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Does anyone else have this problem?

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    Does anyone else have this problem?

    The only time my boyfriend doesn't talk to me is when he is with his family but lately he hasn't been talking to me at all,I try to call him and text him but he won't return my calls or texts,I don't care how busy you are,if you love someone then you need to make time for them,how should I get him to talk to me?

    Two things come in my mind. It may be a bit harsh but here you go :

    1. He has a big problem with his connection, so he's not able to reply to you at all, until it gets fixed.

    From what I see in your post, I think this problem isn't happening.

    2. He doesn't love you anymore / doesn't want to talk to you for an (un)determined period / did something he's not proud of (cheating or anything else -this is an example, note that I may be wrong-)

    In that case, find something which will make him react. If he still doesn't make time for you at all, of course this will be harsh, but leaving him will be something to consider. I agree that when we are in a relationship, both persons have to make time for each other, at least a bit (it doesn't have to be everyday, but something reasonable).

    Note that the reason of this may be none of the suppositions I stated, so might be the solution you'll apply.


      I wish I had the magic answer for you but I don't.

      I know how you must feel though, it happens to myself at times. Usually my approach is to simply stop all communication for a period of time. 24-36hrs and usually I hear back.

      Best of luck and hope you hear from him soon!


        Originally posted by 1dayatatime View Post
        I wish I had the magic answer for you but I don't.

        I know how you must feel though, it happens to myself at times. Usually my approach is to simply stop all communication for a period of time. 24-36hrs and usually I hear back.

        Best of luck and hope you hear from him soon!
        Why be in that type of relationship?

        I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


          Originally posted by TaraMarie View Post
          Why be in that type of relationship?
          Exactly!! What type of relationship is it that you communicate on demand to someome else... You sit and wait???

          Relationships are built on trust and communications. That someone would intentionally ignore someone "just because" would be a deal breaker for me..

          That being said, OP--you an't MAKE anyone do anything. You are allowing him to treat you this way.. And why cant he talk to you around his family?? Do they know about you?


            Originally posted by Lio View Post
            Two things come in my mind. It may be a bit harsh but here you go :

            1. He has a big problem with his connection, so he's not able to reply to you at all, until it gets fixed.

            From what I see in your post, I think this problem isn't happening.

            2. He doesn't love you anymore / doesn't want to talk to you for an (un)determined period / did something he's not proud of (cheating or anything else -this is an example, note that I may be wrong-)

            In that case, find something which will make him react. If he still doesn't make time for you at all, of course this will be harsh, but leaving him will be something to consider. I agree that when we are in a relationship, both persons have to make time for each other, at least a bit (it doesn't have to be everyday, but something reasonable).

            Note that the reason of this may be none of the suppositions I stated, so might be the solution you'll apply.

            I agree with this post. My first couple of LDR's wouldn't even try and make the time for me; we hardly spoke.
            My current one talks to me three times a day over Facetime and also texts all the time; I have learnt so so very much. If you love someone, you will find a way to communicate where the two people are happy or content.
            I hope you hear from him soon and then get to really talk to him about this.
            Met Online: 1998
            Relationship began: January 2017

            FIRST MEETING: June 2017
            SECOND MEETING: October 2017


              Originally posted by lovestoread View Post
              The only time my boyfriend doesn't talk to me is when he is with his family but lately he hasn't been talking to me at all,I try to call him and text him but he won't return my calls or texts,I don't care how busy you are,if you love someone then you need to make time for them,how should I get him to talk to me?
              Send him something requires acknowledging that he received it.

              First Visit: September 2016
              Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
              Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

              John 3:16
              For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
              John 4:12
              I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                Sometimes you have to give a man space to breathe & decompress. Maybe he is going through some personal things and just need some time to figure thngs out. Give him some space hun and let him come to you. You constantly contacting him is just going to push him away.
                CLOSED THE DISTANCE FINALLY ON MAY 6, 2017


                  If anything like that happened in my case, I'd just write him to let me know if he just needs some time and space and that I'd be willing to give him as much. And that I'd rather know for sure and spare myself from worrying and anxiety.
                  And I'd stop there.
                  But it's just me so who knows.


                    Originally posted by Loveyoumore View Post
                    Sometimes you have to give a man space to breathe & decompress. Maybe he is going through some personal things and just need some time to figure thngs out. Give him some space hun and let him come to you. You constantly contacting him is just going to push him away.
                    In muy opinion, and I am a man, he should let her know that, if he needs time and space. If he really loves OP, he should give her at least that much respect. Also, actually, if he wants no contact. This is cruel, in my opinion.
                    Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


                      Originally posted by erwin1973 View Post
                      Also, actually, if he wants no contact. This is cruel, in my opinion.
                      Maybe it's for a good reason. Maybe something bad happened in his life recently and he's just completely withdrawn.

                      We can sit here and speculate all day OP, but the fact of the matter is, you can only do so much. Send him a message explaining how you feel, how you'll give him space if he needs it, but just to let you know that he's doing okay and you'll be here for him when he's ready to talk. Give him a few days, but ultimately, you may have to let this go if it continues for over a week. It's not fair to you to wait when all you're getting is silence.


                        Did the two of you have a fight recently? Anything unresolved from when you saw him last? Was his last communication good/bad/indifferent??

                        "Strength in Us!"

                        "exclusive" since May 13, 2016
                        ** Shortened the distance!! December 2016 **
                        closing the distance in ~ Oct. 2018


                          Originally posted by erwin1973 View Post
                          In muy opinion, and I am a man, he should let her know that, if he needs time and space. If he really loves OP, he should give her at least that much respect. Also, actually, if he wants no contact. This is cruel, in my opinion.
                          I dont think its a man vs woman thing. It's about respect. I seriously dislike when people say "If he really love him/her/me.... that is not the way to ever set someone up. Love is not something you prove. It's what you show and how you act toward others as well as your SO.

                          I also dont think sending or doing something they have to acknowledge is right either. Why would you "force" someone.
                          OP-We also do not know if there was any type of disagreement or if this is always an ongoing thing.

                          Bottom line, is you all need to talk and come up with what works for both of you.


                            If he needs space, or will be unable to answer his phone, whatever the reason he should let you know. It isn't fair to just leave you hanging, wondering what is happening. I would leave him a message explaining your feelings, explaining that communication is VITAL, and at the very least to let you know when he may be unable to communicate or may be slow to respond.

                            If I was in this situation and if it was an ongoing thing, I personally would not be in that relationship.


                              Originally posted by lovestoread View Post
                              The only time my boyfriend doesn't talk to me is when he is with his family but lately he hasn't been talking to me at all,I try to call him and text him but he won't return my calls or texts,I don't care how busy you are,if you love someone then you need to make time for them,how should I get him to talk to me?
                              Tell him exactly what you told us. Discuss together what you both consider what is sufficient communication. You both are probably going to have to do some compromising.

                              I also think every relationship is different. If you are used to tons of talking and then it goes from 100 to 0, well that can be cause for concern. Some people rarely talk. My SO and I get along on what many people have told me is "too little" communication.....but it works for us. You need to reach an agreement that works for you two and not go by what other people consider "enough".
                              Last edited by R&R; February 1, 2017, 08:17 PM.
                              To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

                              ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

