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    New to this


    I'm new to this, my partner hasn't technically gone away yet but the thought still hurts.

    She has just got a new job that requires her to work away for lengthy periods of time, I'm struggling because we never know exactly what her work schedule is as it can change frequently. I'm scared of the unknown. I think id find things easier if there was a set routine and I knew when I was going to get to see her.

    Before she took this job we were living together and I was used to coming home to her every night and telling her about my day, I realise that we can still talk about each others day but at the minute I'm so hung up on the negatives. that's its really affecting me mentally. In my mind I keep thinking about how many firsts were going to miss out on together. First pancake day, first Easter etc. I realise to others this might seem trivial but to me it hurts.

    So far she has only been away for 2 weeks on the training course and this seems to have tested us enough, I love her more than words can express and I want things to work so badly. I just never expected to have a LDR

    Whilst I support her in everything she does and I would never hold her back, she does things without thinking that hurt me. She's been talking to her friends about going on holidays with them when she's back and its not something I've been a part of.

    Does it make me selfish that it upsets me and I wish that she wanted to spend time with me?

    Tell her how you feel. Maybe for part of while she is home she will go on holiday with friends and she should be able to. Just ask her if she is planning on spending some time with you as well.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      Tell her how you feel its normal to feel scared of the unknown you can do this!


        tell her exactly how you feel about all this

