was a mistake? Sasad has already given you some excellent advice on things you can do. Look around the forum there are lots of couples making long distance work so it can be done if it is right for you.



                Originally posted by Maddie_95 View Post
                I've never posted in a forum before so I didn't know I had to introduce myself .
                You don't HAVE to introduce yourself. Most don't. Just ask what you want / need and most will help you anyway.

                Originally posted by Maddie_95 View Post
                I'm starting to feel that my LDR was a mistake and it's not worth it anymore . But I love him so I don't know what to do .
                Why? You said you love him and you miss him very much. That sounds not like a mistake.
                Mind that an LDR requires a lot of work. But... so does a CDR. So that is not the difference. Yes, you can't be together most of the time and sure that is difficult. But as suggested above: lots of things can be done. I'm not going to repeat them.
                My SO and me, we cam 3 times a week for about and hour and a half every time. For the rest we chat a lot, from the innocent 'good morning' to having intimate or very serious conversations. Just today we were telling each other jokes. It helps us.
                Ususally, because of the time difference (7 hours) I have breakfast and lunch when we chat. I take a pic of my food and send it her, and then I eat. Makes me feel closer and she is very much okay with that.
                If you love him, go for it. It is going to be hard, but it can be absolutely worth it. Like I sometimes say: "You are worth every mile between us." And I mean it.
                Last edited by erwin1973; January 26, 2017, 08:51 AM.
                Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


                  Originally posted by Maddie_95 View Post
                  I've never posted in a forum before so I didn't know I had to introduce myself . I'm starting to feel that my LDR was a mistake and it's not worth it anymore . But I love him so I don't know what to do . Can anyone advise me please ?
                  So what is it that makes you feel it was a mistake? We cant help you decide what to do, but have offered some general suggestions..

                  And it is ok. Some people are not cut out for LDR's. And that is fine too.

                  It is really hard to from Cd to LD. Its hard when you have spent time with a person and then just stop.. I get that..

                  But, if you are not sure of your feelings or are sure you don't want a future with him, then its only fair to him as well to break it off sooner than later.

                  Again, I am not in your head and I don't know where you are, nor would I ever make a choice for someone else.. Best of luck .


                    There are some general guidelines on this forum, but none say that anyone needs to introduce themselves before asking a question... or before doing anything else here for that matter.

                    Have you guys been dating long distance for 10 months, or were ya'll closed distance before? It can be hard after a visit when you're missing him. It takes a lot of work, but all relationships take work. That doesn't make it not worth it.


                      Originally posted by Maddie_95 View Post
                      I am new to LDR , I am from Scotland and my boyfriend is from Morocco . I am finding it tough just now because he left the UK about 3 weeks ago . We have been dating for 10 months . Anyone have any advice for me please ?
                      Maddie, While I agree with the posting of an 'Introduction' post. In the meantime, what advice are you seeking? I am sure one would be how to cope with the distance.

                      Have you seen the 'LDR Ideas' page? I hope that provides' you with an answer.

                      First Visit: September 2016
                      Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                      Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                      John 3:16
                      For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                      John 4:12
                      I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

